First Since 81 To Not Give First Address To Joint Session of Congress By End Of Feb

President Joe Biden should have already given his first address to the Joint Session of Congress. Why is the media ignoring the clear obfuscation of the long-held tradition for an “elected” President to address the nation before the end of February?

He cannot put a sentence together much less a speech to the union.

Because the "media" is pure globalist propaganda, that's why.

They could teach Goebbels a thing or two.

They are all shit, including FOX.

Look to local stations and foreign sources and aggregate everything if you want real news.
Maybe he has more pressing issues than giving a speech, like getting the Relief Bill passed and cleaning up the massive mess left behind by the previous Idiot.
President Joe Biden should have already given his first address to the Joint Session of Congress. Why is the media ignoring the clear obfuscation of the long-held tradition for an “elected” President to address the nation before the end of February?

He cannot put a sentence together much less a speech to the union.

I remember who was president in '81. Is this a shot at The Gipper?

He caught one 70 or 71 days into his presidency.

I guarantee H.W. Bush orchestrated that.
If Biden gives a State of the Union address sometime this March, it will be late, based on precedence, but still in accordance with an 87-year tradition.

All of which brings up the question: if Biden does not deliver or cannot deliver a State of the Union address, is he truly the president?

In 38 days, he has not held a full press conference.

Even Nancy Pelosi has known for quite a while that poor old Joe lacks the cognitive capability to handle the job.

So, the question arises, if Biden does not deliver a State of the Union address this March, or, let's say, even in February 2022, given that he lasts long enough, does anyone seriously believe he is the functioning president of the United States?