Dingy Harry Reids war on women


So everyone is all a buzz about Reid saying that he doesn't care about healthcare for kids, but a little comment going unnoticed is how demeaning he was to Dana Bash. He had this to say to her

“This is — to have someone of your intelligence to suggest such a thing maybe means you’re irresponsible and reckless,” Harry Reid

now imagine if some Republican said this to a woman reporter? Oh goodness, the Sob Sisters on this sight would have their tampon strings ablaze with indignation. But Harry? Aww shucks, he didn't really mean it and he supports killing unborn babies so the Sob Sisters will look the other way just like they did with Filner.
The drudge reports headline says the Obamacare hotline number is 1-800-FUC-KYO. I kid know one. I'm looking at it at this moment.
The drudge reports headline says the Obamacare hotline number is 1-800-FUC-KYO. I kid know one. I'm looking at it at this moment.

Well,there you go, it is Drudge after all,which use to be a gossip blog, not much has changed.