Even wikipedia admits cabinet nominee of Pedodent Biden is former WELFARE QUEEN

Text Drivers are Killers

Joe Biden - "Time to put Trump in the bullseye."
She's an injun and pedo-joe wants this parasite to be secretary of the Dept of the Interior.!!!!


After graduating from Highland High School, Haaland worked at a local bakery.[11] In 1988, she enrolled at the University of New Mexico, where she earned her Bachelor of Arts in English in 1994.[12][13] Four days after graduating, she gave birth to her daughter, Somáh.[10] As a single mother, Haaland started a salsa company to support herself and her daughter.[14][15] At times during this period, she did not earn enough money to afford housing and had to rely on friends for shelter.[10] She also relied on food stamps at times.[1
Well..I must say, I am definitely not against an Indian being in charge of the Dept of the Interior.

That Dept affects Indians mostly, amirite?

What else does it do?
It sounds more like she's just an incompetent that happens to be the right gender and ethnicity to fit into Joke's cabinet. What tribe Matt Dillion asks? Probably Navajo. That's the largest one in N. Mexico and they are generally ardent Democrats.
Because that is what he is, there are a couple more here. Have meeting them....

It amazes me with all these open racists, that the same jackwagon leftists who call anyone they disagree with racist, never seem to call out these guys. I wonder why.

Anyway. Text drivers, I bet is far less educated that this woman who came from a shitty start to an attorney and a rep, and now a member of a presidential cabinet.

Im sure i disagree with most of her policies, but i bet education wise tdk doesnt measure up to the target if his racist rantZ