Did Tesla cheat?

Big Money

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The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is pushing back on Tesla Motors' claim that its Model S car had a crash test rating greater than five stars.

The car, the agency says, was a stellar performer, but not off the scale as its manufacturer claims.

From your link:

"Clarence Ditlow, the director of the Center of Auto Safety, told ABC News that the Tesla Model S did earn very high marks on NHTSA's crash tests. However, he also says that Tesla Motors's spin on the score is misleading. "No matter what, you can't say it's the safest car ever tested, just that it had the best overall test score of any vehicle tested by NHTSA.""

If it had the best overall test score of any vehicle tested, how is it not the safest car ever tested?
Tesla claimed "5.4 stars".

No such rating.

The five-star rating system that NHTSA uses is based on the likelihood that a driver or passenger will be injured in an accident. NHTSA also provides additional measurements of safety, which according to a Tesla spokesperson, the company combined to produce the 5.4 star rating.”

USA Today echoes that there is no 5.4-star NHTSA rating, and adds that “[Tesla] said it figured that based on the complicated underlying data and calculations that go into the star ratings and are provided to the individual automakers.”

Tesla claimed "5.4 stars".

No such rating.

The five-star rating system that NHTSA uses is based on the likelihood that a driver or passenger will be injured in an accident. NHTSA also provides additional measurements of safety, which according to a Tesla spokesperson, the company combined to produce the 5.4 star rating.”

USA Today echoes that there is no 5.4-star NHTSA rating, and adds that “[Tesla] said it figured that based on the complicated underlying data and calculations that go into the star ratings and are provided to the individual automakers.”


Not sure where they came up with the 5.4 stars, but they are accurate in claiming they have the safest car ever tested.

And if they "invented" the 5.4 star rating, they would be lying in their ad. Not sure where you get "cheat".
A Tesla spokesperson said the company stands by its claim:

We stand by what we wrote in the press release. We believe it to be true based on NHTSA’s numeric Relative Risk Score (RRS) and overall vehicle-safety score (VSS) that ranks cars across its crash-test categories. The VSS score correlates to the overall probability of an occupant being injured in an accident.

Tesla's vehicle safety score was 0.42, which was lower than any other car listed in public documents.
