I'd like to have a genuine discussion as to how best to end the war in Ukraine. Now, I know from experience that many will just say something along the lines of "Russia should just go home". To this, my counter would be that for many ethnic Russians, eastern Ukraine has -been- home since before the 8 year civil war in Ukraine started. Furthermore, the recent referendum results in the 4 eastern Ukrainian regions that Russia controls, where all of them voted to join the Russian Federation strongly suggests that they would rather have Russia govern them than Ukraine. Now, I know that the western mainstream media narrative is that those referendums are a sham. I don't personally believe this, but, like Elon Musk, I am fine with the idea that the referendums be done again with more international observers. I also believe that Russia would jump at the chance of doing this if it meant that the war would end if the results were essentially the same.
Well, now to see if anyone's interested in discussing the subject here...
Well, now to see if anyone's interested in discussing the subject here...