Does Obama care what most Americans want?

Big Money

New member

After reports that the Syrian government has used chemical weapons to kill civilians in that country, Congress is considering a resolution to authorize limited U.S. military action in Syria. The resolution only authorizes military action for 60 to 90 days and it bars the use of U.S. troops in a combat role in Syria.

Do you think Congress should or should not pass this resolution?

Should pass 39%
Should not pass 59%
No opinion 2%

Would you favor or oppose U.S. air strikes against military targets in Syria if Congress passes that resolution?

Favor 43%
Oppose 55%
No opinion 2%

And would you favor or oppose U.S. air strikes against military targets in Syria if Congress does NOT pass that resolution?

Favor 27%
Oppose 71%
No opinion 1%