Deliberately trying to hurt the public


U. S. NAVY Veteran
The asswipes in charge, Democrats, to be blunt, are doing their damnedest to hurt the American public....knowing the they with the assistance of
their msm lackys can blame Republicans and get away with it....

The National Park Service erected barricades to shut down parking lots surrounding Mount Vernon despite the fact that the tourist destination is privately owned, another example of how the feds are deliberately worsening the government shut down.

Mount Vernon is the former plantation of George Washington and is owned by the Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association, which doesn’t receive any government funding. The attraction’s official website reads, “NO SHUTDOWN HERE – The Federal government may be shut down, but Washington’s home remains open. Mount Vernon has remained a private non-profit for more than 150 years.”

City Tavern at 3rd and Walnut Streets in the Old City section of the city has been told it must close until the U.S. Congress passes a spending bill.
The restaurant, which opened for the first time in 1773 and was frequented by the nation's founding fathers, sits inside Independence National Historical Park and the building is owned by the U.S. National Parks Service.

Since the park is closed, officials told City Tavern operator Chef Water Staib on Wednesday the restaurant had to lock up as well.
Restaurant public relations director Molly Yun said they were notified there was a possibility a closure might happen, but they were allowed to remain open during the last government shutdown 17 years ago.

PARIS — Tourists travelling to Omaha Beach to pay their respects to the 9,387 military dead at the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial will find it closed, a victim of the U.S. government’s partial shutdown.
The site overlooking the D-Day invasion beaches is one of 24 U.S. military cemeteries overseas that have closed to visitors since Monday. Ten more cemeteries in France, as well as others in various European countries as well as Mexico, Panama, Tunisia and the Philippines, will remain closed for the duration of the shutdown.
The cemeteries are maintained by the American Battle Monuments Commission, set up after the First World War. Nearly 125,000 U.S. servicemen and women are buried at its cemeteries, and an additional 94,000 are commemorated on tablets of the missing.

The arrogance of this bastard is staggering.
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The asswipes in charge, Democrats, to be blunt, are doing their damnedest to hurt the American public....knowing the they with the assistance of
their msm lackys can blame Republicans and get away with it....

The National Park Service erected barricades to shut down parking lots surrounding Mount Vernon despite the fact that the tourist destination is privately owned, another example of how the feds are deliberately worsening the government shut down.

Mount Vernon is the former plantation of George Washington and is owned by the Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association, which doesn’t receive any government funding. The attraction’s official website reads, “NO SHUTDOWN HERE – The Federal government may be shut down, but Washington’s home remains open. Mount Vernon has remained a private non-profit for more than 150 years.”

City Tavern at 3rd and Walnut Streets in the Old City section of the city has been told it must close until the U.S. Congress passes a spending bill.
The restaurant, which opened for the first time in 1773 and was frequented by the nation's founding fathers, sits inside Independence National Historical Park and the building is owned by the U.S. National Parks Service.

Since the park is closed, officials told City Tavern operator Chef Water Staib on Wednesday the restaurant had to lock up as well.
Restaurant public relations director Molly Yun said they were notified there was a possibility a closure might happen, but they were allowed to remain open during the last government shutdown 17 years ago.

Senate = Democrat majority
You don't expect something as trivial as "facts" and "the truth" to mean anything to a partisan assclown like NOVA,. do you?

The guy who always cries about gratuitous attacks without substance leads with this?

Kudos to you

Have a blessed day may you find peace in Jesus Christ
House = Republican majority

Speaker John Boehner has indicated the GOP will amend it. If the House changes the bill, it will be returned to the Senate. Unless both chambers find consensus, the federal government will close on Oct. 1.

So....did the Senate Democrats attempt to negotiation or find consensus ?....obviously not.

The Senate voted on everything the House passed. Did the House vote on any version the Senate passed?
Once again I understand that with the shutdown comes hardships for those furloughed, inconveniences for those taking off-season trips to DC or any national parks. I understand that those attempting to newly avail themselves to gov't programs like WIC, SSI, etc., are in a tough place-and no, I'm not making light of their plights.

However, when the government goes out of their way to shut down access to places that are not unduly affected by the shutdown, such as outdoor monuments and memorials, that's not right.

This makes some sense, while 'seemingly unfair,' the golf courses are on gov't land, but run privately:

Troops Forage for Food While Golfers Play On in Shutdown
By Jeff Plungis, Mark Drajem & David Lerman - Oct 2, 2013 11:00 PM CT

...The seeming randomness of the U.S. government’s first shutdown in 17 years can be explained in part by anomalies in the spending Congress does and doesn’t control. Activities funded by fees from drug, financial-services and other companies are insulated from year-to-year budget dysfunction. The ones that get a budget from Congress get hit.

“What’s really happening in America is that the appropriations process has completely failed,” said Elaine Kamarck, a senior fellow in governance at the Brookings Institution in Washington who worked in the White House during the last shutdown in 1995-96.

This isn’t government according to U.S. civics textbooks. Government is supposed to collect taxes, the president is supposed to propose each year how to spend the money, and Congress has the final say with the constitutional power of the purse.


While many functions at Army bases continue, commissaries in the U.S. are closed, forcing troops and their families to shop at local stores that cost about 30 percent more, Lieutenant General Raymond Mason, the service’s deputy chief of staff for logistics, said yesterday at a House hearing.

“For the soldiers and their families, that’s very difficult,” Mason said.

The Andrews Air Force Base golf course is funded through user fees and that’s why it remains open, said Air Force Captain Lindy Singleton, chief of public affairs for the 11th Wing at Andrews.


But it seems that all is not equal, even with apples and apples:

White House Ordering Hundreds of Privately Run, Privately Funded Parks to Close

Original Story:

Warren Meyer of Phoenix, AZ, is owner and president of Recreation Resource Management, Inc. RRM employs about 400-500 camp workers and managers across about a dozen states. It is one of a handful of companies that have been managing national parks and campgrounds as tenants for years, through previous government shutdowns including the last one in 1995-1996. Those previous shutdowns never closed any of the parks managed in this way, but the current shutdown threatens closure.

The campgrounds are self-sufficient and receive no federal funding. No government employees staff or manage the parks. The management companies pay the National Park Service out of the funds they generate from operating the thousands of campgrounds. So the reason for the shutdown is puzzling to Meyer.

Today, he sent a letter to both of his senators, John McCain and Jeff Flake, asking for help to keep his parks open.

“My company, based in North Phoenix, operates nearly over 100 US Forest Service campgrounds and day use areas under concession contract. Yesterday, as in all past government shutdowns, the Department of Agriculture and US Forest Service confirmed we would stay open during the government shutdown. This makes total sense, since our operations are self-sufficient (we are fully funded by user fees at the gate), we get no federal funds, we employ no government workers on these sites, and we actually pay rent into the Treasury.

Notice that last part. The parks not only do not cost the taxpayers any money, they pay funds into the Treasury out of the fees park users pay. Shutting them down will cost the taxpayers money.

How much? Meyer told the Tatler that his parks generate hundreds of thousands of dollars per week. Multiply that across his competitors and the Treasury could lose a few million dollars, in what is essentially free money to the government, over the course of the shutdown.

Which, as Meyer points out, is unnecessary, as these management companies are not revenue losers, but revenue generators for the Treasury.

He writes

However, today, we have been told by senior member of the US Forest Service and Department of Agriculture that people “above the department”, which I presume means the White House, plan to order the Forest Service to needlessly and illegally close all private operations. but not the golf courses,I can only assume their intention is to artificially increase the cost of the shutdown as some sort of political ploy.

The point of the shutdown is to close non-essential operations that require Federal money and manpower to stay open. So why is the White House closing private operations that require no government money to keep open and actually pay a percentage of their gate revenues back to the Treasury? We are a tenant of the US Forest Service, and a tenant does not have to close his business just because his landlord goes on a vacation.

The US Department of Agriculture is an executive branch agency, and answers to the White House. Another Judicial Watch FOIA may be in order to get to the bottom of this.

Meyer says he has sought clarification from the US Department of Agriculture about the shutdown. Officials are saying that they are shutting down the privately run, revenue-generating parks “to be consistent with the National Park Service.”

That would be the National Park Service which has barricaded the World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C., and closed a self-sufficient living history farm in Virginia.

Meyer says that the situation could cost jobs and is leaving him stranded, not knowing what to tell groups that are planning to use the parks his company manages.

UPDATE 10/2/13 @ 7:27 pm Central: I just heard from Mr. Meyer. He emails:

It’s official. They are shutting all of us down ASAP. Marching orders straight from the White House.

Update: Mr. Meyer emails to add that not only is his business being forced to take losses for the closures, but in some cases the government is making him and the other park management companies buy the barricades that will be used to shut the parks. He says:

We are like prisoners of war who have to pay for our prison.
Wow a butthurt teabagger whining!

Wow, an 'empathy large' liberal just fine with giving the finger, (like the President and the Senate are fine with), to some 'camping joe' but not so much with those that golf.

Elitism as always.
The guy who always cries about gratuitous attacks without substance leads with this?

Kudos to you

Have a blessed day may you find peace in Jesus Christ's all my fault.

Especially since NOVA chose to set the tone of this thread when he led with:

The asswipes in charge, Democrats....

The arrogance of this bastard is staggering.

I respond accordingly.

NOVA couldn't be bothered to post the OP without hurling the same hateful invective...but according to ILA, it's my fault.
Once again I understand that with the shutdown comes hardships for those furloughed, inconveniences for those taking off-season trips to DC or any national parks. I understand that those attempting to newly avail themselves to gov't programs like WIC, SSI, etc., are in a tough place-and no, I'm not making light of their plights.

However, when the government goes out of their way to shut down access to places that are not unduly affected by the shutdown, such as outdoor monuments and memorials, that's not right.

This makes some sense, while 'seemingly unfair,' the golf courses are on gov't land, but run privately:

But it seems that all is not equal, even with apples and apples:

What if someone gets hurt, or lost or they deface the monuments or plant a bomb?
What if someone gets hurt, or lost or they deface the monuments or plant a bomb?

odd we didn't have guards there before the shutdown to keep things like that from the case of the WW2 vets memorial they actually had to send out seven workers who normally weren't there to set up the barricades......and then the second day added guards who normally weren't there to try to keep people from bypassing them.....
The asswipes in charge, Democrats, to be blunt, are doing their damnedest to hurt the American public....knowing the they with the assistance of
their msm lackys can blame Republicans and get away with it....

That 'public' that you speak of brother does not agree with you. You can't speak for what is 'public' on this issue, only of what is your perspective being in the distinct minority.

Also, are you aware that republicans are polling at the lowest marks in polling history for credible polls like Quinnipiac?

17% approval, 74% disapproval for republicans .. and you think that's only due to democrats lying about them?

That makes no sense.
public safety says not to allow the WWI vets to vist their memorial -common sense says allow them in.

Isn't a whole lot of common sense intotal of all of DC- so let them in.
The Senate voted on everything the House passed. Did the House vote on any version the Senate passed?

Do you need a civics lesson.....??

All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives........its the law

If they originate there, they are obviously agreed to there. In other words...PASSED there.
The guy who always cries about gratuitous attacks without substance leads with this?

Kudos to you

Have a blessed day may you find peace in Jesus Christ

Why bother responding to this moron....

I don't expect mere facts to alter the lefties beliefs in the myths they 've created to rationalize their altered version of reality's all my fault.

Especially since NOVA chose to set the tone of this thread when he led with:

I respond accordingly.

NOVA couldn't be bothered to post the OP without hurling the same hateful invective...but according to ILA, it's my fault.

When your party CONTROLS 2/3 of the government, plus all committees, the asswipes are in charge, in this case, Democrats....'s all my fault.

Especially since NOVA chose to set the tone of this thread when he led with:

I respond accordingly.

NOVA couldn't be bothered to post the OP without hurling the same hateful invective...but according to ILA, it's my fault.

No pinheads even have the balls to respond to the topic in OP.....

I enjoy having you creeps post your lame excuses for closing 'open air' monuments....and then sending guards to keep the public
form looking at them....its beyond asinine....

One nitwit on Fox just said that there would no one there to help if some tourist got a heart attack.....give me a break.
No pinheads even have the balls to respond to the topic in OP.....

I enjoy having you creeps post your lame excuses for closing 'open air' monuments....and then sending guards to keep the public
form looking at them....its beyond asinine....

One nitwit on Fox just said that there would no one there to help if some tourist got a heart attack.....give me a break.

The "topic" in the OP is just another hateful temper tantrum by another hateful, small minded Conservative.

There's no actual topic in the OP.