Establishment Republicans Assail Tea Party Over Government Shutdown


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The teaparty has been so diminished by this forced shutdown, that they have finally pushed the rest of the gop which is the majority to stand against them. GOOD!!!!!

From county chairmen to national party luminaries, veteran Republicans across the country are accusing tea party lawmakers of staining the GOP with their refusal to bend in the budget impasse

The Republican establishment also is signaling a willingness to strike back at the tea party in next fall's elections.

"It's time for someone to act like a grown-up in this process," former New Hampshire Gov. John Sununu argues, faulting Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and tea party Republicans in the House as much as President Barack Obama for taking an uncompromising stance.

Former Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour is just as pointed, saying this about the tea party-fueled refusal to support spending measures that include money for Obama's health care law: "It never had a chance."
The teaparty has been so diminished by this forced shutdown, that they have finally pushed the rest of the gop which is the majority to stand against them. GOOD!!!!!

“The rest of the GOP?” Is that identifying the fucking RINOS and Neo-Cons? “The establishment” Republicans? The BIG government war mongering, Military Industrial Complex, Nation Building, World Police Force, Drug Warring, Religious Fanatic, Career Politician Republicans?

From county chairmen to national party luminaries, veteran Republicans across the country are accusing tea party lawmakers of staining the GOP with their refusal to bend in the budget impasse.

“Budget Nonsense?” Cutting back irrational insane government spending and establishing a path to a balanced budget is ”budget nonsense?”

“Veteran Republicans?” You mean those bastards that have made careers out of government by taking bribes from Wall Street, scaring hell out of idiot right-wing voters with predictions of foreign boogiemen and convincing Americans that BIG fucking government needs to take authority over the bodies of the masses and tell them what they can and cannot put into them or women can take out of them, and who can make marriage contracts with who?

The Republican establishment also is signaling a willingness to strike back at the tea party in next fall's elections.

You mean they’re about to turn their BIG government neo-con RINO dogs on them and restore the Republican Party back to the BIG government bribery certified half of the duopoly and rid themselves of those heroes that have the gull and balls to stand tough on principle in the face of the BIG government socialist Democrats and Republican authoritarian bastards in the government?

"It's time for someone to act like a grown-up in this process," former New Hampshire Gov. John Sununu argues, faulting Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and tea party Republicans in the House as much as President Barack Obama for taking an uncompromising stance.

Oh yeah! Old John Sununu the “veteran” BIG Government Bribery expert from the Republican half of the Corrupt Duopoly. Ole “Cut A Deal With The Fucking Devil” John.

Former Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour is just as pointed, saying this about the tea party-fueled refusal to support spending measures that include money for Obama's health care law: "It never had a chance."

Let us not forget ole Haley Barbor who ran the one time Democrat John Connally’s campaign for President who is now a lobbyist for the BIG investment banking financial group BGR Financial Group LLC. Another career politician and lobbyist who never held down a real job but excels at political bullshit and Wall Street bribery. Yeah! Patriots should be paying attention to ole Haley.

Oh my the “Huffington Post.” A bastion of conservative principles and political logic.
CL what will you do when the big money in the party wins?

you know all those "rinos" as you call them?

the ones who were republican decades before the tea tards even existed.

they were republicans while your hero Tim McVeigh bombed American babies to fight for gun rights