DEMOCRATS authorize 'COVID Relief' checks for prisoners and illegal immigrants

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Bill Cassidy introduced an amendment that would have prevented any individual who is incarcerated in a federal or state prison from receiving a porkulus check.

“Prisoners do not pay taxes. Taxpayers pay for their every need. Inmates cannot stimulate the economy. But, under this bill they receive stimulus checks. This is a perfect example of non-targeted, inappropriate, and total waste of spending. It’s ridiculous that this is in the bill," Cassidy said.

DEMOCRATS voted against the amendment.

Ted Cruz introduced an amendment that would have prevented illegal immigrants from receiving porkulus checks.

Of course, DEMOCRATS voted against the amendment.
You gotta wonder how much of the money that is handed to immigration criminals will immediately leave the country via wire transfer.
The DEMOCRAT-dominated Senate just passed the China virus porkulus package on a party-line vote, with 50 DEMOCRATS voting for it and 49 Republicans voting against it.

It now goes back to the DEMOCRAT-dominated House.

About 9% of the bill was actually devoted to ‘relief.’

The rest was a whole-hog DEMOCRAT pork parade pushing their agenda items and rewarding their donors with taxpayer's money.

DEMOCRATS voted down any amendments to bring the bill back to what it was actually supposed to be about — help for the American people hurt by restrictions imposed by DEMOCRAT governors.

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Tucker + Hawkeye