when they are working.
Should Filthy Joe Biden steal the election, the year 2021 will double, or triple, the number of abortions the United Nations pays for with American tax dollars.
I was going to include the full article for conservatives, but I decided to post the link only because I know that a full article turns off bumper sticker mentalities. I am hoping that the words U.N. and torture in Unruh’s title will make the baby butchers look for talking points. The butchers will be hard put defending the U.N., or torture , but one or two might have an attack of conscience:
Appeal to U.N.: If you're against torture, condemn abortion
'Such practices on unborn children should be prohibited'
By Bob Unruh
Published February 27, 2021 at 7:45pm
p.s. Hog butchers sell everything except the grunt. Planned Parenthood butchers only sell the most profitable 3/5[SUP]ths[/SUP] parts:

WASHINGTON, D.C.—In a historic compromise, Democrats in Congress have conceded to allow limited constitutional protections for unborn babies as three-fifths of a person.
"We are pleased to offer this compromise to our Republican colleagues that will certainly not look really bad when people look back on us 200 years from now," said Senate Democrat Leader Chuck Schumer. "We are willing to consider a fetus to be three-fifths of a person, which is a major concession."
Under the proposed Constitutional amendment, unborn babies will be protected for three-fifths of their gestation, will be allowed to keep three-fifths of their limbs, and will be counted as three-fifths of a person for the purposes of representation in Congress.
"We are so grateful for this historically unprecedented compromise which will put us all on the right side of history and will cause all the future history books to write nice things about us!" said pro-life Republicans in Congress.
According to sources, the proposed legislation protecting three-fifths of the unborn will of course include an exception for members of Congress since most of them are only one-fifth of a person.
"We are pleased to offer this compromise to our Republican colleagues that will certainly not look really bad when people look back on us 200 years from now," said Senate Democrat Leader Chuck Schumer. "We are willing to consider a fetus to be three-fifths of a person, which is a major concession."
Under the proposed Constitutional amendment, unborn babies will be protected for three-fifths of their gestation, will be allowed to keep three-fifths of their limbs, and will be counted as three-fifths of a person for the purposes of representation in Congress.
"We are so grateful for this historically unprecedented compromise which will put us all on the right side of history and will cause all the future history books to write nice things about us!" said pro-life Republicans in Congress.
According to sources, the proposed legislation protecting three-fifths of the unborn will of course include an exception for members of Congress since most of them are only one-fifth of a person.
Democrats Offer Compromise That Unborn Babies Are Three-Fifths Of A Person
February 28th, 2021
February 28th, 2021