Dhimmi Kopple in iran Dicovery Channel


Sanctimonious Prick
I don't have to see the show to know what its going to be about. He's going to put the nice face on iran and show that they are kind and conciderate people who are just misunderstood. And Bush is out to bring them down.

He'll show all the people going about their daily business. And talk with Ahmalittlehitler about how iran has no ambitions for nukes. And be a regular mouth piece for the iranians.

I know what side of the fence kopple sits on and I don't expect any investigative reporting or digging for the truth.

Its 1938 all over again. And this time hitler is building his nukes before launching his ground war.
He'll show all the people going about their daily business. And talk with Ahmalittlehitler about how iran has no ambitions for nukes. And be a regular mouth piece for the iranians.

I know what side of the fence kopple sits on and I don't expect any investigative reporting or digging for the truth.

Don't be ridiculous. If you simply want propaganda, you've got Fox News.

If you want real journalism, Koppel is an entirely credible reporter. Here's some of his "softball" questions for President Chavez of Venezuela:

-Koppel: Can you understand why people think that you are unfriendly toward the government of the United States? Among your closest friends: Cuba, Syria, Iran, Libya. These are all countries that the United States regards as unfriendly, if not terrorist countries themselves.

-Koppel: I've been told by contacts of mine in the U.S. intelligence community that you have members of Al Qaida, you have members of other terrorist groups who are allowed to operate within Venezuela. Not true?

-Koppel: If one looks at your record, one could easily come to the conclusion that you would like to put pressure on the United States.

You have spoken in the past of cutting off Venezuelan oil to the United States. You have signed new agreements with China. You have visited India. There is a sense that you want to be able to bring the United States to its knees.

-Koppel: I'm going to perhaps shock you a little, but these are your words. You called President Bush an asshole....

. http://www.venezuelanalysis.com/articles.php?artno=1559
Thats true Gaffer...

Glen Beck(CNN) did a 180 degree report refuting anything Kopple has to say...
It shows the true nature of Irans philosophy much aligned to Hitlers...1938 all over again!
Commander Skinhead speaks again!

Gaffer is just a gadfly prick.

Why do you hate Jews?...Everything you post about the ME supports Hezbollah over Israel...and don't come back with show me where I said that!...It's in just about every post ya make!
Why do you hate Jews?...Everything you post about the ME supports Hezbollah over Israel...and don't come back with show me where I said that!...It's in just about every post ya make!
Uhm, in case you hadn't noticed, Bottledbrain, Gaffer styles himself a "sanctimonious prick." The "gadfly" addendum is hardly a stretch.
Why do you hate Jews?...Everything you post about the ME supports Hezbollah over Israel...and don't come back with show me where I said that!...It's in just about every post ya make!

The lack of any rational and educated conservatives on this board is very dissapointing.
Really...my bad...

Somehow I don't think Cypress was considering you as a rational educated con there Battle.

Here I thought I was addressing your Liberatarian comment! Anything Cypress has to say is a moot point being that he himself is uneducated...and you claim him as a equal...how sad!
minnieman called me a sanctimonious prick when I first posted on this board. I thought it was appropriate to remind him of it every time I posted.

Anyoldpigiron is a anti-semite as is minnieman. They are islamist apologists that support the terror tactics used by the islamist against this and all other western countries. They love having their own free speech while wanting to deny it to others. They are dhimmi's working for the enemy knowingly or unknowingly.

Should the islamist win they will quickly convert to islam as I don't believe they have the balls to stand up for themselves or their rights.
minnieman called me a sanctimonious prick when I first posted on this board. I thought it was appropriate to remind him of it every time I posted.

Anyoldpigiron is a anti-semite as is minnieman. They are islamist apologists that support the terror tactics used by the islamist against this and all other western countries. They love having their own free speech while wanting to deny it to others. They are dhimmi's working for the enemy knowingly or unknowingly.

Should the islamist win they will quickly convert to islam as I don't believe they have the balls to stand up for themselves or their rights.

Thanks for the prophesy Nostradomous. Got any other bits of wisdom?