Django Unchained ROCKS!

Mott the Hoople

Sweet Jane
Just finished watching it. Christoph Walts was robbed! He should have won the acadamy award for best actor. Fox, Jackson, DiCaprio and Don Johnson were freaken awesome too. Best movie since Pulp Fiction!!!
I will see it eventually. Christoph Waltz alone is worth watching it, and the rest of the cast rocks as well. Plus, it's another one of those pseudo-historical faux-Spaghetti Western flicks by Tarantino, and I loved Inglourious Basterds!
I loved it, until the last 20 minutes or so. I know it was supposed to be kind of spaghetti western & not 100% serious, but it just got too preposterous. And you're right - Waltz is an incredible actor.

On a side note, I finally got around to renting "Cloud Atlas." I know it was a pretty polarizing movie & that some people hated it, but man, did I love that flick. I have no problem saying it's my fave of all time; I watched it 3x in a row.
Just finished watching it. Christoph Walts was robbed! He should have won the acadamy award for best actor. Fox, Jackson, DiCaprio and Don Johnson were freaken awesome too. Best movie since Pulp Fiction!!!
I must retract. Found out Mr. Waltz won best supporting actor Oscar for his role in Django.
Pulp Fiction must appeal to intellectual, coffeehouse Northern patricians such as myself. In that sense, I can understand why the dumbass Southerner dislikes it. Kill Bill sucks, though, and I'm not a Reservoir Dogs fan, either. Tarantino is really hit and miss for me.
I loved it, until the last 20 minutes or so. I know it was supposed to be kind of spaghetti western & not 100% serious, but it just got too preposterous. And you're right - Waltz is an incredible actor.

On a side note, I finally got around to renting "Cloud Atlas." I know it was a pretty polarizing movie & that some people hated it, but man, did I love that flick. I have no problem saying it's my fave of all time; I watched it 3x in a row.

yup, put me in the love it camp. That movie owned. Great message, great soundtrack, very engaging.
Pulp Fiction must appeal to intellectual, coffeehouse Northern patricians such as myself. In that sense, I can understand why the dumbass Southerner dislikes it. Kill Bill sucks, though, and I'm not a Reservoir Dogs fan, either. Tarantino is really hit and miss for me.

my only problem with tarantino is he's kindof become a parody onto himself. It would be nice if he would make a film that wasn't a 2hr homage for a change.
Both movies suck because of the gratuitous violence. If the writing was good they wouldn't need that to hold the audience's attention. I can see why someone living in a coarse society like the filthy, rusty North would like it....
my only problem with tarantino is he's kindof become a parody onto himself. It would be nice if he would make a film that wasn't a 2hr homage for a change.

Well, much of what Clint Eastwood does now satirizes his film legacy, with particular emphasis on Gran Torino, which is somewhat anti-Eastwood with its anticlimactic ending. Tarantino is definitely all about the farce, which can fall flat when he overdoes it.
hwo do you call gran tarino anti climatic? he went full jesus mode, and the kid got the motherfucking car.
I loved it, until the last 20 minutes or so. I know it was supposed to be kind of spaghetti western & not 100% serious, but it just got too preposterous. And you're right - Waltz is an incredible actor.

On a side note, I finally got around to renting "Cloud Atlas." I know it was a pretty polarizing movie & that some people hated it, but man, did I love that flick. I have no problem saying it's my fave of all time; I watched it 3x in a row.

Yeah, the last twenty was too much and did not add anything. He should have ended with the original battle. The second half could have been improved through cutting.
He appears to go in all guns blazing, but then he just gets shot. Decades worth of Eastwood heroes and antiheroes would have drawn a semi or magnum and shot the gangsters up. Then strolled off to the local bar as the sun sent down.
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