First Pervert Weiner, Now Pervert San Diego Dem. Mayor Filner


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What is with these Democrat Mayors being sexual perverts/deviates and then trying to lie out of it? First there is New York Mayoral hopeful Anthony Weiner admitting to being a sexual deviate after years of lying, and just today Democrat Mayor Filner, who first denied everything about his perverted ways towards women, is now admitting it, but he also said that he is seeking treatment just like the Weiner boy did, while not resigning from office. Trust me, there will be a recall election to boot out Pervert Mayor Filner. I could never understand how he was even elected in the first place in a historically Republican City, maybe the illegal aliens with their illegally obtained DMV California Driver's licenses voted him in, like they did Obama. "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me"......NO MAS CACA
These boys are in good company!

Do you know who Alan Autry is? AKA: Bubba Skinner from “Heat of the Night.” Mr. Autry became Mayor of Fresno, CA 2000-2008. Perjury, sexual harassment, more – behind CA central valley’s water scam.
Pic ===> http ://
Pic ===> http ://
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Pic ===> http ://

(Delete the space in front of the colons to see pics!)
weiner was never mayor.

he had to resign.

the dem party is telling him to tale a hike for the most part.

Thjis mayor is going down and will never be electable in the dem party again.

the right rehires guys who use the publics money to leave the country for poon on the side.

they rehire guys who visit their favorite prostitutes in diapers.

why pretend it only dems?
Guess just means only women should run for public office... at least until they start having sex scandals.
It seems that the really ugly Democrat jackasses try to expose themselves to be wanted, I guess to try to make up for their ugliness, to prove that beauty is only skin deep. This is all guesswork on my part, because I never had the "being ugly syndrome". My problem was always being called a pretty boy, too handsome, a clone of a very famous Singer/Actor. Remember, I never have lied on here or the old Board, for that matter. I mean Anthony Weiner has to sneak up to a mirror slowly, to keep his image shock from suddenly breaking the mirror. That San Diego Mayor looks like he was beaten with an ugly stick, when he was a baby, I bet his Mom hid him from her friends. Halloween comes early for both these ghouls, people always telling them they will have to wait for Halloween day to get their treats, that it was no use wearing a mask to try to trick people.
why the hell you jacking off to your own imagine in the mirror?

are you wearing diapers and charging the American tax payer for it?
Then there's Larry Craig with the wide stance and Mark Foley who really liked little boys a lot. Face it you wankers, it's not just Dems., it's Americans.

The rest of the world watches and chuckles with glee!

And another shooting in Florida today with only 7 people dead. Bad choice of guns maybe?
umm monty,

are you saying people in England never fuck out of wedlock?

That your polticians never have sex scandals?

fuck you very much monty

why are you so fucking stupid monty?

Political scandals in the United Kingdom

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Political corruption

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*Economics of corruption·
*Electoral fraud·
*Slush fund·
*Political scandal

Political scandals in the United Kingdom are commonly referred to by the press and commentators as "'sleaze".

[hide] 1 Sleaze 1.1 Conservative Party cash controversies
1.2 Back to Basics
1.3 Sleaze in the Labour Party

2 List of scandals 2.1 1890s
2.2 1910s
2.3 1920s
2.4 1930s
2.5 1940s
2.6 1950s
2.7 1960s
2.8 1970s
2.9 1980s
2.10 1990s
2.11 2000s
2.12 2010s
umm monty,

are you saying people in England never fuck out of wedlock?

That your polticians never have sex scandals?

fuck you very much monty

I'm saying that you muricans have nearly got it locked up yourselves. But there is still the odd isolated incidence of this Americans style sickness in other countries. Now go get your gun and take out your anger on a songbird. cuz guns are wot's gud to mak you free!
go get a fucking ounce of honesty you fucking lying sack of dead maggots

Your anger at the plain truth is all I need. You know very well that your whole country is a sick fucking mess. You're shooting each other en masse and you don't know how to stop it. Your cities are turning into rotten ghettos and you sing the praises of big business and make it worse. Your wars in foreign lands are either on false pretences or they are losers. And the world is laughing at you as you gun down your fellow americans.

Now go get out your gun and deal with it in the only way americans know how to deal with their problems. You'll feel a lot better!
oh man dude that little thingy is getting really red.

give it at least a days rest would you.

it will never grow if you yank it off
And tomorrow there will be another sick fuck politician who will either be a Dem or a Repub who is trying to be mayor or president. and it won't matter a bit how headfucked he is either. Cuz all that matters is if he's got a gun!

Rand Paul for president! He's every racist pig's choice!
Then there's Larry Craig with the wide stance and Mark Foley who really liked little boys a lot. Face it you wankers, it's not just Dems., it's Americans.

The rest of the world watches and chuckles with glee!

And another shooting in Florida today with only 7 people dead. Bad choice of guns maybe?
Since they have not yet named the shooter, I am going out on a limb and say that the shooter was a minority, because he was whitey, they would have published it by now. You know that I am Right about this, sheet, I am always Right.
Since they have not yet named the shooter, I am going out on a limb and say that the shooter was a minority, because he was whitey, they would have published it by now. You know that I am Right about this, sheet, I am always Right.

Since Hialeah's primarily hispanic, the killer was too. His name was Pedro Vargas. And his names been published.

Stupid fuck.
Since Hialeah's primarily hispanic, the killer was too. His name was Pedro Vargas. And his names been published.

Stupid fuck.
You really need to sit back and just read all my posts like your butt buddy Zappy does, to get educated. I have been retraining him ever since the old Board and I am still working on Zappy's temper tantrums, Right now, as we type. You seem to have that childish bratty temper that Zappy has, are you cousins or something, there seems to some link between you two? Zappy has an admitted online constipation problem, maybe Merle's music could help to calm him down?