does the constitution include a right to vote



Which constitutional right is the most important? You might answer "freedom of speech" or "free exercise" of religion. Some think it's "the right to keep and bear arms." Criminal lawyers think of the guarantee against "unreasonable searches and seizures," trial lawyers of jury trial in civil cases.

But which right appears most often in the Constitution's text?

It's "the right to vote."

In voter ID cases all over the country, courts are considering the proper level of "scrutiny" to apply to "burdens" on the right to cast a ballot. In 2008, the Supreme Court approved an Indiana voter ID law, even conceding that it had a partisan basis, because it was not "excessively burdensome" to most voters. (Justice Antonin Scalia, writing for himself and Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito, concurred separately to suggest that the proper level of scrutiny was more like "whatever the legislature wants.")

Courts will defer to the wishes of legislators who wish to protect the election process. There was no evidence of fraud in the Indiana case; there's none in the Pennsylvania case or the others currently being heard. State officials claimed to be worried that someone somewhere might think there was fraud.
Section 2 of the Fourteenth Amendment imposes a penalty upon states that deny or abridge "the right to vote at any [federal or state] election ... to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, ... except for participation in rebellion, or other crime." The Fifteenth states that "[t]he right of citizens of the United States to vote" can't be abridged by race; the Nineteenth says that the same right can't be abridged by sex; the Twenty-Fourth says that "the right of citizens of the United States to vote" in federal elections can't be blocked by a poll tax; and the Twenty-Sixth protects "[t]he right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote."

NOW tell me WHY the right keeps claiming there is no right to vote?

guess what they want to do
why is the right lying about this one?

what is it they think they will do once they convince everyone its NOT in the constitution?
Which constitutional right is the most important?
no right is more important than any other. this is something that republicans and democrats refuse to consider. a 'right' is something that 'we the people' have claimed belong to us and no other entity, government or otherwise, has any authority to enforce their will upon us.
for the same reason that many on the left lie about other rights. they do not like that certain groups can exercise a right in a way that it not preferable to them. it eliminates their ability to 'control' a segment of the population.
they also insist we are NOT a democracy but a republic.

You do realize a republic doesn't have to hold elections right?

some king of the republic can CHOOSE who represents you.

Only in a DEMOCRATIC republic can you vote for your reps.
there is a push in the republican party to end the right to vote and choose your reps.

they want to KILL this government and replace it with a more plyable to the wealthy government
just saying shit without proof is pretty stupid.

Why do they hate the word democracy?

why to they refuse to say or even type the name of the Democratic party correctly?

why do they sign the pledges of an asshole who says right out loud he wants to kill our government?

why do they pretend there is no right to vote in the constitution?

why do they do these things?
Section 2 of the Fourteenth Amendment imposes a penalty upon states that deny or abridge "the right to vote at any [federal or state] election ... to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, ... except for participation in rebellion, or other crime." The Fifteenth states that "[t]he right of citizens of the United States to vote" can't be abridged by race; the Nineteenth says that the same right can't be abridged by sex; the Twenty-Fourth says that "the right of citizens of the United States to vote" in federal elections can't be blocked by a poll tax; and the Twenty-Sixth protects "[t]he right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote."

NOW tell me WHY the right keeps claiming there is no right to vote?

guess what they want to do

who on the right has made the claim there is no right to vote???
I am not sure what the point was. I know grind made a comment. It is a civil right as opposed to a human right. He may have meant that. But it is clearly protected in the 15th, 19th, 24th and 26th amendments. The 14th also deals with it by reducing the power of states that violate the right to vote of male citizens.
I have many a con insist the right to vote is NOT on the constitution.

what right wing hack is telling their gullible people this meme?