Anyone who has ever researched the Left beyond what Fox News tells them what the left motivation is knows that this isn't true. You kids don't have a clue what the Left stands for.
I am hardly a kid; but you certainly sound like one making the amazingly naive and stupid claims you do on this forum.
I'll do your homework for you and state that the Left DOES NOT want to ban all guns. The majority of the Left want to address massacres, not single gun death situations.
The left does want to ban all guns in the hands of private owners.
Do our homework; hell, you don’t even have the right assignment goober. I have been around long enough to remember all the lies and distortions made by these gun grabbing morons.
First they said that they only wanted to ban “Saturday Night Specials” with short barrels because they could be “concealed” easily. Then they got laws passed to force you to register handguns and have to wait ten days before you could pick them up. Then they had the same laws passed for long guns. Then they went after magazines. When those laws didn’t get them to the end goal they then went after ammunition. When that didn’t work they went after gun shops making the maize of paperwork and licensing a near impossibility.
Now after the latest incident, they want the same laws for shotguns.
So spare me the disingenuous lies about what the lefttards want to do regarding private ownership; it is painfully obvious unless you are a dullard.
The Left brings up 100 round mags and the Right says "NO WAY, this is a slippery slope in which you want to ban all guns" As if the gun control we have in place has ever been a slippery slope towards total gun ban. Basic ignorance.
There you go, illustrating how incredibly uninformed and dishonest you are; 100 round magazines? Really?
Here’s a clue for the incredibly clueless and naive; gun laws would not and could not have prevented any of these mass killings. They didn’t prevent them in Norway, England or France either.
You see, criminals break the law and don’t give a shit about gun laws. Gun laws are only intended to do one thing; keep guns out of the hands of the law abiding.