Fags invading television


They're trying to take over America, touche?


Homosexual Group Measures TV Stations for Gayness: ABC and CW Lead in Pro-Gay Programming

By Peter J. Smith

LOS ANGELES, August 15, 2007 (LifeSiteNews.com) - A leading homosexual activist organization has released a report measuring the prevalence of favorable lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) material on major US television networks.

The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) issued its first GLAAD Network Responsibility Index to measure TV networks' "quantity, quality, and diversity" of homosexual propaganda shown during primetime programming.

According to the study, ABC leads the five major networks (ABC, CBS, The CW, FOX, and NBC) in primetime programming hours containing either homosexual characters or the discussion of homosexuality. The report analyzes the incidence of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) "impressions" in 4,693 hours of primetime from June 1, 2006 - May 31, 2007. Right behind ABC was CW - the merger of the now defunct WB and UPI networks - second at 12 percent, followed by CBS (9 percent), NBC (7 percent) and Fox (6 percent.)

GLAAD noted that network television has great power to change public attitudes toward homosexuality saying, "the power of the broadcast medium to shape culture and collective consciousness is indisputable." It cited the strides made by the homosexual agenda after comedian Ellen DeGeneres publicly announced her lesbianism ten years ago.

"This historic event not only shaped the future of LGBT representation on ABC, but on all of television," the report stated.

GLAAD rated ABC as "good," the CW, CBS and NBC got "fair" for how well they depicted homosexual representations. However, FOX got "failing" marks, with the homosexual organization saying it needed major improvement.

A copy of the GLAAD report can be found here:
I wish America the best of luck in her fight.

I am sorry to report that here in Europe, the natural home of the homosexualist, the gays have broken through and we are surrounded, close to collapse.

Our cause is lost but i'm confident that, with the help of Our Lord, you can look directly into the face of the gay menace and beat him off.

Beat him off for Jesus.
I wish America the best of luck in her fight.

I am sorry to report that here in Europe, the natural home of the homosexualist, the gays have broken through and we are surrounded, close to collapse.

Our cause is lost but i'm confident that, with the help of Our Lord, you can look directly into the face of the gay menace and beat him off.

Beat him off for Jesus.


Beat him off for Jesus..I wonder if the t-shirt would sell? On this board, I frankly think it would go like hotcakes.
What is the optimum public attitude towards homosexuality? Like I asked before, must everyone embrace gaydom? Isn't this a step beyond tolerance? What if everyone had to be pro-christian, or pro-muslim? these gay fanatics are nazis.
Beat Off for Jesus.

The gays are coming so we must all gather to ejaculate for the Lord.

Gather all homophobs one and all and Beat Off for Jesus.

While you guys are doing the circle-jerk for Jesus .. make sure no one brings a King James Version of the bible. King James himself was a homosexual pedophile who thought Jesus was in love with John and who had sex with children while bathed in animal blood. :shock:

King James commissioned two non-christians, Shakesphere and Bacon, to re-write the bible. What did King James change? .. He removed the word "slave" and replaced it with nebulous terms like "handmadien" and "bondsman." Prior to the very homosexual King James version, "slave" appeared in the bible 176 times, almost as many times as the word "mother". It was also used in the 10 Commandments, now it only appears in his version twice.

The reason King James took "slave" almost completely out of the bible is obvious .. so the purpose of the bible wouldn't be so ... obvious.

But why did God call on a homosexual pedophile to rewrite his words?

Beats me. :)
I guess since the joos control the entertainment industry then the joos are turning TV gay ? to what goal ?
I guess since the joos control the entertainment industry then the joos are turning TV gay ? to what goal ?

It's the population control freaks. they figure they can destroy families, destroy family allegiance and create a statist regiment of homo-mercenaries all in one flourish of the wrist.
Beat Off for Jesus.

The gays are coming so we must all gather to ejaculate for the Lord.

Gather all homophobs one and all and Beat Off for Jesus.

While you guys are doing the circle-jerk for Jesus .. make sure no one brings a King James Version of the bible. King James himself was a homosexual pedophile who thought Jesus was in love with John and who had sex with children while bathed in animal blood. :shock:

King James commissioned two non-christians, Shakesphere and Bacon, to re-write the bible. What did King James change? .. He removed the word "slave" and replaced it with nebulous terms like "handmadien" and "bondsman." Prior to the very homosexual King James version, "slave" appeared in the bible 176 times, almost as many times as the word "mother". It was also used in the 10 Commandments, now it only appears in his version twice.

The reason King James took "slave" almost completely out of the bible is obvious .. so the purpose of the bible wouldn't be so ... obvious.

But why did God call on a homosexual pedophile to rewrite his words?

Beats me. :)

Damn Cole that one was just a gem.
Unfortunately, it is people like you who cause the problem.

what are you talking about? I don't advocate anything being done to gays. I don't even care if they get married. I resent being told I must embrace their lifestyle. that's mind control. No one has the right to DEMAND societies unconditional approval, and immunity from criticism.

what are you talking about? I don't advocate anything being done to gays. I don't even care if they get married. I resent being told I must embrace their lifestyle. that's mind control. No one has the right to DEMAND societies unconditional approval, and immunity from criticism.

however I am still against gay marriage...and stated my opinion as to why in another thread!
I wish America the best of luck in her fight.

I am sorry to report that here in Europe, the natural home of the homosexualist, the gays have broken through and we are surrounded, close to collapse.

Our cause is lost but i'm confident that, with the help of Our Lord, you can look directly into the face of the gay menace and beat him off.

Beat him off for Jesus.

It's the moral decline of America - like the fall of Rome, I tell you. Sorry you're stuck in that worthless backwater of Europe. At least we haven't completely fallen to the scourge of homosexuality yet.
Yes a moral decline. The beacon of democracy in the free world now invades and occupies sovergn nations for no valid reason. all reasons have been proven false.