Dixie’s War: Unimaginable horror - Bagdad Market Vaporized; Hundreds dead and wounde


Will work for Scooby snacks
just one more day of horror, blood, and body parts in the civil war that Dixie helped unleash and set the stage for:

121 Killed As Baghdad Market Obliterated
Saturday, February 3, 2007 4:13 PM EST
The Associated Press

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) — A suicide bomber driving a truck loaded with explosives hidden beneath cooking oil, canned food and bags of flour obliterated a Baghdad food market on Saturday, killing at least 121 people in one of the most fearsome attacks in the capital since the U.S. invasion in 2003.

It was the fifth major bombing in less than a month targeting predominantly Shiite districts in Baghdad and one provincial city to the south. This one leveled about 30 shops and 40 houses, witnesses said.

The Health Ministry said more than 300 people were injured in the thunderous explosion that sent a column of smoke into the sky on the east bank of the Tigris River. The nearby al-Kindi hospital — quickly overwhelmed — began turning away the wounded and directing ambulances to hospitals in the Shiite Sadr City neighborhood.
pretty soon, that Jeffersonian, muliticultural deomcracy should be sprouting up on the banks of the Euphrates, huh Dix?

but this isn't a civil war.... this is just the marginal actions of some handful of deadenders in their final throes.....right?
I'm hoping it's more of a Hamiltonian Democracy myself.
oh... I am sure you are... but here's a news flash: it won't look anything like you stupid neocon assholes thought it would...it will be about as close to hamiltonian democracy as chickenshit is to chicken breast.
and it will have cost us tens of thousands of dead and wounded Americans, hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqis, and an entire world less safe and less secure. GO SIT IN THE CORNER FOR A LONG, WELL DESERVED TIMEOUT.
oh... I am sure you are... but here's a news flash: it won't look anything like you stupid neocon assholes thought it would...it will be about as close to hamiltonian democracy as chickenshit is to chicken breast.

Oh well... at least it's not a totalitarian dictatorial regime, feeding people into wood-chippers and such. Anything would be an improvement for the people of Iraq, even a Jeffersonian democracy... although a Hamiltonian would be best, next a Jacksonian, and then a Wilsonian... but I would settle for a Jeffersonian one... it still beats NO democracy.
and it will have cost us tens of thousands of dead and wounded Americans, hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqis, and an entire world less safe and less secure. GO SIT IN THE CORNER FOR A LONG, WELL DESERVED TIMEOUT.

I don't believe you have the right to deny my Constitutional rights and relegate me to the corner, sorry. And yes... it will have cost us a lot of American (and Iraqi) lives... just like WWII... WWI... Korea... Spanish-American War.... Civil War... War of 1812... American Revolution... What is your point? It's not going to make it MORE worth it, to abandon the mission, give up, and just admit defeat and failure! THAT will not make things BETTER!
I don't believe you have the right to deny my Constitutional rights and relegate me to the corner, sorry. And yes... it will have cost us a lot of American (and Iraqi) lives... just like WWII... WWI... Korea... Spanish-American War.... Civil War... War of 1812... American Revolution... What is your point? It's not going to make it MORE worth it, to abandon the mission, give up, and just admit defeat and failure! THAT will not make things BETTER!

Oh..I don't have the right to relegate you to the corner, but the American electorate certainly does, and undoubtedly will.

The American electorate will realize by 2008 that throwing more American cannon fodder into the meatgrinder of Iraq makes no sense, and they will PUNISH your party for having put us in that situation and lost all those lives.
I wonder how many iraqi children are fatherless or motherless today, as a result of actions YOU helped put into motion?

I don't know... I wonder how many now realize their individual potential in a democratic Iraq? I wonder how many are grateful they don't have to fear being fed to the wood-chipper or raped by the ruler or his sons? I wonder how much more money is going into the coffers of the democratic government of Iraq, instead of being squandered by an extravagant tyrant? I wonder how many more Iraqi's will benefit from the wealth of natural and historical resources found in their country, now that they are allowed to benefit in a democratic society?

....it's always nice to wonder, Prissy!
I find it very humerous and sad for our nation that the "bring em on president" has become the "give me one more chance" president.

His next line will be "I've fallen and I can't get up!"
Naah, he will never fully realize the extent of his errors...
Oh..I don't have the right to relegate you to the corner, but the American electorate certainly does, and undoubtedly will.

No, I am afraid that is inaccurate as well. The American electorate does not retain the power to take my right to free speech, and won't. Sorry!
I wonder how many iraqi children are fatherless or motherless today, as a result of actions YOU helped put into motion?

I don't know... I wonder how many now realize their individual potential in a democratic Iraq? I wonder how many are grateful they don't have to fear being fed to the wood-chipper or raped by the ruler or his sons? I wonder how much more money is going into the coffers of the democratic government of Iraq, instead of being squandered by an extravagant tyrant? I wonder how many more Iraqi's will benefit from the wealth of natural and historical resources found in their country, now that they are allowed to benefit in a democratic society?

....it's always nice to wonder, Prissy!

I don't know... I wonder how many now realize their individual potential in a democratic Iraq?

So, this bloody carnage is your "gift" to the iraqi people?

Don't you even have a soul, man?
Oh..I don't have the right to relegate you to the corner, but the American electorate certainly does, and undoubtedly will.

No, I am afraid that is inaccurate as well. The American electorate does not retain the power to take my right to free speech, and won't. Sorry!

oh...you can talk all right, and I never said othersise....just know that hardly anyone will be listening, that's all.

just like hardly anyone really listens to Lyndon LaRouche anymore.
So, this bloody carnage is your "gift" to the iraqi people?

No, Democracy is that gift, and this bloody carnage is a distraction you are continuing to foster, in order to renege on the gift and abandon these people when they need us most. Have you not figured out, we have a completely different perspective on Iraq? Get used to it!
No, I am afraid that is inaccurate as well. The American electorate does not retain the power to take my right to free speech, and won't. Sorry!
Right , that power is reserved for the Bush monarchy.
By following bush blindly you have forfitted your right to free speech and can now only parrott talking points.

but of course you cannot realize this.
oh...you can talk all right, and I never said othersise....

No... of course... you said "timeout in the corner" ...you never said I couldn't talk. Typical liberal goofball.

It blows me away, how pinheads think that because they won in the mid-terms, it means that half of America just no longer has a voice anymore! As if, on election day, we just unanimously decided we wanted to be the Liberal States of America, and no one has any opposing view anymore! It's settled!

You people are too fucking funny!
oh...you can talk all right, and I never said othersise....

No... of course... you said "timeout in the corner" ...you never said I couldn't talk. Typical liberal goofball.

It blows me away, how pinheads think that because they won in the mid-terms, it means that half of America just no longer has a voice anymore! As if, on election day, we just unanimously decided we wanted to be the Liberal States of America, and no one has any opposing view anymore! It's settled!

You people are too fucking funny!

oh...you have a voice.., and after 2008, you will continue to have a voice...no one said otherswise.... I have never suggested the permanent demise of the republican party (although, if you will recall, you prematurely did, in fact, predict the permanent demise of MY party...but that is another story - another moment in which to bitchslap you with your own idiotic failed prognostications) I have only suggested that the American electorate will relegate you to a minority status where you can whine from the margins all you like, but a democratic president and a democratic congress will blithely ignore you... and what will you do THEN, from your seat all alone in the corner?
By following bush blindly you have forfitted your right to free speech

Well, first off, I have not followed Bush blindly, but even if I had, I missed that disclaimer in my Constitution, can you point it out for me?