Expert Testimony: has been HACKED


Verified User
We told you Libs that ObamaCare was a disaster ready to happen and it did. Expert Congressional Testimony now reveals that if you go online and give out any personal info, someone other than the Feds will probably get a hold of it, think identity theft. The People running Obamacare are a bunch of retards, who are only appointed to their jobs because they kissed Obama'a ass. All this is why many of the Forum Libs flew the coup, all those stories about why they left are fabricated, they left because they did not want to face the music about the abortion called Obamacare...puk puk pukup...Kentucky Colonel style...You can run, butt you cannot hide....where are you your bad ass self
One key problem facing is that security wasn’t built into the site from the very beginning


Obamacare web site builders livin in the fantasy land of unicorns and rainbows...


One key problem facing is that security wasn’t built into the site from the very beginning


Obamacare web site builders livin in the fantasy land of unicorns and rainbows...


The Libs ultimate goal is the one payer Fed run healthcare system, and they will plead for the people to vote in a Demo Congress, so they can get her done, no pun intended, since their initial rollout ObamaDon'tCare will not work.

These Libs are slicker than the Conserves, there is always a card up their sleeve to play, and I hope that this time, it is a joker.

The political begging for money emails to me are starting to come back again, so they are starting earlier than last time around in 2010. I must say that they are well organized, because they have Socialist Think Tanks who are working 24/7 and getting paid to figure out ways and means to gain any political advantage over Conserves, "Their Perceived Enemy". Of course, they have an advantage with the Mainstream media in their "Back Pocket".

I believe some of their paid "workers" post on these Forums, go back and forth all day long from one political chat site to another.

Do you have any ideas who this new JPP member Kiki might be? No guy that I have ever known would have the user name "Kiki", so it would have to be a FemiNazi gal, maybe from the past?
You didn't believe in hacking when it came to our voting machines
We need to pass immigration reform, so all the illegal aliens who illegally voted for Obama, can then vote legally for "The Hillary". Are you sick Vinny, no "F" words?