The Anonymous
Bag On My Head
Nurse vaccinated for COVID-19 tests positive
A nurse has tested positive for COVID-19 about two weeks after getting vaccinated, and experts say there are a number of possibilities why that might be.
Santosh Baral said he was "speechless" when his results came back positive for COVID-19 last week after a routine test.
The positive test comes after receiving his second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on Jan. 8 and testing negative on Jan. 13.
There are positive cases at the long-term care home Baral works in, but he said to his knowledge, no other person who has received both doses of the vaccine has tested positive for COVID-19 since.
Baral said he feels fine, but is at home self-isolating until he is sure it is safe to return to work.
Clinical immunologist and allergist Dr. Zainab Abdurrahman said there are a number of possibilities why Baral could have tested positive.
It takes up to a week to ten days after getting both vaccinations before becoming fully immune, so depending on the timing, she said a person "could be exposed to the virus before the doses take full effect".
A nurse has tested positive for COVID-19 about two weeks after getting vaccinated, and experts say there are a number of possibilities why that might be.
Santosh Baral said he was "speechless" when his results came back positive for COVID-19 last week after a routine test.
The positive test comes after receiving his second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on Jan. 8 and testing negative on Jan. 13.
There are positive cases at the long-term care home Baral works in, but he said to his knowledge, no other person who has received both doses of the vaccine has tested positive for COVID-19 since.
Baral said he feels fine, but is at home self-isolating until he is sure it is safe to return to work.
Clinical immunologist and allergist Dr. Zainab Abdurrahman said there are a number of possibilities why Baral could have tested positive.
It takes up to a week to ten days after getting both vaccinations before becoming fully immune, so depending on the timing, she said a person "could be exposed to the virus before the doses take full effect".