Digital Dave how 'bout that 41-0


thrashing last year at the hands of the Steelers? So whats it going to be for the Brownies this year? Will Frye come of age? Will K2 grab one in the end zone? Will the Browns make shift o-line stand up to the pressure of Joey Porter and the Steelers blitzing ways? Id like it see it happen but I dont think they are ready ...yet. But ..that humiliating loss last year must still sting and must be embedded inside their head ...thus an upset could be in the making ..... The Browns "D" ..which is getting better each week will need to make a stand against an inconsistant Steeler Offense. .... and for once god... stop the run.
Ahem! It is grossly impolite to say "41-0" in the presence of 49ers fans. When placed in the same sentence as "Kansas City" it becomes a killing offense.
thrashing last year at the hands of the Steelers? So whats it going to be for the Brownies this year? Will Frye come of age? Will K2 grab one in the end zone? Will the Browns make shift o-line stand up to the pressure of Joey Porter and the Steelers blitzing ways? Id like it see it happen but I dont think they are ready ...yet. But ..that humiliating loss last year must still sting and must be embedded inside their head ...thus an upset could be in the making ..... The Browns "D" ..which is getting better each week will need to make a stand against an inconsistant Steeler Offense. .... and for once god... stop the run.


Everytime I hear that '41-0', I just want to get out there myself and knock some heads loose. This game on Sunday is going to be a rowdy one. Fans are ticked and the players are ticked. We've been waiting for this game for a while. We took joy in watching the Steelers lose to Oakland while we beat the Jets and the Falcons. But they beat the Saints last week so now its gonna be a game since our records are tied up. I think the Browns will come at the Steelers full force and won't let up until the Steelers are embarassed.