Far-Left DC Mayor Muriel Bowser Blames Victim of Car Jacking

Also Miss POS Mayor

Also, carjacking and murder is not “auto theft.”

“Auto theft is a crime of opportunity. Follow these steps to reduce the risk of your vehicle becoming a target,” Bowser said Sunday morning.

The difference between grand theft auto and carjacking is that carjacking requires the vehicle be in the “immediate presence” of the owner. ... Grand theft auto occurs when you steal a car when the owner of the vehicle is not near the car, such as a car in a parking lot or parked on the street
Two black girls murder immigrant..if it were two white girls murder immigrant it would be 24/7 coverage and the commie media would refer to those white youths as “White Supremacists” since they are both blacks, eh, no problem..carry on, do whatever you want cause of slavery and stuff
the mayor is a fucking full on moron.. it's not autotheft anyway.
typical moronic Dem official who cant pull her head out of her ass
Smart people have unfortunately always occasionally fallen to saying stupid things.

Devolved trumpanzees are those from whom we more readily expect nonsense,
but sometimes one of ours fucks up...if the facts are as presented.
Smart people have unfortunately always occasionally fallen to saying stupid things.

Devolved trumpanzees are those from whom we more readily expect nonsense,
but sometimes one of ours fucks up...if the facts are as presented.

Like..." He had a bad day"

Did u POSs give that a pass?
What this POS Mayor said is the equivalent of blaming rape victims for dressing provocatively.

The POSs Mayors statement would have been much different if the killers were white
Far-Left DC Mayor Muriel Bowser Blames Victim of Car Jacking and Brutal Murder by Teenage Girls

Far-left DC Mayor Muriel Bowser shamed the Uber Eats driver who was murdered by two teenage girls for not taking the proper precautions to ‘prevent auto theft.’


I guess the victims of the Boulder shooting should have ran faster ...right Mayor

Just when you think this story cannot possibly get any more disgusting, up steps the American Left.