Doris Kearns Goodwin


Well-known member
Anyone here read her work or a fan of hers? I remember Darla claiming she hated her but I can't remember why. Saw her speak at a function tonight as she has a new book that came out today on TR, Taft and the Progressive Era. I'm familiar with her work though I've actually never read any of her books.
I haven't read any of her books either, but have often read her articles in the paper. Many I agree with, many I do not. I'd say she's more middle of the road than liberal or conservative.
I haven't read any of her books either, but have often read her articles in the paper. Many I agree with, many I do not. I'd say she's more middle of the road than liberal or conservative.

The host tonight (it was a conversation between he and Doris) was definitely very liberal as was the audience based on their applause to his political comments. She seemed to be on the left side of the isle politically but didn't come across as partisan. Very very smart woman so it was a lot of fun listening to her speak.
The host tonight (it was a conversation between he and Doris) was definitely very liberal as was the audience based on their applause to his political comments. She seemed to be on the left side of the isle politically but didn't come across as partisan. Very very smart woman so it was a lot of fun listening to her speak.

She's a very good historian, I can see how one might consider her 'left' of center, but for the most part I don't. She's centrist from what I've read.
Anyone here read her work or a fan of hers? I remember Darla claiming she hated her but I can't remember why. Saw her speak at a function tonight as she has a new book that came out today on TR, Taft and the Progressive Era. I'm familiar with her work though I've actually never read any of her books.

Don't worry, you haven't missed a thing! Books, shmooks, who needs them!
I really enjoyed her in the History of baseball.

Ive seen her interviewed and found it entertaining.

Never read any of her books or saw her live
Anyone here read her work or a fan of hers? I remember Darla claiming she hated her but I can't remember why. Saw her speak at a function tonight as she has a new book that came out today on TR, Taft and the Progressive Era. I'm familiar with her work though I've actually never read any of her books.

I heard an interview with her on NPR yesterday and the book sounds really interesting. I haven't read any of her other books but may give this one a try.
I heard an interview with her on NPR yesterday and the book sounds really interesting. I haven't read any of her other books but may give this one a try.

Not to worry Steven Spielberg will have his version of it out in a few months! And it will win an Academy Award or two and she will go on to have it as a best seller two times. And we still won't be able to find anyone who has read it! I wonder how many copies of Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln (2005) are laying around gathering dust that no one ever read. I have some like that myself. But I am working my way through some of them now that I have the time and the inclination. But I doubt I would ever read anything by her. I couldn't take that book on Lincoln seriously, in the girst place that cabinet was so dysfunctional that most of the people in it were gone within the first year! What a team!
I think she is more of a historian than a pundit or person who chooses sides. That being said I have seen her on television trying to put a historical perspective on the actions of our current leaders. I like that unique perspective. Ive never read one of her books.
Anyone here read her work or a fan of hers? I remember Darla claiming she hated her but I can't remember why. Saw her speak at a function tonight as she has a new book that came out today on TR, Taft and the Progressive Era. I'm familiar with her work though I've actually never read any of her books.

Darla is brilliant, if she didn't like Goodwin for whatever reason, that is good enough for me! That Darla is one smart cxookie, I wouldn't ever question her judgement; well maybe on one or small things, but otherwise no! Certainly, not on this!

Doris is interviewed extensively in this wonderful history of baseball.

Im not a sports fan and have watched this series more than once.

it is absolutely beautiful and so VERY American.

if you have not seen it I suggest you give it a try
I think she is more of a historian than a pundit or person who chooses sides. That being said I have seen her on television trying to put a historical perspective on the actions of our current leaders. I like that unique perspective. Ive never read one of her books.

She is a historian.
Anyone here read her work or a fan of hers? I remember Darla claiming she hated her but I can't remember why. Saw her speak at a function tonight as she has a new book that came out today on TR, Taft and the Progressive Era. I'm familiar with her work though I've actually never read any of her books.

Not a fan, but certainly someone worth listening to. I believe her history is unbiased and not partisan, but her political views are on the left.