Evidence: Syrian Rebels used Chemical Weapons (not Assad)

I find it strange that this person stated that "since google terminated Theodore’s YouTube account".....I don't know if that is fact but the Google is known for being involved with Prism via Patriot Act.
I don't think anyone can see this and say "this is all wrong" or "this is factual proof" unless they are an idiot. Entertain me and keep this thread open for a bit to educate others that are certain please.
Yes, we who have been following should remember the remarks of Carla del Ponte of the UN investigating team. Then we should recall how we stopped hearing from her completely.

You're right, it's not incontrovertible evidence and shouldn't be claimed as such but at least it is equal in weight to the US produced evidence so far which tries to blame Assad's regime.

Some may say it's even a bit stronger.

Let's see if the US media buries this or we hear it again. I have a strong hunch on which way that will go personally. Pretty much the negative evidence that said Saddam didn't have the WMD's went with the US media.

And now, let the demonization of those who don't follow the propagandist's line begin.
Does it not get a little tedious for you Americans to hear the same old, same old, over and over again?
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Yes, we who have been following should remember the remarks of Carla del Ponte of the UN investigating team. Then we should recall how we stopped hearing from her completely.

You're right, it's not incontrovertible evidence and shouldn't be claimed as such but at least it is equal in weight to the US produced evidence so far which tries to blame Assad's regime.

Some may say it's even a bit stronger.

Let's see if the US media buries this or we hear it again. I have a strong hunch on which way that will go personally. Pretty much the negative evidence that said Saddam didn't have the WMD's went with the US media.

And now, let the demonization of those who don't follow the propagandist's line begin.
Does it not get a little tedious for you Americans to hear the same old, same old, over and over again?

Who else is going to "come and save the mother fuckin day?

Granted, there's the history of the CIA and MI-6 getting the Iraq intelligence wrong, and the negligence of Bush/Rumsfeld/Bremer/Powell leading us into the war and grossly mismanaging it, but I really don't see that there's any specific evidence against the Obama Administration or the intelligence community regarding Syria. It's possible that Obama/Hagel/Kerry are repeating history, and if the CIA screwed up again, that is also possible. I just would prefer not to hold Obama under the shadow of his moronic predecessor.
Granted, there's the history of the CIA and MI-6 getting the Iraq intelligence wrong, and the negligence of Bush/Rumsfeld/Bremer/Powell leading us into the war and grossly mismanaging it, but I really don't see that there's any specific evidence against the Obama Administration or the intelligence community regarding Syria. It's possible that Obama/Hagel/Kerry are repeating history, and if the CIA screwed up again, that is also possible. I just would prefer not to hold Obama under the shadow of his moronic predecessor.

Are you Americans so lame in the head that you still think that the Bush admin really didn't know that it had purposely fabricated the intelligence? Is thinking that way perhaps the only way you Americans can live with yourselves after the crime against humanity that was the Iraq wars?

Make on mistake, US intelligence is not so in the dark that they don't know what exactly is going on in Syria. They know this is fabricateing evidence for war just the same as it was for Iraq.

Now all you really have to know is that this is a case of the US attempting to wrestle control over Syria away from the Russian sphere of influence.

It never was anything to do with Americans having compassion for victims of war in the ME. It isn't this time either and it has zero to do with the use of poison gas. The fact that the US was once the biggest supplier of chemicals for warfare should be enough to dispel that idea. And the fact that the US slaughters innocents in the ME on a scale that couldn't be matched by any ten countries of the world should also drive the point home.

Americans are being led by their noses into another war for phony reasons. Do they care? Of course not. We now have to ask the question: Does Obama hate trump the American lust for war?

I think it's not likely. The lust for war and the propaganda push is just too strong for even politically motivated haters to deny.
On a side note: There is a report out from Germany saying that it's likely that Assad didn't order the gas attack.

However, we should be wary of a possible scheme being set up with this report. It could be with the purpose of soon coming out and saying that the evidence has been found later that he did order it.

Some pretence needs to be fabricated in order to get the EU to back off their current position of demanding UNSC approval for war. It's a sticking point that's too politically embarrassing for the US to move without it.

Expect some new fabricated evidence that moves the EU position because Russia and China are not going to move on their veto powers.

Syria is the last stepping stone before Iran for the US in it's quest to wrestle influence in the ME away from Russia. Once the ME loses the small amount of protection Russia is giving it, it's complete US control with nothing standing in it's way.
Yes, we who have been following should remember the remarks of Carla del Ponte of the UN investigating team. Then we should recall how we stopped hearing from her completely.

You're right, it's not incontrovertible evidence and shouldn't be claimed as such but at least it is equal in weight to the US produced evidence so far which tries to blame Assad's regime.

Some may say it's even a bit stronger.

Let's see if the US media buries this or we hear it again. I have a strong hunch on which way that will go personally. Pretty much the negative evidence that said Saddam didn't have the WMD's went with the US media.

And now, let the demonization of those who don't follow the propagandist's line begin.
Does it not get a little tedious for you Americans to hear the same old, same old, over and over again?

so you think there is no chem weapons or delivery system in Syria?
On a side note: There is a report out from Germany saying that it's likely that Assad didn't order the gas attack.

However, we should be wary of a possible scheme being set up with this report. It could be with the purpose of soon coming out and saying that the evidence has been found later that he did order it.

Some pretence needs to be fabricated in order to get the EU to back off their current position of demanding UNSC approval for war. It's a sticking point that's too politically embarrassing for the US to move without it.

Expect some new fabricated evidence that moves the EU position because Russia and China are not going to move on their veto powers.

Syria is the last stepping stone before Iran for the US in it's quest to wrestle influence in the ME away from Russia. Once the ME loses the small amount of protection Russia is giving it, it's complete US control with nothing standing in it's way.


you mean the kind that involves Russia making money off selling them the weapons?

you mean the kind that involves Russia making money off selling them the weapons?

There is nothing honourable about Russia's intentions. No more honourable than US intentions. You seem incapable of even thinking on that level of understanding and hence you are so thoroughly taken in by this con game being played on the people of the world in order to justify war.
who will it benefit to leave an entirely intact delivery system and a cash of chem weapons floating on the winds of war?
I should have also said that it's a lot bigger than selling weapons. You need to come to understanding what 'sphere of influence' entails in the ME. The ME is not known for it's cabbage crops, it's known for it's oil.

Then try to think of the only roadblocks in the way of complete US domination and the possibilities concerning the world's oil. It would explain everything for you on the reasons why Iran must not obtain the nuclear deterrent to US aggression. If that would happen then the whole party's over.

Didn't Wesley Clarke already tell you this in not so many exact words? Didn't he tell you Syria was on the hit list?
Syrias oil is dwindling.

no one is talking about taking over the country.

they are talking about bombing to destroy a weapons delivery system that will threated the world for decades more if its allowed to float on the winds of war.
who will it benefit to leave an entirely intact delivery system and a cash of chem weapons floating on the winds of war?

Simply put, the US has many delivery systems. So the answer is, it will benefit the world to have delivery systems for weapons that can be a deterrent to US aggression. That's why Russia is so important. Did you honestly think that the US wouldn't have run roughshod over the entire Eurasian continent if it weren't for Russia and China.
Do you honestly think that the Israelis would have put up with the annoyance of the Palestinian people for so long if it wasn't for a balancing of power in the ME? Do you honestly not understand that since the fall of the Soviet Union that it's when the US started to assert it's control with a renewed energy? Did you honestly think that the first Iraq war wasn't because the US no longer had to deal with Russian influence?
your hero Pootin

My hero in the sense that he is almost all that stands between another US war for oil and peace. Is he an honourable man? No, he can be bought by the US and I fear that could also happen.

And once again you show your lack of credibility with your careless accusations.
So the weapons floating on the winds of war mean nothing to you?

You would rather they kill people for generations to come?
Simply put, the US has many delivery systems. So the answer is, it will benefit the world to have delivery systems for weapons that can be a deterrent to US aggression. That's why Russia is so important. Did you honestly think that the US wouldn't have run roughshod over the entire Eurasian continent if it weren't for Russia and China.
Do you honestly think that the Israelis would have put up with the annoyance of the Palestinian people for so long if it wasn't for a balancing of power in the ME? Do you honestly not understand that since the fall of the Soviet Union that it's when the US started to assert it's control with a renewed energy? Did you honestly think that the first Iraq war wasn't because the US no longer had to deal with Russian influence?

so we should have let sadam have Kuwait?