DeSantis giving whole gated communities the vaccine, while Blacks are dying

Anyone surprised that DeSantis is playing favorites. Elderly Blacks are dying without the vaccine, while 20-somethings rich whites in gated communities are getting the vaccine. Guess what, those Republicans are rewarding DeSantis with money.

This could well be the case, I have got close relatives in Florida living in a gated community, and they have had both of their vaccines already, which I found to be quite surprising.
White, wealthy seniors get ahead, and even non-seniors, while Black seniors with severe medical problems are left on the waiting list.... So not all seniors.

It is disgusting what DeSantis is doing.

It is. But the racists are good with it this way.
why do you pretend blacks aren't being vaccinated?......

Sooner or later, I am sure states like Florida and Texas will get around to vaccinating Blacks, but both governors have put Blacks at the end of the line.

Reminds me of the Bush Administration taking bulletproof vests bought by California National Guardsmen by the California Government and "redistributing" them to Texas National Guardsmen, because they said that California would never vote for Bush.
Having been to the Villages it is nice place but many people there are way out there when it comes to democracy.

"First, democracy is more than holding elections; it requires the development of civil society, meaning such complex and counterintuitive institutions as the rule of law, an independent judiciary, multiple political parties, minority rights, voluntary associations, freedom of expression, movement, and assembly. Democracy is a learned habit, not an instinctive one, that requires deep attitudinal changes such as a culture of restraint, a commonality of values, a respect for differences of view, the concept of loyal opposition, and a sense of civic responsibility." Daniel Pipes
Sooner or later, I am sure states like Florida and Texas will get around to vaccinating Blacks, but both governors have put Blacks at the end of the line.

Reminds me of the Bush Administration taking bulletproof vests bought by California National Guardsmen by the California Government and "redistributing" them to Texas National Guardsmen, because they said that California would never vote for Bush.

sad that you think lying about vaccinations won't be noticed.....but then, since you are a tried and true fuckwit, perhaps you never will......
Anyone surprised that DeSantis is playing favorites. Elderly Blacks are dying without the vaccine, while 20-somethings rich whites in gated communities are getting the vaccine. Guess what, those Republicans are rewarding DeSantis with money.

All seniors are the priority. The Florida Health Departments in all counties have been distributing them all along as well.

And, just like with being able to vote or receive any type of government assistance one must show a copy of a valid Florida driver’s license or Florida identification card.:cool:
White, wealthy seniors get ahead, and even non-seniors, while Black seniors with severe medical problems are left on the waiting list.... So not all seniors.

It is disgusting what DeSantis is doing.


All a person has to do is go their County Health Dept. like they do on a regular basis for all their other healthcare needs.
Black seniors are still on the waiting list, when rich whites in gated communities were bumped up to the top, and got their vaccines weeks ago. Odd how that works.

Go to any Florida H.D. / Heart of Florida site, make an appointment. Bring your proof, get a shot.

To pre-register for future vaccine through a state-supported site, visit or call 866-201-6768 (TTY # is 833-476-1519).

You can also register for a COVID-19 vaccine appointment through one of the below:

Heart of Florida Health Center ( 352-732-6599
Publix (
Walmart (
Sam's Club (
Winn Dixie (

Signups through Publix, Walmart, Sam's Club and Winn Dixie pharmacies are available online only.
Anyone surprised that DeSantis is playing favorites. Elderly Blacks are dying without the vaccine, while 20-somethings rich whites in gated communities are getting the vaccine. Guess what, those Republicans are rewarding DeSantis with money.

they were 65 and over no mention of their skin color .

I live in a upscale community and most of the residents are over 65 and most have been vaccinated regardless of skin color which is mixed so you know. Now I have not because Im not old enough. you see you moron its a 55 up gated private community . about 90 percent of the community is 65 and up. And you have to be 65 and up to get the shot in Florida
link? All a person has to do is go their County Health Dept. like they do on a regular basis for all their other healthcare needs.

I gave a link.

Let's breakdown some of the things my link said:

On January 22nd, a newsletter from Ocean Reef Club said:
"We are fortunate to have received enough vaccines to ensure both the first and second for those vaccinated," the newsletter said, going on to acknowledge most of the state was in a very different situation. "At this time, however, the majority of the State has not received an allocation of first doses of vaccines for this week and beyond, and the timing of any subsequent deliveries remains unclear."

It is 6 weeks later, and Blacks seniors are still on the waiting list, but that waiting list is no longer being bypassed, right?

A clinic in Charlotte County, just north of Fort Myers, invited residents from wealthy resort-style neighborhoods to get vaccinated, bypassing other seniors on the county's waiting list who did not live in those communities, according to CNN.

Nope. Maybe you would like to show me some links that DeSantis has access to a time machine to get vaccines to Black seniors bypassed for rich whites.