Democrats courting Hispanic voters?

Big Money

New member

A far-reaching bill passed by the Democratic-led Senate in June calls for an additional 20,000 Border Patrol agents, 700 miles of fencing and high-tech detection devices.

San Diego's former Mayor Bob Filner, a Democrat, made that a hallmark of his term, before he resigned amid sexual harassment allegations.
Hispanics are in the democrat's pockets for the most part... except in south florida maybe...that fence won't lose us much.
they help make up my party.

my rep is latina.

why do you always pretend they are merely outliers?

I bet the Mexicans just love your insinuations that their police are stupid and/or lazy and your racist statement that they are all scared of big dogs, don't they, Ugly Americano?

I have great relationships with all my mexican friends, and local policia... some of them even will come up and talk to me when I am walking my dogs. Given the money I pump into their economy and the largesse I show to my neighbors, I am pretty sure none of them view me as an ugly american.
they sure do. Maybe the republicans can lure them back by simply telling them they are really all too stupid and lazy to realize that the democrats just buy their votes by giving them shit... that approach has worked so well on the blacks.
I have great relationships with all my mexican friends, and local policia... some of them even will come up and talk to me when I am walking my dogs. Given the money I pump into their economy and the largesse I show to my neighbors, I am pretty sure none of them view me as an ugly american.

How patronizing.

Do they talk about you in Spanish?
I live in a city that is 70 % latino.

they are sweet and kind people who work their asses off and place family first.

I have never understood why people fear latinos