Did you know math is racist? LOL

It says expecting a student to get the right answer is racism and white supremacy.
So math is a racist tool and is therefore racist
It says expecting a student to get the right answer is racism and white supremacy.
So math is a racist tool and is therefore racist

The Revolution is coming hard for STEM because independent thinking and logic are existential threats to the Victim Culture Cult which drives the WOKE Revolution. America is going down, and down hard...all of the West is....the Future is the New Chinese Empire.

Math is racist: How data is driving inequality


Have you (or anyone here) actually read through this rubbish? It isn't just about math being racist, it's about turning math into radical Leftist propaganda and indoctrination. Here's some examples from that manual:

Teachers, in order to shift your practice toward antiracist math education, it is necessary to critically examine the ways in which white supremacy culture permeates your own math classrooms.
p 10

White supremacy culture shows up in math classrooms when...
p 12

So, we go from teaching racism to racism. This manual focuses exclusively on White supremacy as the only form of racism to be eliminated.

This is bizarre, but expected. The manual suggests that pidgin language and slang, along with apparently non-Christian religion, be used in teaching:

“[A critical centering on dynamic community languages, valued practices, and knowledges] means that educators don't see students’ languages (e.g., Navajo, African-American Language, Spanish, ‘standard’ English), literacies (e.g., Hip Hop, poetry, social media, street art) or ways of being (e.g., spiritual beliefs, ways of relating to adults and elders) as somehow marginal or to simply be added to the existing curriculum. Rather, these facets of students' selves and communities must be centered meaningfully in classroom learning, across units and projects.
p 15

White supremacy culture shows up in math classrooms when...
Procedural fluency is preferred over conceptual knowledge.
p 26

Not exactly sure how this is a White supremacist thing but... Anyway, the second line is telling. What it states is that it should be preferred that the student saying they grasp the concept is more important than being able to do the problem and get a correct answer, because stressing correct answers is a sign of White supremacy.

White supremacy culture shows up in math classrooms when...
“Good” math teaching is considered an antidote for mathematical inequity for Black, Latinx, multilingual students.

This reinforces either/or thinking by reinforcing stereotypes about the type of mathematical education that certain groups of students receive. It allows the defensiveness of Western mathematics to prevail, without addressing underlying causes of why certain groups of students are “underperforming,” a characterization that should also be interrogated. It also presupposes that “good” math teaching is about a Eurocentric type of mathematics, devoid of cultural ways of being.
p 30

So now math is "Eurocentric," and of course, a White thing. The manual says that's bad and racist...

Then there's this bit of academic insanity quoted in it:

“Elsewhere, I have argued that the practice of school mathematics in the US regulates the child by privileging: algebra/calculus over geometry/topology/spatial reasoning; rule following over rule breaking; Western mathematics (culture free) over ethnomathematics (recognizing that even academic mathematicians are a culture); the ‘standard algorithm’ over invented or international algorithms; abstraction over context (‘just pretend this is real world’); mind over body; logic over intuition; and encouraging students to
“critique the reasoning of others” over appreciating their reasoning. Not only can these repeated practices over a lifetime serve to dehumanize students and teachers in classrooms, the narrative about mathematics being a pure discipline, reflective of the natural world around us, universal, with an almost unilaterally positive relationship to society’s advancement, leaves many humans unable to challenge this narrative to consider other ways of doing mathematics.” (Gutierrez 2017)
p 36
White supremacy culture shows up in math classrooms when...
“Real-world math” is valued over math in the real world.
Often the emphasis is placed on learning math in the “real world,” as if our classrooms are not a part of the real world. This reinforces notions of either/or thinking because math is only seen as useful when it is in a particular context. However, this can result in using mathematics to uphold capitalist and imperialist ways of being and understandings of the world.
p 58

Oh, so now math is "capitalist and imperialist..." yea, sure...

I really don't need to go through the whole of it to demonstrate that:

* It singles out Whites as racist and is in itself, by definition racist for doing that.
* It excuses poor performance by anyone (other than presumably a White) in math by claiming it's a "White" thing.
* While I didn't show this here, the whole is riddled with the language of Critical Pedagogy.
* It promotes feelings over accomplishment.
* It is rife with indoctrination and propaganda to radicalize the student.
Have you (or anyone here) actually read through this rubbish? It isn't just about math being racist, it's about turning math into radical Leftist propaganda and indoctrination. Here's some examples from that manual:

p 10

It is pure unadulturated Bull Shit, and that fact that they not only get away with it but that those who contradict it must be hurt is one of the many proofs that America is going down, and down hard.