Flaccid sales of LA porn permits

cancel2 2022

[h=1]Applications for Los Angeles porn permits drop 95 per cent after law requiring performers to wear condoms[/h]
  • Measure B, a law that requires LA porn actors to wear condoms, has left producers searching to film porns elsewhere
  • Permits cost $,1000, and the lack thereof has cost the county of $450,000 in revenue
  • Neighboring counties are concerned about the porn industry infiltrating their communities

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...porn-films-LA-drop-95-cent.html#ixzz2kuBTLOPQ
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[h=1]Applications for Los Angeles porn permits drop 95 per cent after law requiring performers to wear condoms[/h]
  • Measure B, a law that requires LA porn actors to wear condoms, has left producers searching to film porns elsewhere
  • Permits cost $,1000, and the lack thereof has cost the county of $450,000 in revenue
  • Neighboring counties are concerned about the porn industry infiltrating their communities

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...porn-films-LA-drop-95-cent.html#ixzz2kuBTLOPQ
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Guess Californians are gonna have to pay higher taxes now. Didn't the porn permits go toward funding schools? Everything else does.