Debate on Evolution of Multicellular Organisms Starts to Gain Focus


New member
They debate how it happened, but not that it happened.

Extavour directs a national research collaborative called EDEN, which stands for Evo-Devo-Eco (evolutionary-developmental-ecological) Network. The organization, funded by the National Science Foundation, encourages geneticists to dissect more exotic creatures than the ubiquitous fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster. EDEN researchers model the various evolutionary paths of sea anemones, horseshoe crabs, mosses, crickets, spiders, milkweed bugs and the super-hardy tardigrade. Extavour’s own lab focuses on dissecting insect embryos and ovaries, searching for genetic clues to the origin of multicellularity and the complex organisms that multicellularity made possible, including Homo sapiens. Extavour's special expertise is in tracking the development of germ cells, the cells created in an embryo that contain the genetic code for reproducing multicellular organisms.

Last winter, Extavour was one of the organizers of a ten-week program on a controversial topic, "Cooperation and the Evolution of Multicellularity," at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University of California, Santa Barbara. The daily talk sessions were attended by scores of highly regarded scientists from all over the world, including developmental and evolutionary biologists, mathematical physicists, and zoologists—plus an embedded journalist reporting for Quanta Magazine. The event was unusual because of its prolonged and multidisciplinary nature. And many exchanges were heated because, despite 150 years of research on the biology of evolution, scientists still disagree about how and why multicellular creatures and plants emerged from ancient oceans that teemed with robust and self-reliant single-celled entities.
I thought I was that a colony of cells just specialized into a hydra-like organism and it went on from there?
No it wasn't; but it seemed to scare you so bad, that you had to start a thread to get away from it. :)

Yeah it was. Scared off? I have the last post in the thread addressing your and pmp's new silliness.

You will be going back on ignore and thread banned if you can't stay on topic.
How Did Life Begin? RNA That Replicates Itself Indefinitely Developed For First Time

One of the most enduring questions is how life could have begun on Earth. Molecules that can make copies of themselves are thought to be crucial to understanding this process as they provide the basis for heritability, a critical characteristic of living systems. New findings could inform biochemical questions about how life began.

The scientists have synthesized for the first time RNA enzymes that can replicate themselves without the help of any proteins or other cellular components, and the process proceeds indefinitely.

The work was recently published in the journal Science.

In the modern world, DNA carries the genetic sequence for advanced organisms, while RNA is dependent on DNA for performing its roles such as building proteins. But one prominent theory about the origins of life, called the RNA World model, postulates that because RNA can function as both a gene and an enzyme, RNA might have come before DNA and protein and acted as the ancestral molecule of life.
Yeah it was. Scared off? I have the last post in the thread addressing your and pmp's new silliness.

You will be going back on ignore and thread banned if you can't stay on topic.

So; since you can't conduct yourself appropriately, you're going to throw a hissy fit instead. :palm:
And you didn't respond.
What you did was keep repeating yourself and then being reduced to posting cartoons
Just go ahead and turn in your man card.
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So; since you can't conduct yourself appropriately, you're going to throw a hissy fit instead. :palm:
And you didn't respond.
What you did was keep repeating yourself and then being reduced to posting cartoons
Just go ahead and turn in your man card.

I responded to your hissy over getting snubbed. All you have done since is repeat yourself. You have not addressed the problems of continuity it raises.
I responded to your hissy over getting snubbed. All you have done since is repeat yourself. You have not addressed the problems of continuity it raises.

The only "hissy" being shown, was the one you had; when you began calling names and making insults.
The reason the question is being repeated, is because you have failed to address the question.

So, once again; How big do you believe Noah's world was?
Dark Triad Member
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You are an idiot who does nothing but repeat the same thing over and over and over and over again. You have been answered and have failed to move the discussion forward from that point. At least, pmp keeps it moving though in a circle and attempting to run away from his previously failed arguments.
Dark Triad Member
This message is hidden because USFREEDOM911 is on your ignore list.

You are an idiot who does nothing but repeat the same thing over and over and over and over again. You have been answered and have failed to move the discussion forward from that point. At least, pmp keeps it moving though in a circle and attempting to run away from his previously failed arguments.

POOR-POOR Professor.
Got taken to school on a subject matter that the thought he was educated on and was failed miserably.
Now; all he's left with, are his lies and misconceptions.
So sad
Too bad :palm: