Erect Carlos Danger for NY Mayor


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I hope that Anthony "Carlos Danger" Weiner is elected Mayor of New York, you east coast Libs deserve him. What a joke he would be to the rest of US, I can just see the headlines..."Hot Dog, NY gets the Weiner up the ying yang" or this ad; "Get your free personal Carlos Danger Cell Phone message from WeinerMan, just text him" Instead of ObamaPhone, we would now have WeinerGate to kick around, what a joke......ROTFLMFAO

yeah this asshole is done.

at least dems make their idiots pay for bad behavior instead of re electing for going to a prostitute in diapers to play baby and mommy have sex.

did you know this prostitute turned up dead?

How about charging the PEOPLE for leaving the country to fuck your secret piece on the side and leaving you wife and kids at home?

that is nothing for the Rs they just give them a high office in DC for it

yeah this asshole is done.

at least dems make their idiots pay for bad behavior instead of re electing for going to a prostitute in diapers to play baby and mommy have sex.

did you know this prostitute turned up dead?

How about charging the PEOPLE for leaving the country to fuck your secret piece on the side and leaving you wife and kids at home?

that is nothing for the Rs they just give them a high office in DC for it
Make up all the excuses you want, Vinny, Weiner is your boy and I want him elected, so I will have moore material to post on here. Weiner has mental issues because of how ugly the Mf'er is and his rediculous name that kids in school must have teased him about. Weiner is one ugly MF'er, you agree? Can you believe that Fox News contributor, the very liberal Kirsten Powers dated WeinerBoy? That shows US how "ucked up some of these Lib women are. I saw the photo of Weiner's weiner, no big thing, so must have been his sense of humor or his sparkling personality.
I don't really care who NYC elects as its Mayor, but it would be funny to have someone named Dick Weiner as its Mayor after a scandal where he showed his cock to the world.
that is what is so mind blowing about how stupid his actionss were.

A guy who had to put up with weiner jokes all his life makes a fucking ass out of himself buy showing off his weiner.

this guy needs to fucking take a long hike on his own dime and not the people dime.

He can wear diapers to any prostitute he wants maybe he can turn R I hear they don't care about weiner wagging and lots of things

yeah this asshole is done.

at least dems make their idiots pay for bad behavior instead of re electing for going to a prostitute in diapers to play baby and mommy have sex.

did you know this prostitute turned up dead?

How about charging the PEOPLE for leaving the country to fuck your secret piece on the side and leaving you wife and kids at home?

that is nothing for the Rs they just give them a high office in DC for it

How soon you forgot, you had Ted Kennedy, John Edwards, Bill Clinton, Gary Hart, all were reelected and all ran for president as democrats, and all had various sex scandals.

yeah this asshole is done.

at least dems make their idiots pay for bad behavior instead of re electing for going to a prostitute in diapers to play baby and mommy have sex.

did you know this prostitute turned up dead?

How about charging the PEOPLE for leaving the country to fuck your secret piece on the side and leaving you wife and kids at home?

that is nothing for the Rs they just give them a high office in DC for it
Wow, this is flat ignorant... All we have to do is talk about Gary Studds to make this "we make them pay" stuff just laughable.

The main difference between Studds and Foley? Foley didn't actually have sex with any of the pages.
tell me how many years you had to go back to get people?

I gave you CURRENT smucks .

the partys changes all the time and so does society.
tell me how many years you had to go back to get people?

I gave you CURRENT smucks .

the partys changes all the time and so does society.

We can also notice that Foley isn't running for Mayor anywhere at all, eh?
Wow, this is flat ignorant... All we have to do is talk about Gary Studds to make this "we make them pay" stuff just laughable.

The main difference between Studds and Foley? Foley didn't actually have sex with any of the pages.

I had breakfast with Foley the other day, he is a heck of a nice guy.
I disagree that they should have forced Foley out, he did nothing wrong, other than hide his homosexuality.
how long has Studds been DEAD?

What matters is I'm going back to Foley, who didn't rape a underage kid to find out what the republicans do in this kind of scandal. 2006 isn't that long ago. Both Weiner and Foley are texting scandals, very comparable. Foley has never led the polling in any city while running for Mayor since.
then the tea party took over the right and will vote for anyfuckingthing that screams the correct idiot paplum and just says "oh save me jesus for I have sinned"
What matters is I'm going back to Foley, who didn't rape a underage kid to find out what the republicans do in this kind of scandal. 2006 isn't that long ago. Both Weiner and Foley are texting scandals, very comparable. Foley has never led the polling in any city while running for Mayor since.

The Republicans drummed Foley out for being Gay, not for the "Scandal". It was homophobia pure and simple.
then the tea party took over the right and will vote for anyfuckingthing that screams the correct idiot paplum and just says "oh save me jesus for I have sinned"

Wow. The republican elite have tried to sideline the TEA Party because of their libertarian bent, because they are less "religious", not because they'll vote for anything "oh save me jesus for You have sinned"...