
Dear God;

Please kill brown babies, so that we might not have to suffer the inevitable consequence for our shortsighted actions. If you could send over a salvo of missiles shoot a laser up my Koch and solve world hunger release my burden.
there is no god.

Women have the right to control the very flesh inside their bodies.

fuck you very much
the only place a child can grow is in a womb.

that womb is NOT yours.

keep your fucking hands to yourself
You will NEVER again be able to FORCE women to BARe children they don't want.

fuck you very much
You will NEVER again be able to FORCE women to BARe children they don't want.

fuck you very much

so tell me, if she is not raped and it's not incest, why should the child die for the man and woman's lack of preparation. Why don't the two people involved be accountable
Other than the fact that forced birthers just find abortion abhorrent, what negative effects does it have on our country as a whole so that it should be illegal? There are some indications that there have been positive effects that have occurred since Roe v. Wade. Other than the population not increasing by about 1.3 million people per year, what is the actual "pick my pocket or break my leg" effects?