Democrats Court Iowa Hispanics

I didn't know they had any hispanics in Iowa.

I always imagined everyone there was corn-fed Scandinavian stock.
heck even eastern KY has plenty of Hispanics.

The fat hillbilly gals need someone to marry em.

anchor wenches.
Iowa Hispanics Response: Didn't know we were being courted

Oye vey. Pull it together guys. This election is yours for the taking. All you have to do is reach out and take it. Granted it won't be handed to you, but the least you guys can do is bust your ass just a little more.

I thought Iowa was over 96% white? Doesn't mean they can't court hispanics of course but seems like it might be hard to find them.
New York Times (snip)


Iowa - Many in the Iowan Hispanic community today were surprised to learn of their own existence when an Associated Press article revealed that the Democratic National Caucus setting its sights on winning their votes, community leaders said.

"I was shocked to learn that not only do I exist, but I have the right to vote," said Paco Ramierez, chairman of the Remember Hispanic Iowa Memorial Fund. "No I can get a yob."

Not willing to risk losing the state to the yet-to-be-determined Republican nominee for President next year, Democrats are going out of their way to find votes wherever they can, said senior DNC officials.

"And that can mean finding people who didn't even know they existed," said Howard Dean, chairman of the DNC and former presidential hopeful. "If we can save just one life from being forgotten by him or herself, this will all have been worth it. We are going to do what we can to make sure they remember how the Republicans treated them after Bush's immigration reform proposal too."
I didn't know they had any hispanics in Iowa.

I always imagined everyone there was corn-fed Scandinavian stock.

I think they interviewed both hispanics from Iowa and it turns out neither one of the knew.
heck even eastern KY has plenty of Hispanics.

The fat hillbilly gals need someone to marry em.

anchor wenches.

LMAO @ "anchor wenches".

On a side note, if I were single I'd totally marry someone so that they could get citizenship a little more easily. The hoops people have to go through now are insane. But I guess given how stupid we are (given that half of us voted for Bush in 04) we have to be in order to raise the national IQ.