Department of Defense defines Weapon of Mass Destruction... DIX-Owned!


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-U.S. Government Definition of WMD: “Weapons that are capable of a high order of destruction and/or of being used in such a manner as to destroy large numbers of people. Weapons of mass destruction can be high explosives or nuclear, biological, chemical, and radiological weapons…”*

*U.S. Department of Defense – “Dictionary of Military Terms” page 575

Thanks to Cypress for looking up the DOD defination!

So who are you with on this issue, Dixie or the DOD?
Weapons of mass destruction can be high explosives or nuclear, biological, chemical, and radiological weapons

Sarin, is a chemical weapon, doofus!

"CANbe..." Not necessarly are!

Talk about parcing words you idiot... Why dont you post the entire defination like I DID!
You have to take the terms together.

Requirement 1. Capable of killing large numbers of people
Requirement 2. Explosive, chemical, biological or nuclear.

Tear gas is chemcial but doesn't kill large numbers of people. Not WMD

A tank column is capable of creating massive destruction but isn't an NBC weapon. Not WMD.
“Weapons that are capable of a high order of destruction and/or of being used in such a manner as to destroy large numbers of people. Weapons of mass destruction can be high explosives or nuclear, biological, chemical, and radiological weapons…”

Whose parcing words?
Weapons of mass destruction can be high explosives or nuclear, biological, chemical, and radiological weapons

Sarin, is a chemical weapon, doofus!

Here, I find you doing it again.

Dixie, we didn't find "sarin". Here's your chemistry lesson for the day:


Dixie, you keep lying that these abandoned shells are Sarin.


They were Sarin twenty years ago

...Today, all that remaines are the degraded, chemical breakdown products which are characterisic of a sarin precursor. The sarin itelf doesn't exist anymore, and hasn't for YEARS.

The breakdown products of Sarin are a series of acids and alchohol-based compounds. These are local public health hazards, but as of TODAY, they are no longer SARIN, and are NOT wmd.


Fluoride (as HF)
Methylphosphonic acid, 1Çmethylethyl ester
Methylphosphonic acid

In “Chemistry of Sarin”
Not all forms of Seirn are WMD as DixHead the idiot would have you believe!
Not all forms of Seirn are WMD as DixHead the idiot would have you believe!

I am still waiting for your source of this idiocy. Do you plan on providing something, or not? Sarin is a chemical agent invented and produced for the sole intent and purpose of being a chemical weapon of mass destruction. And, by the fucking way, the precursors to make Sarin, are also prohibited by the CWC, and as illegal for Saddam to possess as Sarin itself.
Its just a fact, according to the DOD, see cite above... for something to be a WMD it must be capable of massive destruction. Degraded Seirn and small amounts of Seirn are not capable of massive destruction thus it follows for those intelegent enough to understand the basic rules of logic that not all seirn gas is a WMD!
I am still waiting for your source of this idiocy. Do you plan on providing something, or not? Sarin is a chemical agent invented and produced for the sole intent and purpose of being a chemical weapon of mass destruction. And, by the fucking way, the precursors to make Sarin, are also prohibited by the CWC, and as illegal for Saddam to possess as Sarin itself.

Bush, David Kay, Charles Duelfer, Condi Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, and the ISG disagree with youl

That's good enough for me. You're argument is without merit. We didn't find WMD in iraq.
Jarod says...
Its just a fact, according to the DOD, see cite above... for something to be a WMD it must be capable of massive destruction. Degraded Seirn and small amounts of Seirn are not capable of massive destruction thus it follows for those intelegent enough to understand the basic rules of logic that not all seirn gas is a WMD!

Changing your tune a mite Jerry....wasn't too long ago you were insisting that Srin Gas wasn't a WMD..period....

Now you're down with the quanity and least you're coming around to realize that Sarin Gas is a're just looking more stupid in this debate....I guess you'll be telling Dix that 1 spore of Anthrax can't kill anybody so Anthrax can't be a WMD either.....

* The definition in the U.S. Code, Title 50, "War and National Defense," includes radiological weapons. It defines WMD as "any weapon or device that is intended, or has the capability, to cause death or serious bodily injury to a significant number of people through the release, dissemination, or impact of - (A) toxic or poisonous chemicals or their precursors; (B) a disease organism; or (C) radiation or radioactivity."
come on...Jarod....really...give it up. Do you really expect this slanderous obnoxious asshole to EVER admit he made a mistake about ANYTHING? Has he EVER admitted anything of the sort? EVER? No one with half a brain from the right is standing up with him on this....Kay, Duelfer, even Bush himself has admitted that Iraq did not have any WMD's.... but to think that Dixie would ever make such a similar admission is sheer madness. He is NEVER wrong in his mind...and he is incapable of admitting he has ever been wrong about anything.

You really need to let this go....put the douchebag on ignore if he irritates you enough, but let it go.... He is devoid of any integrity.... getting into a punching contest with him is like punching the tarbaby.... it only gets you covered in messy stuff and you can never come away clean.
well...when I said everyone with half a brain on the right was abandoning him, I was technically correct..... only write would be so foolish, but his brain capacity fits the definition.

Sarin gas, when weaponized, and when FRESH, may very well be a weapon on mass destruction, depending on the amount of FRESH sarin contained therein, mr. moron.... but rusty old cannisters of long degraded sarin from the Iran Iraq war of 20 years ago are NOT. get it?
Maine, you seem to be missing a major part of the thread...Jarrod was saying the Sarin gas IS NOT a WMD, over his posts...not only these particular degraded ones.....but SARIN gas, period....

You're right , some folks will never admit they just be wrong....I can give Dixie the fact that at least these discovered shells were once WMD but they arn't NOW....but Jarrod is just completely off the wagon, Sarin is certainly considered a WMD....
I have followed this argument for weeks.... Dixie has staunchly refused to back down from his statement that the sarin cannisters found in Iraq ARE in fact Weapons of Mass Destruction. I swear, that if we dug up an assyrian trebuchet in an archeological dig in the Iraqi desert, that Dixie would staunchly claim that it qualified as a WMD as well.

Sarin..... is not a weapon of mass destruction until it is weaponized - placed in a projectile or warhead in sufficient quantity to inflict massive casualties. a tiny test tube of sarin in a laboratory is not a WMD... a rusty cannister of 20 year old - long degraded sarin from a bygone war is not a WMD either.
No shit Dick Tracy....that can be said of just about anything and everything....

when talking about WEAPONS, I assume you and Jarrod were smart enough to realize that very fact....we're not talking about poison gas used to fill the tires on toy trucks....sarin gas is considered a WMD....the W stands for weapon....

If word games is what you're after, count me out.....intelligent debate goes over you head....
if you want to side with Dixie and claim that the rusty cannisters of degraded sarin gas are weapons of mass destruction, then I would suggest that your perspective on intelligent debate might be influenced by the fact that you are standing on your head.

Sarin gas that is not degraded and is in a form and quantity capable of being delivered to the enemy and causing mass casualties is most certainly a weapon of mass destruction.

The whole point of Dixie's stubborn refusal to admit his error was his pronouncement that the old rusty cannisters of sarin gas were, in fact, weapons of mass destruction. I say a-fucking-gain.... Dixie would call an assyrian trebuchet dug up at an archeological dig in the Iraqi desert a weapon of mass destruction. He will twist anything and run away from the truth as fast as he needs to in order to continue being a shameless flack for his hero in blue jeans.... and your siding with him in this idiocy is remarkable....even from you.