Dialing Back The Alarm On Climate Change


Staff member

Later this month, a long-awaited event that last happened in 2007 will recur. Like a returning comet, it will be taken to portend ominous happenings. I refer to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC) "fifth assessment report," part of which will be published on Sept. 27.

There have already been leaks from this 31-page document, which summarizes 1,914 pages of scientific discussion, but thanks to a senior climate scientist, I have had a glimpse of the key prediction at the heart of the document. The big news is that, for the first time since these reports started coming out in 1990, the new one dials back the alarm. It states that the temperature rise we can expect as a result of man-made emissions of carbon dioxide is lower than the IPPC thought in 2007.

Admittedly, the change is small, and because of changing definitions, it is not easy to compare the two reports, but retreat it is. It is significant because it points to the very real possibility that, over the next several generations, the overall effect of climate change will be positive for humankind and the planet.

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Ridley was chairman of the UK bank Northern Rock from 2004 to 2007, during which period Northern Rock experienced the first run on a British bank in 150 years. Ridley chose to resign, and the bank had to be bailed out by the UK government leading to the nationalisation of Northern Rock.[7]

I don't think I trust your author
also,dumbshrub, do you even understand that the evidence does not support the alarmist positions anymore? LOL I doubt you do
Oh yeah and that the deregulation persued along with tax cuts would create a great economy into the future.

your ideas have all failed.

now you will fail again in trying to pretend they don't fail

Later this month, a long-awaited event that last happened in 2007 will recur. Like a returning comet, it will be taken to portend ominous happenings. I refer to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC) "fifth assessment report," part of which will be published on Sept. 27.

There have already been leaks from this 31-page document, which summarizes 1,914 pages of scientific discussion, but thanks to a senior climate scientist, I have had a glimpse of the key prediction at the heart of the document. The big news is that, for the first time since these reports started coming out in 1990, the new one dials back the alarm. It states that the temperature rise we can expect as a result of man-made emissions of carbon dioxide is lower than the IPPC thought in 2007.

Admittedly, the change is small, and because of changing definitions, it is not easy to compare the two reports, but retreat it is. It is significant because it points to the very real possibility that, over the next several generations, the overall effect of climate change will be positive for humankind and the planet.

More at link...

LOL. good call on the timing of posting this. Are your sump pumps keeping up? Anyone heard from Superfreak yet?
You fucks also claimed Sadam had WMDs abnd that Bush would balance the budget

Dear asshat; Saddam did have WMDs.

Dear asshat; Presidents cannot balance budgets, Congress does. When dimwitted Democrats duped the American sheeple into electing them to a majority in 2006, the deficit had been reduced to $161 billion. By the time the American sheeple woke up in 2010 and kicked dimwitted Democrats out of the house majority, the deficit had ballooned to over $1.4 billion dollars; much of this thanks to an $850 billion stimulus bill that did NOTHING to create jobs.

But then, you're a dimwitted low information voter that mindlessly parrots Marxist class envy DNC talking points; you're too stupid to comprehend reality or facts.

Dismissed dumbshrub.
Oh yeah and that the deregulation persued along with tax cuts would create a great economy into the future.

your ideas have all failed.

now you will fail again in trying to pretend they don't fail

Dear asshat; deregulation and tax cuts did not cause our economic problems. But again, how would a dimwit who mindlessly parrots Marxist class envy DNC rhetoric be expected to understand facts, reality or the truth?
LOL. good call on the timing of posting this. Are your sump pumps keeping up? Anyone heard from Superfreak yet?

Another clueless dimwit making fun of those who are losing their homes thinking it is due to Man Caused Global Warmimg.
Oh yeah and that the deregulation persued along with tax cuts would create a great economy into the future.

your ideas have all failed.

now you will fail again in trying to pretend they don't fail

What do you think we can do to "prevent climate change?"

Please be specific in your answer. Don't just say "reduce our use of fossil fuels."

The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) was an ionospheric research program jointly funded by the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Navy, the University of Alaska, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).[1]
Designed and built by BAE Advanced Technologies (BAEAT), its purpose is to analyze the ionosphere and investigate the potential for developing ionospheric enhancement technology for radio communications and surveillance.[2] The HAARP program operates a major sub-arctic facility, named the HAARP Research Station, on an Air Force–owned site near Gakona, Alaska.
The most prominent instrument at the HAARP Station is the Ionospheric Research Instrument (IRI), a high-power radio frequency transmitter facility operating in the high frequency (HF) band. The IRI is used to temporarily excite a limited area of the Ionosphere. Other instruments, such as a VHF and a UHF radar, a fluxgate magnetometer, a digisonde (an ionospheric sounding device), and an induction magnetometer, are used to study the physical processes that occur in the excited region.
Work on the HAARP Station began in 1993. The current working IRI was completed in 2007, and its prime contractor was BAE Systems Advanced Technologies.[1] As of 2008, HAARP had incurred around $250 million in tax-funded construction and operating costs.
HAARP has been blamed by conspiracy theorists for a range of events, including numerous natural disasters, outbreaks, global warming, global cooling, volcanoes, even assassinations of individuals. Commentators and scientists say that proponents of these theories are "uninformed" as most theories put forward fall well outside of the abilities or the facility and often outside the scope of natural science and defy physics.[3][4]
then fuck you.

swallow without any evidence what this corporate asshole is telling you.

Evince. you need to look deeper into the environmentalism movement. It's spurious conclusions are used to justify anti-human arguments and eugenicist arguments, most of which affect the poor and powerless you claim to care for.
Ridley was chairman of the UK bank Northern Rock from 2004 to 2007, during which period Northern Rock experienced the first run on a British bank in 150 years. Ridley chose to resign, and the bank had to be bailed out by the UK government leading to the nationalisation of Northern Rock.[7]

I don't think I trust your author

Desh you don't trust anything that doesn't comport with your ideology. To be fair, y aren't alone.

However forget the scientists. Your own lying eyes and common sense should tell you that man cannot alter the climate.