Biden always reminds me of that Beatles' song Nowhere Man, you know the one...
He's a real nowhere man
Living in his nowhere land
Making all his nowhere plans for nobody
That's why I thought I his virtual inauguration as (IM)POTUS46 was so fitting. It was a perfectly appropriate finale to an campaign that was conspicuous for its absences: a candisate who "put a lid" on his activities and vanished by noon most days; a Convention where there were no delegates; rallies without fans; press conferences without journalists and journalists without question.
The most striking absence however was of "Sleepy Joe" himself. There were only occasional fleeting glimpses of the "self-confessed "gaffe-machine. He was briefly spotted in February, 2020 while humiliating a young woman by calling her a "lying, dog-faced pony soldier" on national television. Then March, he told a Michigan construction worker he was "full of shit". In May he told Black radio host Charlamagne Tha God that, "if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't Black. As the ballot grew closer the manifestations faded away, except for the occasional apparition on televison accompanied by the ghostly reflection of a teleprompter on a camera lens. I began to wonder if "Biden" might actually be some kind a spooky hologram (?)
And It made sense that the inauguration of a ghost took place in a ghost town. Jubilant throngs of victorious Dummycrats lining the streets of Washington DC were replaced by 26,000 soldiers from the National Guard and barbed wire barricades. It seems a little ironic that the Party of perpetual protest, which had called for the defunding of the police, now only felt safe to to celebrate its "victory" in the presence of the military and, even then, only after every soldier has been vetted by the FBI to rule out the presence of any white supremacist, terrorist, insurgents.
It was Barack Obama who chose the obnoxious, hard-line, neo-Marxist, Kamala "Heels Up" Harris to be the icoming Vice President and run his third term agenda. Biden is also like a ghost in that he reminds me of of the Spectre who inspired a poem called "Antagonish" frustrating his socialist Democrat masters with his lingering existence...
Yesterday , upon the stair, I met a man who wasn't there ! He wasn't there adgain today, Oh how I wish he'd go away !"
He's a real nowhere man
Living in his nowhere land
Making all his nowhere plans for nobody
That's why I thought I his virtual inauguration as (IM)POTUS46 was so fitting. It was a perfectly appropriate finale to an campaign that was conspicuous for its absences: a candisate who "put a lid" on his activities and vanished by noon most days; a Convention where there were no delegates; rallies without fans; press conferences without journalists and journalists without question.
The most striking absence however was of "Sleepy Joe" himself. There were only occasional fleeting glimpses of the "self-confessed "gaffe-machine. He was briefly spotted in February, 2020 while humiliating a young woman by calling her a "lying, dog-faced pony soldier" on national television. Then March, he told a Michigan construction worker he was "full of shit". In May he told Black radio host Charlamagne Tha God that, "if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't Black. As the ballot grew closer the manifestations faded away, except for the occasional apparition on televison accompanied by the ghostly reflection of a teleprompter on a camera lens. I began to wonder if "Biden" might actually be some kind a spooky hologram (?)
And It made sense that the inauguration of a ghost took place in a ghost town. Jubilant throngs of victorious Dummycrats lining the streets of Washington DC were replaced by 26,000 soldiers from the National Guard and barbed wire barricades. It seems a little ironic that the Party of perpetual protest, which had called for the defunding of the police, now only felt safe to to celebrate its "victory" in the presence of the military and, even then, only after every soldier has been vetted by the FBI to rule out the presence of any white supremacist, terrorist, insurgents.
It was Barack Obama who chose the obnoxious, hard-line, neo-Marxist, Kamala "Heels Up" Harris to be the icoming Vice President and run his third term agenda. Biden is also like a ghost in that he reminds me of of the Spectre who inspired a poem called "Antagonish" frustrating his socialist Democrat masters with his lingering existence...
Yesterday , upon the stair, I met a man who wasn't there ! He wasn't there adgain today, Oh how I wish he'd go away !"

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