

Well-known member
Did I hear right that the military gave Morisi and the protestors 48 hours to come to an agreement or else they would do it?
Egypt is fine. Obama says so. Remember the Arab Spring? He gave a speech and everything. Nothing to see. The Middle East is safer now than it has ever been all thanks to Obama
Did I hear right that the military gave Morisi and the protestors 48 hours to come to an agreement or else they would do it?

This should be interesting. The ppl weren't happy with Mursi, hopefully a more democratic regime will come with this.
I'm surprised no one is talking about Turkey.....THAT'S going to be the interesting one.
I'm surprised no one is talking about Turkey.....THAT'S going to be the interesting one.

Pretty much the same situation. Erdogan has taken them more towards an Islamist influence in politics than Turkey has had in decades. Like the Egyptians, the Turkish people are used to a more secular government. Erdogan's response to the protestors seems to indicate he is nothing more than yet another heavy handed thug.
Pretty much the same situation. Erdogan has taken them more towards an Islamist influence in politics than Turkey has had in decades. Like the Egyptians, the Turkish people are used to a more secular government. Erdogan's response to the protestors seems to indicate he is nothing more than yet another heavy handed thug.

Yes, but in Turkey the military is required by law to ensure the nation remains secular. They've done so in the past on multiple occasions....but this time it doesn't seem like they will. It'll be....interesting.
Yes, but in Turkey the military is required by law to ensure the nation remains secular. They've done so in the past on multiple occasions....but this time it doesn't seem like they will. It'll be....interesting.

True, it will be interesting, but my guess is the military will do what it is supposed to do.
Here's hoping. I'd hate to see Turkey fall. That WOULD get us called in (they're a NATO nation afterall).

The military has little to gain by backing Erdogan. They maintain their current status by supporting the people. While they may do the same under Erdogan, they lose the trust of the people and violate their constitution.

That said, if Turkey falls into greater chaos you are right, it is going to make the rest of the problems in the middle east seem dull by comparison.
Egypt is an incredibly young Democracy, I expect several changes in Government before it becomes more stable.