"Energy can't be the enemy," Mike Rowe


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Rowe explained that a need for skilled labor will reach levels "like we’ve never seen before" after the pandemic, clarifying that although the government’s is having issues with fossil fuels, "the country isn’t". He also spoke to the plastic and petroleum products in high demand that are typically overlooked, including the parts used to create computers and other electronics.

"Energy can't be the enemy," he said. "It doesn't make a ton of sense to tell them to go out and make solar panels."

Rowe created his own foundation known as WORKS, whose mission statement sets out to close the "skill gap" in the United States and prepare people for an estimated seven million jobs that do not require a college degree. The foundation website states that "we keep lending money we don’t have to people who can’t pay it back for jobs that don’t exist" and that our culture reaffirms the "misguided belief" that skilled trade jobs aren’t desirable.

Kerry was criticized last week after insinuating that oil workers need to learn how to build solar panels to find work. He also claimed that coal workers have been fed a "false narrative" in thinking that climate policies are killing their jobs.
Rowe explained that a need for skilled labor will reach levels "like we’ve never seen before" after the pandemic, clarifying that although the government’s is having issues with fossil fuels, "the country isn’t". He also spoke to the plastic and petroleum products in high demand that are typically overlooked, including the parts used to create computers and other electronics.

"Energy can't be the enemy," he said. "It doesn't make a ton of sense to tell them to go out and make solar panels."

Rowe created his own foundation known as WORKS, whose mission statement sets out to close the "skill gap" in the United States and prepare people for an estimated seven million jobs that do not require a college degree. The foundation website states that "we keep lending money we don’t have to people who can’t pay it back for jobs that don’t exist" and that our culture reaffirms the "misguided belief" that skilled trade jobs aren’t desirable.

Kerry was criticized last week after insinuating that oil workers need to learn how to build solar panels to find work. He also claimed that coal workers have been fed a "false narrative" in thinking that climate policies are killing their jobs.

Mike Rowe, handyman, part time energy expert. fuck him!! what the fuck does he know? if you want to know how to change a light bulb, Mike Rowe is your guy. If you want to have a clue about green energy, climate change and anything not related to changing light bulbs, he is just another clown with an opinion.

The fact this goon believes ANYBODY believes there will somehow be no demand at all for petroleum or oil proves how hopelessly dim and misinformed he is.
Mike Rowe, handyman, part time energy expert. fuck him!! what the fuck does he know? if you want to know how to change a light bulb, Mike Rowe is your guy. If you want to have a clue about green energy, climate change and anything not related to changing light bulbs, he is just another clown with an opinion.
light bulb? how about skilled trades -you dont need to rack up student loans, and the money and job security is there

The fact this goon believes ANYBODY believes there will somehow be no demand at all for petroleum or oil proves how hopelessly dim and misinformed he is.
then if we need oil/petro why are we trying to reduce production
Is it better to send our money to the mideast instead of producing it ourselves?
"He also spoke to the plastic and petroleum products in high demand that are typically overlooked, including the parts used to create computers and other electronics".

And Rowe is right, all these solar panels, car parts for electric vehicles, computers, TV'S etc. take a petroleum product to produce.

"Energy can't be the enemy," he said.

Why would Mike think that?

"It doesn't make a ton of sense to tell them to go out and make solar panels."

Sure it does, if you're young enough, it's the future of energy.
"He also spoke to the plastic and petroleum products in high demand that are typically overlooked, including the parts used to create computers and other electronics".

And Rowe is right, all these solar panels, car parts for electric vehicles, computers, TV'S etc. take a petroleum product to produce.

"Energy can't be the enemy," he said.

Why would Mike think that?

"It doesn't make a ton of sense to tell them to go out and make solar panels."

Sure it does, if you're young enough, it's the future of energy.
solar/renewable arent going to do it alone.
China uses a 2 track policy -they lead the world on solar panels, but they consume fossil fuel for power as well
light bulb? how about skilled trades -you dont need to rack up student loans, and the money and job security is there

then if we need oil/petro why are we trying to reduce production
Is it better to send our money to the mideast instead of producing it ourselves?

you really do not have a clue. we do not get most of our oil from saudi or the middle east anymore. it is not about stopping all oil production. it is about TRANSITIONING FROM CARBON FUEL, AND ITS NEGATIVE AFFECTS ON OUR ENVIRONMENT AND ON OUR HEALTH AND SAFETY, to clean, renewable energy AS FAST AS POSSIBLE, and with as little negative affects as possible.
you really do not have a clue. we do not get most of our oil from saudi or the middle east anymore. it is not about stopping all oil production. it is about TRANSITIONING FROM CARBON FUEL, AND ITS NEGATIVE AFFECTS ON OUR ENVIRONMENT AND ON OUR HEALTH AND SAFETY, to clean, renewable energy AS FAST AS POSSIBLE, and with as little negative affects as possible.
thats stupid.
we are still USING OIL PRODUCTS - drilling does NOT PRECLUDE transitioning. It just means we have to import more
and we are never going to have enough by renewables - but we should scale in Green where it's sustainable.

Again market forces do all this by themselves - putting union workers out of jobs to import instead is moronic
you really do not have a clue. we do not get most of our oil from saudi or the middle east anymore. it is not about stopping all oil production. it is about TRANSITIONING FROM CARBON FUEL, AND ITS NEGATIVE AFFECTS ON OUR ENVIRONMENT AND ON OUR HEALTH AND SAFETY, to clean, renewable energy AS FAST AS POSSIBLE, and with as little negative affects as possible.

nope. it's about fucking over america.
"He also spoke to the plastic and petroleum products in high demand that are typically overlooked, including the parts used to create computers and other electronics".

And Rowe is right, all these solar panels, car parts for electric vehicles, computers, TV'S etc. take a petroleum product to produce.

"Energy can't be the enemy," he said.

Why would Mike think that?

"It doesn't make a ton of sense to tell them to go out and make solar panels."

Sure it does, if you're young enough, it's the future of energy.

Maybe/maybe not.

Something could come up that supplants solar panels before they are used in every house like gas or traditional electric. Rowe’s common sense is a breath of fresh air in our world run by technocrats.

Also, even solar panels will require electricians and other tradesmen to install, maintain, deliver and manufacture. Factories to produce them will require a small flotilla of operators, mechanics, parts suppliers and etc. Factories don’t build themselves, so that means carpenters, masonry people, and again electricians, plumbers, HVAC tradesmen and etc.

IOW, it’s no different than any other industry. This is something our more ‘enlightened’ lefties and technocrats fail to understand about doing things like sending jobs out of the country. Or as is often the case simply ‘canceling them’.

The down stream effect can be crippling to an economy. You can’t just snap your fingers and make them appear or say something ‘well, we can just train them to do something else’ as if that can happen in two weeks.
Maybe/maybe not.

Something could come up that supplants solar panels before they are used in every house like gas or traditional electric. Rowe’s common sense is a breath of fresh air in our world run by technocrats.

Also, even solar panels will require electricians and other tradesmen to install, maintain, deliver and manufacture. Factories to produce them will require a small flotilla of operators, mechanics, parts suppliers and etc. Factories don’t build themselves, so that means carpenters, masonry people, and again electricians, plumbers, HVAC tradesmen and etc.

IOW, it’s no different than any other industry. This is something our more ‘enlightened’ lefties and technocrats fail to understand about doing things like sending jobs out of the country. Or as is often the case simply ‘canceling them’.

The down stream effect can be crippling to an economy. You can’t just snap your fingers and make them appear or say something ‘well, we can just train them to do something else’ as if that can happen in two weeks.

More than a few predict that we are going to spend a fuckton of money on solar and wind only to master fusion power and have all that we just built be effectively junk.

And it is ugly too this renewable energy.
More than a few predict that we are going to spend a fuckton of money on solar and wind only to master fusion power and have all that we just built be effectively junk.

And it is ugly too this renewable energy.

My point exactly.

It’s a long shot because climate change is an ideology, but it’s not inconceivable that at some point it’s decided there’s no compelling need to shift away from fossil fuels in the mid term, at least.

Recall that we were supposed to ‘run out’ until fracking came along.
My point exactly.

It’s a long shot because climate change is an ideology, but it’s not inconceivable that at some point it’s decided there’s no compelling need to shift away from fossil fuels in the mid term, at least.

Recall that we were supposed to ‘run out’ until fracking came along.

That we are not supposed to even consider or talk about the ugliness of renewable energy really burns my biscuits BTW.

Did you look at the Quillette link?
Maybe/maybe not.

Something could come up that supplants solar panels before they are used in every house like gas or traditional electric. Rowe’s common sense is a breath of fresh air in our world run by technocrats.

Also, even solar panels will require electricians and other tradesmen to install, maintain, deliver and manufacture. Factories to produce them will require a small flotilla of operators, mechanics, parts suppliers and etc. Factories don’t build themselves, so that means carpenters, masonry people, and again electricians, plumbers, HVAC tradesmen and etc.

IOW, it’s no different than any other industry. This is something our more ‘enlightened’ lefties and technocrats fail to understand about doing things like sending jobs out of the country. Or as is often the case simply ‘canceling them’.

The down stream effect can be crippling to an economy. You can’t just snap your fingers and make them appear or say something ‘well, we can just train them to do something else’ as if that can happen in two weeks.

"IOW, it’s no different than any other industry. This is something our more ‘enlightened’ lefties and technocrats fail to understand about doing things like sending jobs out of the country. Or as is often the case simply ‘canceling them’.


Like Dotard 'saved" all those coal mining jobs?

What countries did they relocate to?

"The down stream effect can be crippling to an economy. You can’t just snap your fingers and make them appear or say something ‘well, we can just train them to do something else’ as if that can happen in two weeks".

Why not?

Not in two weeks but energy is transitioning, so must the workforce, companies already have people working for them, why can't they make a switch, just like learning how to run the plants newest "toy".
Mike Rowe, handyman, part time energy expert. fuck him!! what the fuck does he know? if you want to know how to change a light bulb, Mike Rowe is your guy. If you want to have a clue about green energy, climate change and anything not related to changing light bulbs, he is just another clown with an opinion.

The fact this goon believes ANYBODY believes there will somehow be no demand at all for petroleum or oil proves how hopelessly dim and misinformed he is.

Way more than you, that's for sure. How many kilowatts of installed solar panels and storage are required to obtain one kilowatt-day of power from a solar array on average? What is the most energy efficient means to heat a home? Which is the least efficient?
Good luck heating your house with solar power when this happens...
