DEMOCRATS already planning more porkulus


Oderint dum metuant

The illegitimate Biden regime that stole the 2020 election is already looking past its $1.9 trillion "coronavirus relief" bill and starting to consider how to pay for the next round of porkulus.

The challenges are twofold. Officials must decide how much of the bill to pay for with tax increases and which policies to finance with more borrowing. In a narrowly divided Congress, they must also craft a bill that can win support from nearly every DEMOCRAT.

The U.S. has borrowed trillions of dollars in the past year.

Most DEMOCRATS have signaled they may be willing to borrow more. But Republicans and Sen. Joe Manchin (D., W.Va.), say the ballooning national debt is a reason to ensure the spending is offset with tax increases or cuts elsewhere.

Janet Yellen said Sunday that the regime hasn’t decided whether to pursue a wealth tax, but will likely issue proposals to address the swelling federal budget deficit. Yellen admitted on ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos,” that Biden proposed higher taxes on corporations, on individuals and on capital gains and dividend payments before his 2020 election theft.

Biden's handlers are just starting to grapple with the issue. While they haven’t ruled out more borrowing to finance parts of the plan, Biden has continued to talk about his campaign proposals to raise taxes to pay for new permanent programs, said Jared Bernstein, a top economic adviser.

In the past year, successive rounds of stimulus spending to combat the coronavirus and its economic fallout have contributed to a nearly $4.5 trillion increase in federal debt held by the public, to $21.9 trillion as of March 1. At roughly the size of the nation’s pre-Biden economic output, the debt is the highest since the end of World War II.

The Congressional Budget Office this month projected that the national debt would double as a proportion of gross domestic product. The projection doesn’t include the huge porkulus package signed by Biden last week or his additional spending plans.
The yield on the 10-year Treasury note was 1.634% on Friday, up from 0.9% at the start of the year, meaning that the cost of borrowing is rising for the government and across the economy.

But DEMOCRATS have attributed the rise to the "brightening economic outlook" rather than market concerns about government borrowing.

Jason Furman and Larry Summers, top officials in the Obama and Clinton administrations, have suggested the U.S. could easily continue to manage its debt as long as net interest payments, as a share of GDP, are projected to remain below 2% over the coming decade.

Under current law, CBO projects annual borrowing costs will average 1.6% during the next decade.

“America has enormous unmet needs when it comes to children, research, infrastructure and our social safety net,” said Furman, who served as chairman of President Barack Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers. “We have substantial fiscal space to meet these needs, without paying for all of them, but having some form of limiting principle or framework would be useful for the best decisions.”
The yield on the 10-year Treasury note was 1.634% on Friday, up from 0.9% at the start of the year, meaning that the cost of borrowing is rising for the government and across the economy.

But DEMOCRATS have attributed the rise to the "brightening economic outlook" rather than market concerns about government borrowing.

Jason Furman and Larry Summers, top officials in the Obama and Clinton administrations, have suggested the U.S. could easily continue to manage its debt as long as net interest payments, as a share of GDP, are projected to remain below 2% over the coming decade.

Under current law, CBO projects annual borrowing costs will average 1.6% during the next decade.

“America has enormous unmet needs when it comes to children, research, infrastructure and our social safety net,” said Furman, who served as chairman of President Barack Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers. “We have substantial fiscal space to meet these needs, without paying for all of them, but having some form of limiting principle or framework would be useful for the best decisions.”

Legion are you going to get a stimulus check??????????????????????
Just another winger try to convince anyone who will listen that they their on again off again concern with deficits and debt has returned, bottom line, when a Democrat occupies 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue deficits/debt is a primary concern, with a Republican President, they could care less with deficits/debt.

Common denominator throughout is hypocrisy, as we see displayed above
Just another winger try to convince anyone who will listen that they their on again off again concern with deficits and debt has returned, bottom line, when a Democrat occupies 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue deficits/debt is a primary concern, with a Republican President, they could care less with deficits/debt. Common denominator throughout is hypocrisy, as we see displayed above

Do you need some pointers, Anchovies?


Poor Anchovies.
Biden regime begins porkulus tour as border crisis grows

This week the usurper and Shamala hit the road to sell the public on the nearly $2 trillion rescue plan pushed through Congress. Meanwhile, the illegitimate regime ignores a crisis at the southern border that's growing more urgent. NBC White House correspondent Kelly O’Donnell reports for TODAY.