Family of Ashlii Babbit suing the Capitol Police for killing their UNARMED DAUGHTER

Text Drivers are Killers

Joe Biden - "Time to put Trump in the bullseye."
It's been TWO MONTHS and the fake news press still refuses to identify the killer cop. !!!

march 6 2021 The lawyer for the family of Ashli Babbitt has issued a press release, slamming the “lack of transparency” from the Capitol Police, and will take “appropriate legal action” to get justice.

Babbitt, an Air Force veteran who had served four tours, was shot by a Capitol Police officer during the protests on Capitol Hill on January 6th when she entered the building along with hundreds of others. Her husband had described her as a “strong supporter of President Trump and a great patriot to all who knew her.”

An eyewitness told National File that Babbitt, who was unarmed, had begun to climb up onto a windowsill near the Senate chambers, and was then shot:
Why won't the cops release the name of the killer cop.? Was the incident staged? There was very little blood on the floor where ashli lay.
They didn't go out of their way to harass the woman the way cracker cops do when they routinely kill innocent black people.
She put herself in harm's way storming the capitol. She was committing felony insurrection.
They should have all been gunned down when they charged the building.
Quit whining for the trumpanzee bitch.

I wouldn't have any problem with you being shot as well, TDAK.
The FBI could come to your meth lab / trailer, bash in the door, and shoot you between the eyes.
You're a seditionist. It would be totally valid. It would also be amusing.
I'm always hearing Republicans say that they would shoot an intruder if one ever broke into their house. How is this different?
The broad attacked the capitol building to halt a valid election certification.
She should have been one of hundreds shot and killed.

If they drew and quartered her...
if they attached electrodes to her body...
if they boiled her in oil...

I would be appalled and upset. We shouldn't be that kind of country.

What they did was shoot her the fuck dead. It was called for. It was done. There should have been at least hundreds of others shot with her.
Why do you hate women, Mr. Niblick Sir?

I don't hate female humans, female pups, or female kittens.
I congratulate female bovines on being born female so they can live the easy life on dairy farms instead of being castrated and made into hamburger.

As for trumpanzees, their gender is hard to determine on casual observation, but it doesn't matter anyway.
I hate them all. Not doing so would be an irredeemable character flaw.