Family leaves US over religious concerns to start new life, becomes lost at sea


New member
More crazies like Ted Cruz's father. They were headed for an island that is being abandoned due to rising sea levels. lol

Hannah Gastonguay said her family was fed up with government control in the U.S. As Christians they don't believe in "abortion, homosexuality, in the state-controlled church," she said.
U.S. "churches aren't their own," Gastonguay said, suggesting that government regulation interfered with religious independence.
Among other differences, she said they had a problem with being "forced to pay these taxes that pay for abortions we don't agree with."
More crazies like Ted Cruz's father. They were headed for an island that is being abandoned due to rising sea levels. lol

Hannah Gastonguay said her family was fed up with government control in the U.S. As Christians they don't believe in "abortion, homosexuality, in the state-controlled church," she said.
U.S. "churches aren't their own," Gastonguay said, suggesting that government regulation interfered with religious independence.
Among other differences, she said they had a problem with being "forced to pay these taxes that pay for abortions we don't agree with."

Oh my, America does have its crazies! Except that two kids were endangered, this is a pretty funny story.
if they don't want equality for their fellow Americans they should get the fuck out.

They will NEVER make this country like that
You will NEVER make this country into what you want.

this country is about all the people in the world seeking freedom.

Your ilk try to stop this and reverse history all the time.

your losing and have been losing the entire time this country has been in exsitance.

You will lose.

You will NOT prevail.

If that makes you too sad then get the fuck out.

Its a free country and your free to leave
You will NEVER make this country into what you want. this country is about all the people in the world seeking freedom. Your ilk try to stop this and reverse history all the time. your losing and have been losing the entire time this country has been in exsitance. You will lose. You will NOT prevail. If that makes you too sad then get the fuck out. Its a free country and your free to leave

Isn't that what the persecutors told the people who sailed here to found this nation?
Patriot, you are nothing but a hyperspinnig moron. The US Coast Guard helped to get them back to Arizona safely. No one is trying to drive them out. They left because they are, apparenlty, fing nuts and can't tolerate homosexuals.
Patriot, you are nothing but a hyperspinnig moron. The US Coast Guard helped to get them back to Arizona safely. No one is trying to drive them out. They left because they are, apparenlty, fing nuts and can't tolerate homosexuals.

So because their constitutionally-protected religious beliefs differ from yours, you feel justified in mocking them?
So because their constitutionally-protected religious beliefs differ from yours, you feel justified in mocking them?

I have a constitutionally protected right to mock them for whatever I care too. But if it was just their beliefs I would have no knowledge of them. They are certainly free to leave but I would hope they will take better care next time.
I have a constitutionally protected right to mock them for whatever I care too. But if it was just their beliefs I would have no knowledge of them. They are certainly free to leave but I would hope they will take better care next time.

How are you different from a racist mocking African-Americans?
It would be best if your intolerance and hatred drove everyone you disagree with out of the country?

Thanks for admitting it.

It was that family's intolerance of homosexuals that drove them out of the USA.

Another Patriot post=another Patriot lie.
It was that family's intolerance of homosexuals that drove them out of the USA. Another Patriot post=another Patriot lie.

It was their sincere religious belief that motivated them.

Another liberal post, another liberal intolerant. mocking ridicule of others who are different.
Patriot again tries to change the topic from the idiocy of the people in the initial article to anything he can think of to change the topic.
How are you different from a racist mocking African-Americans?

I am not mocking them based on their race. I am mocking their beliefs and actions.

You are free to use the n-word, fly the confederate flag, spit bile about homoseuxuals, tell nonbelievers they are going to hell, rail about how science is the Devil's attempt to deceive and I am free to mock you for it.