Delay it, defund it, default - stop Obamacare - we will overcome

Big Money

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Chrissy Gibson makes no apologies for her support.

Sure, she is upset her friends who work for the federal government have been furloughed. And yes, she dislikes that her family's favorite hiking spot at one of Georgia's premier national parks has been closed by the budget battle.

But she stands by U.S. Rep. Phil Gingrey, one of the approximately 40 tea party and conservative Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives considered the architects of the government shutdown aimed at dismantling or defunding the Affordable Care Act, also referred to as Obamacare.

For many, Gingrey and these other lawmakers are responsible for furloughing hundreds of thousands of federal workers, closing national parks and monuments and shuttering federal research. But for many of those in their districts -- people like Gibson and her family -- these representatives are soldiers in a battle of principle, standing up to an out-of-control government.

"He's standing up for what he believes, and somebody has to do that," said Gibson, 37.

Anger is unlikely to change the position of these conservative Republicans.

Just ask Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky, who was elected to Congress in 2012. He told reporters that his support for the shutdown was simple: "All that really matters is what my district wants. And my district is overwhelmingly in favor of my position."

Or ask Rep. Mark Meadows, who represents the western part of North Carolina.

"My job first is to make sure I represent the people back home," Meadows told CNN recently. "I don't believe that when I get here that people expect me to look at the political implications. That's for somebody else to focus on."

Gingrey has been a frontrunner among those in Congress working to overturn Obama's signature health care law that passed in 2010 when Democrats controlled both houses of Congress.

"A majority of Americans think Obamacare will make health care in our country worse, and they're right," the 71-year-old Gingrey said recently.

His stance against the Affordable Care Act has earned him an enormous amount of support among his constituents in Georgia's 11th Congressional District, which covers the northwest suburbs of Atlanta.
Shes in the minority, most of the country is against them and the teaparty is at an all time low.
Moderate republicans are increasingly not supporting this shutdown and the reason behind it. By Moderates I mean voters not politicians. I dont know how the GOP didnt realize this was a loser for them. Ted Cruz led them into the pit and never jumped in with them
Shes in the minority, most of the country is against them and the teaparty is at an all time low.
Moderate republicans are increasingly not supporting this shutdown and the reason behind it. By Moderates I mean voters not politicians. I dont know how the GOP didnt realize this was a loser for them. Ted Cruz led them into the pit and never jumped in with them

Where's your proof?
At the popular Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park, black metal gates have been chained. A sign posted on the gates announces the park's closure, citing the government shutdown.

Among locals, it's simply known as "the mountain," a place where outdoor enthusiasts come by the thousands to use the dog-friendly park's miles and miles of hiking and walking trails.

Standing outside the gate, Janet Kamautz, 36, looked toward the nearly empty park where a handful of people entered using pedestrian walkways.

"I applaud him for what he's doing," she said of Gingrey's stance.
Where's your proof?

Heres a couple for you Big

Republican Party Favorability Sinks to Record Low, this Gallup Today.

With the Republican-controlled House of Representatives engaged in a tense, government-shuttering budgetary standoff against a Democratic president and Senate, the Republican Party is now viewed favorably by 28% of Americans, down from 38% in September. This is the lowest favorable rating measured for either party since Gallup began asking this question in 1992.

GOP takes more blame for shutdown impasse
Americans blame Republicans for the partial government shutdown, two new polls find as the budget standoff veers closer to the deadline for raising the nation's $16.7 trillion debt limitSeven in 10 adults disapprove of the way Republicans are handling themselves in the wrangling over funding the government, according to the ABC News/Washington Post poll released Monday. That's a 7-point jump since last week and includes 59% of Americans who identify themselves as conservatives
A couple people posted reduced premiums
I had the lowest increase ever
I was against it
But even though I love a market crash, I'll be happy to be wrong
Heres a couple for you Big

Fair point.

It takes courage to take a principled stand that hurts your popularity.

I'm glad the men and women standing up to Obamas' no-negotiation nonsense have that courage.

We shall not be moved.
Fair point.

It takes courage to take a principled stand that hurts your popularity.

I'm glad the men and women standing up to Obamas' no-negotiation nonsense have that courage.

We shall not be moved.

Well Big I would agree with you if I thought the Gops stance was based on principle. How can they say closing down the govt and possibly hurting millions of americans over something they know they cant win. Obamacare like it or hate it was passed law that went through all the courts up to the conservative leaning supreme court and PASSED.
How did this supposed principled stand work out for them? Just didnt make sense to me.
A couple people posted reduced premiums
I had the lowest increase ever
I was against it
But even though I love a market crash, I'll be happy to be wrong

In my local paper yesterday they said the lowest premiums that were not subsidized by govt would be 88.00 per month thats in florida
Well Big I would agree with you if I thought the Gops stance was based on principle. How can they say closing down the govt and possibly hurting millions of americans over something they know they cant win. Obamacare like it or hate it was passed law that went through all the courts up to the conservative leaning supreme court and PASSED. How did this supposed principled stand work out for them? Just didnt make sense to me.

Seems to me Obamacare was rushed through and passed by Democrat majorities before most people had a chance to read what was in the bill.

Most Americans in every poll I've seen are opposed to Obamacare.

This isn't the first time a principled group in Congress has changed a bad law.

We shall overcome.
Congrats America for becoming a communist country with death panels, just like Canada.

Now get out there and kill some grannies and show us what ya'all are made of.

In Canada we sometimes tie our grannies up to their bedposts to keep them from getting to a doctor. Check back on em in a week and see how they do without food or water.

sure has saved us a lot of money!
Obama can keep telling the public he won’t talk, but he will.

It was clear that even though the president had already called Boehner to tell him again that he won’t negotiate, he felt compelled to spend more than an hour on camera saying it for one reason: the GOP narrative that the president of the United States won’t talk about how to avoid default harms him.

While the shutdown will be blamed solely on the Republicans in Congress, Obama and his team are painfully aware that the closer we get to actually breaching the debt ceiling, the more the president will share the blame with the “hostage takers,” as he calls them.

So Obama will retreat, and he will talk...
There will be talks but Obamacare is not on the table and never was.

The Repub is damaged bigtime already and their supporters are all miserable fucking losers who are now becoming whiners.

Haha, what a fucking sideshow!
Obama invited all 232 House GOP lawmakers to come to the executive mansion on Thursday.

Republicans said only 18 would attend, including their leaders and some committee chairmen.

‘‘It is our hope that this will be a constructive meeting and that the president finally recognizes Americans expect their leaders to be able to sit down and resolve their differences,’’ said Brendan Buck, a spokesman for House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio.

There were hints of a brief truce, indications that both sides might be open to a short-term extension of the $16.7 trillion borrowing limit and a temporary end to the shutdown, giving them more time to resolve their disputes.
They said they'd kill social security and Medicare too!
The only good killing they do is by keeping the slave control second amendment around