Do We Really Want The Hillary as Prez


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Take a look, do you really want to place the fate of this Nation in The Hillary's unstable hands?




Take a look, do you really want to place the fate of this Nation in The Hillary's unstable hands?





Yes. Because, who, in their right mind would support the following:

And what you want is irrelevant. Let's talk inevitability.
Take a look, do you really want to place the fate of this Nation in The Hillary's unstable hands?

Nice. Find a bunch of pictures of a woman that make her look strange and claim that's why people shouldn't vote for her. Sexist much? Or will you do the same for any Democratic candidate?

She's a lot more stable than you. And yes, I would love to place the fate of this nation in Hillary Clinton's hands.

I like Poet's link - fact-based, not wild emotional stuff. Here it is again- why we won't vote Republican.
to answer the question posed in the OP... absolutely. I will vote for her and I will financially support her campaign.
no damn way do I want another neo-con in Office. That goes for Susan Rice ( the faker of the Viagra rape story about Gaaddfis troops in Libya.)

Nor Clinton's crap about getting an outpost in Bengazi, to use to ship Libya weapons to Syria ( can't find it)

then this allegation:

Hillary Clinton Said To Have Shouted Down Lawmaker for Calling Benghazi a Terrorist Attack

August 18, 2013

Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R., Ill.) alleged former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton shouted down a lawmaker for suggesting the Benghazi attack was an act of terrorism Friday on “Fox & Friends.”

Kinzinger, a Major in the Air National Guard, recounted the story of the closed Congressional briefing where he claims Clinton angrily rebuked a member of Congress for classifying Benghazi as a terrorist attack. ...

The closed door meeting in question occurred nine days after the Benghazi attack, according to a Clinton rep.

which normally would be ignorable, but we saw her outbursts in the open hearings. Do we need the same old people/faces??
CIA Was Smuggling Weapons to Syrian Rebels During Benghazi Embassy Attack: “Unnamed Source

The CIA was smuggling weapons from Libyan weapons depots to the Syrian rebels during the 2012 attack on the US embassy in Benghazi. According to a report by CNN, an unnamed source has leaked that the alleged cover-up of the circumstances around the attack is to hide the reality of the smuggling, which occurred before the escalation of the Syrian civil war. This shows that the CIA has been arming the Syrian rebels since at least September 2012. The agents were running the operation out of the Benghazi “annex,” which has been reported as a secret safehouse of the CIA in the city, not far from the embassy.

This development emerges just one day after reports of CIA intimidation on employees and foreign ground assets.

In an exclusive published by CNN, a source has revealed an “unprecedented” effort to keep anyone with information on the Benghazi embassy attack from speaking with the media or Congress.
Nice. Find a bunch of pictures of a woman that make her look strange and claim that's why people shouldn't vote for her. Sexist much? Or will you do the same for any Democratic candidate?

She's a lot more stable than you. And yes, I would love to place the fate of this nation in Hillary Clinton's hands.

I like Poet's link - fact-based, not wild emotional stuff. Here it is again- why we won't vote Republican.
The fact that Bubba "I did not have sex with that women" Clinton pulled the wool over The Hillary's eyes with Monica is enough for me, along with Benghazi, no way no how will the Hillary win. Hillary "Stand by my man" Clinton is too naive to be President. I am very stable, you will never see me go Bonkers on here, except on that one occasion about false statements attributed to me that Damo had to clear up. You will never see me tell a lie on here, like your boy Howey did about me, of course, I immediately had that situation corrected, and retracted....capisce? By now, I should be used to lies about me coming from the Libs, it happened on the old Board as well, but I cleared those up too.
"no way no how will the Hillary win."

So who ya got to run against her? Who gets Sheldon Adelson's millions? Give us a couple of names.
"no way no how will the Hillary win."

So who ya got to run against her? Who gets Sheldon Adelson's millions? Give us a couple of names.

Crash are you a Hillary fan? Now I understand if it's a Republican vs. Hillary you would support Hillary. But from an ideological perspective from what I have seen you post I know there were lots of things Bill Clinton did that you disagree with, signing NAFTA being a big one, do you think Hillary would be different than Bill in that regard?
I am very stable, you will never see me go Bonkers on here, except on that one occasion about false statements attributed to me that Damo had to clear up. You will never see me tell a lie on here, like your boy Howey did about me, of course, I immediately had that situation corrected, and retracted....capisce? By now, I should be used to lies about me coming from the Libs, it happened on the old Board as well, but I cleared those up too.

Apologies for implying you weren't stable. I remember a lot of wild and crazy posts from you, but of course the posts don't indicate that you yourself are unstable, just that you like to do a lot of wild and crazy posts.

I still think your Op was intended to be inflammatory, though.
Crash are you a Hillary fan? Now I understand if it's a Republican vs. Hillary you would support Hillary. But from an ideological perspective from what I have seen you post I know there were lots of things Bill Clinton did that you disagree with, signing NAFTA being a big one, do you think Hillary would be different than Bill in that regard?

Why do you believe she couldn't be? Women are very often more radical than their husbands, particularly as they get older.
Why do you believe she couldn't be? Women are very often more radical than their husbands, particularly as they get older.

She could be she could not be, she's not in office I don't know hence why I asked his opinion.
The fact that Bubba "I did not have sex with that women" Clinton pulled the wool over The Hillary's eyes with Monica is enough for me, along with Benghazi, no way no how will the Hillary win. Hillary "Stand by my man" Clinton is too naive to be President. I am very stable, you will never see me go Bonkers on here, except on that one occasion about false statements attributed to me that Damo had to clear up. You will never see me tell a lie on here, like your boy Howey did about me, of course, I immediately had that situation corrected, and retracted....capisce? By now, I should be used to lies about me coming from the Libs, it happened on the old Board as well, but I cleared those up too.
Blah, blah, blah, and more "blah". Take several seats.
Apologies for implying you weren't stable. I remember a lot of wild and crazy posts from you, but of course the posts don't indicate that you yourself are unstable, just that you like to do a lot of wild and crazy posts.

I still think your Op was intended to be inflammatory, though.

I disagree. He's unstable.
politics is a team sport. the two teams have different philosophies and different platforms. I know that I have chosen to be a democrat because I believe in their philosophies and their platform to a far greater degree than I do their opposition. Until that changes, I will ALWAYS vote for the candidate that my party nominates. period.
politics is a team sport. the two teams have different philosophies and different platforms. I know that I have chosen to be a democrat because I believe in their philosophies and their platform to a far greater degree than I do their opposition. Until that changes, I will ALWAYS vote for the candidate that my party nominates. period.
You mean you're a Communist? Thank you for admitting that.
I disagree. He's unstable.
At least no one could make me lose it like I "did" you, no pun intended. I still own your bias ass, and a lot of the "old" timers knows it, because they remember how I routinely turned you everyway butt lose...LOL...O, I forgot...TROUCHE'