Disappointed in the level of debate here.


Well-known member
I've been on this site for many years. Going back to the old site. Few of us have been around that long.

I am more disappointed now than ever in the quality of discussion going on here.

We have very few liberals. We also have very few interesting conservatives who post with any regularity anymore.

Damocles, while the quality of his debate has suffered in the past few years, is fun to debate, intelligent and usually honest, but hes never here anymore.
Supercandy, when not just throwing out insults, is fun to debate. But hes never here anymore.
Dixie, was intelligent but not honest was fun to debate, but they banned him.

Any ideas on how to recruit some intelligent and interesting conservatives?
everyone just needs to take a deep breath. We just had a very nice debate competition with good participation from many great members here.
I've been on this site for many years. Going back to the old site. Few of us have been around that long.

I am more disappointed now than ever in the quality of discussion going on here.

We have very few liberals. We also have very few interesting conservatives who post with any regularity anymore.

Damocles, while the quality of his debate has suffered in the past few years, is fun to debate, intelligent and usually honest, but hes never here anymore.
Supercandy, when not just throwing out insults, is fun to debate. But hes never here anymore.
Dixie, was intelligent but not honest was fun to debate, but they banned him.

Any ideas on how to recruit some intelligent and interesting conservatives?

It's what they want Jarod...they want to be able to post their filthy sexual comments free from reprisal and be able to snicker about them afterwards.
And they ran off the champ!
That's what happens with 20 something video gamer mods
All riechwingers

Hey, Grind couldn't find the compassion to show a bit of concern for a family member asking for help...it's a no brainer that he doesn't give two rat farts for anyone here but himself.
I've been on this site for many years. Going back to the old site. Few of us have been around that long.

I am more disappointed now than ever in the quality of discussion going on here.

We have very few liberals. We also have very few interesting conservatives who post with any regularity anymore.

Damocles, while the quality of his debate has suffered in the past few years, is fun to debate, intelligent and usually honest, but hes never here anymore.
Supercandy, when not just throwing out insults, is fun to debate. But hes never here anymore.
Dixie, was intelligent but not honest was fun to debate, but they banned him.

Any ideas on how to recruit some intelligent and interesting conservatives?

What? You don't find ILA, Big money, Truth Detractor, USFREEDUMB, Or Tom the Tourist, fun to debate. How could that be?
One of the first things each of us can do Jarod is look at ourselves individually and ask what can we do to improve debate on the board. About a month ago you yourself said something to the effect of you were going to make right-wingers uncomfortable or look at themselves or something along those lines and then you started posting a bunch of partisan gotcha 'trying to score points' threads that did nothing to further a good debate. I'm not implying a good debate must be non-partisan but how you start a thread can dictate what type of discussion will follow.

You ask a legitimate question about furthering better discussions and in this case you have a chance to be part of the solution and not part of the problem.
One of the first things each of us can do Jarod is look at ourselves individually and ask what can we do to improve debate on the board. About a month ago you yourself said something to the effect of you were going to make right-wingers uncomfortable or look at themselves or something along those lines and then you started posting a bunch of partisan gotcha 'trying to score points' threads that did nothing to further a good debate. I'm not implying a good debate must be non-partisan but how you start a thread can dictate what type of discussion will follow.

You ask a legitimate question about furthering better discussions and in this case you have a chance to be part of the solution and not part of the problem.

Cawacko you're one of the good guys even though you're a rightie.* :) I learn things from you because you ask questions and present your comments in a respectful manner. You're the kind of rightie that gives me an iota of hope for the rest.

*Not intended to be damning with faint praise.
sheez....and right out of the gate you insult him?.......

I've 'known' christiefan for a long time and she is good people. I think her comment was funny and I appreciated it. Maybe the same thing said to someone else and in a different context could be considered to be insulting but not here.

I know during intense passionate discussions not a lot of things are funny but I'm a big fan of humor, even when it is at my expense.
One of the first things each of us can do Jarod is look at ourselves individually and ask what can we do to improve debate on the board. About a month ago you yourself said something to the effect of you were going to make right-wingers uncomfortable or look at themselves or something along those lines and then you started posting a bunch of partisan gotcha 'trying to score points' threads that did nothing to further a good debate. I'm not implying a good debate must be non-partisan but how you start a thread can dictate what type of discussion will follow.

You ask a legitimate question about furthering better discussions and in this case you have a chance to be part of the solution and not part of the problem.

Good stuff here, I will look at myself going forward, and should have included Crawacko in the list of good conservative debaters, but I don't consider you much of a Conservative. Id call you moderate and we don't disagree enough to have made me think of you.