Democrats demand BILLIONS of stimulus dollars for ILLEGAL ALIENS.

Text Drivers are Killers

Joe Biden - "Time to put Trump in the bullseye."
Giving money to illegals encourages them to live here and thus is a felony as per section 1324 of title 8 of the US code. Repubs should make that point.

march 6 2021 Democrats voted against his amendment to the proposed coronavirus relief package that would have stopped American taxpayers’ money from going to illegal aliens in $1,400 stimulus checks, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said Saturday.

In an exclusive statement to Breitbart News on Friday, Cruz said, “Not only does this COVID bill fail to address the real needs of the American people who are suffering, but it hands out billions in taxpayer dollars to illegal immigrants.”

The senator’s office told the outlet blocking the checks would save citizens nearly $8 billion.
Giving money to illegals encourages them to live here and thus is a felony as per section 1324 of title 8 of the US code. Repubs should make that point.

total fucking lie. here is the truth, easily played bigot.

Senator Dick Durbin on Saturday offered a searing rebuttal to claims made by Senator Ted Cruz about undocumented immigrants getting stimulus checks, as part of the $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package.

Cruz on Saturday morning had proposed an amendment to the bill, seeking to block some $1,400 stimulus checks that he said would be sent to "every illegal alien in America."

"The statement of the senator from Texas is: Just. Plain. False," Durbin said on the Senate floor.

Durbin said: "Let me be clear, undocumented immigrants do not have social security numbers, and they do not qualify for stimulus relief checks, period. And just in case you didn't notice, they didn't qualify in December, when 92 of us voted for that measure."

Durbin was referencing the $900 billion stimulus package approved by the Senate in December then signed by President Donald Trump.

He added: "Nothing has changed."

As Durbin spoke, Cruz interrupted, asking if Durbin would allow him to ask a question.

"No, I won't," Durbin said, spinning around to address Cruz. "It is not true, and we know what's going on here. They want to be able to give speeches that say the checks go to undocumented people."

The amendment didn't make it into the bill, which the Senate approved in a party-line vote later on Saturday.

Speaking in favor of his amendment, Cruz said: "The question for the American people to answer is, should your money, should taxpayer money, be sent, $1,400, to every illegal alien in America? This amendment provides that it should not."

The Senate Judiciary Committee said later on Saturday that Cruz's amendment would have blocked checks from being sent to undocumented parents of about two million children who are US citizens. About 350,000 of those children live in Texas, which Cruz represents, the committee said on Twitter.

In a statement posted on Twitter, Durbin said Cruz had been trying to "rile people up over something that's not true."
I think it is beyond belief that Durbin doesn't think there are illegals who have gotten SS#s......

not real ones. are you on drugs? what you are talking about are fake ss numbers, enough to get a job by employers who really don't give a shit if they are valid or not. these payments go to exactly the same people the ones under trump went to. exactly.
not real ones

obviously you mindless dick......but they are still registered with the government as if the people were in fact legal......taxes are withheld from pay on these fraudulent SS#s, tax returns are filed.....EIC checks are mailed, stimulus money is paid.....did you think that the crime stopped with getting a job with a fake ID?........
total fucking lie. here is the truth, easily played bigot.

Senator Dick Durbin on Saturday offered a searing rebuttal to claims made by Senator Ted Cruz about undocumented immigrants getting stimulus checks, as part of the $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package.

Cruz on Saturday morning had proposed an amendment to the bill, seeking to block some $1,400 stimulus checks that he said would be sent to "every illegal alien in America."

"The statement of the senator from Texas is: Just. Plain. False," Durbin said on the Senate floor.

Durbin said: "Let me be clear, undocumented immigrants do not have social security numbers, and they do not qualify for stimulus relief checks, period. And just in case you didn't notice, they didn't qualify in December, when 92 of us voted for that measure."

The Social Security administration says otherwise:

In 2013, the Social Security Administration’s Office of the Chief Actuary estimated that more than 40 percent of all illegal aliens working in the U.S. were doing so using fake or stolen SSNs. Elsewhere, the office has put the figure as high as 75 percent.

Here's a company that will help illegals get a tax ID number or social security number

So, Penis Durban is full of shit.
I think it is beyond belief that Durbin doesn't think KNOW there are illegals who have gotten SS#s......


We have a way for noncitizens to apply for Social Security number (SSN) cards as part of the immigration process. When you apply for your immigrant visa with the U.S. Department of State, you can also apply for an SSN card at the same time.

Were you sent a tax form for a job you never had? Identity theft may be to blame

Maryland grants stimulus aid to undocumented immigrants, other noncitizens
The Social Security administration says otherwise:

Here's a company that will help illegals get a tax ID number or social security number

So, Penis Durban is full of shit.

yes, fake ss!!!! the government does not check it coming in from paychecks because they get to keep the dough, whether the ss numbers are real or fake. get it? but when it comes to giving out dough, the government will use only real ss numbers.

the point is- the criteria is the same for the trump era stimulus checks and these coming out under democrats..
obviously you mindless dick......but they are still registered with the government as if the people were in fact legal......taxes are withheld from pay on these fraudulent SS#s, tax returns are filed.....EIC checks are mailed, stimulus money is paid.....did you think that the crime stopped with getting a job with a fake ID?........

employers do not check ss numbers. the government does, idiot. or people would just make up random nine digit numbers to try and get benefits. we have had social security for 90 years or so and you believe the government does not verify SS numbers before sending out checks and benefits?

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