
Verified User
Any American who voted for the Democrat Biden-Harris ticket, must be just about as cognitively impaired as "Blow Hole Joe" himself. I mean, - as I'll document below -, Biden made it perfecly clear during his 2020 campaign that if he were elected President, he would allow illegal aliens to "SURGE" across America's souther border with Mexico, with NO QUESTIONS ASKED. Actually, the word "allow" is not quite right, "ENCOURAGE" is a better descriptor. Biden is such as f**king clown, he repeatedly ENCOURAGED illegal aliens to flood across the border into the US, should he be elected POTUS46.

President Biden got want he wanted - 100s of thousands of Hispanics and Latin Americans of all ages- are currently pouring across the southern border into America and for multiple reasons the situation has become a crisis. For example, many illegals migrants infected with COVID-19 are not being identified through any screening procedure and are entering American communities where they are likely to spread their infection; there are many young children arriving unaccompanied by parents or other adults, some as young as 6 years old, who are traumatised, in some cases through sexual abuse by human traffickers; Mexican Drug Cartels are forcing illegal aliens to smuggle sizable quantities of hard drugs like heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine across the border into America for them, and the list goes on.

But eveything's cool, according to "Blow Hole Joe" - "There's no CRISIS, folks, relax. That's a all a load of Malarky"! says Dementia Joe. (I guess that must be why he's placed a "gag order" on any Border Patrol officials discussing the topic with the media ?)

Right now, Border Patrol officials are still gagged by the Biden administration. They are not authorised to speak to the media about the ongoing border crisis. They have been ordered to deny all media requests for "ride - alongs" with agents along the southern border. Press officers have been directed to send all information queries, even from local media, to the press office in Washington for approval and those responsible for cultivating data about the number of migrants in custody have been reminded not to share the information with anyone to prevent leaks.

"Blow Hole Joe's" leadership style here "rings a bell" - it reminds me of someone ?? Now who was it...umm.... Oh, yes, now I know; it was little Erich Honecker, the last President of communist East Germany. Erich used to dish out a shit-load of gag orders like this, because the DDR was like one giant "Cancel Culture" - on steroids. Which is how America will end up if it keeps voting Democrat (seriously)

Biden CAUSED this mess. He is wholly RESPONSIBLE for the current crisis on the southern border. Throughout his Presidential campaign he repeatedly promised illegal aliens: generous government benefits; amnesty and lax enforcement of immigration law. Here are some examples of his stupidity...

* Twice, in December 2019, Biden promised free healthcare for illegal aliens.

* Two times in January ,2020, Biden promised to to end illegal alien detention across the board.

* In February, 2020, "Blow Hole Joe" said: "Nobody - NOBODY - is going to be deported in my first 100 days."

* In March of 2020, Biden was asked if illegal aliens arrested by local police would be turned over to immigration officials and he said, "No."

* In April, 2020, he called for a suspension of deportations, then, in August, he said illegal aliens should have access to the same benefits, "everybody else has access to"
(i.e. legitimate US citizens), in September, he promised amnesty.

Is it any wonder then, that there has been a huge surge of illegal immigration into the US over the past few months. There have already been well over 100,000 illegal aliens arrested and encountered by US Border authorities to date. All of this is because the illegal migrants knew perfectly well that Biden had no intention to enforce the law.

Here is an astonishing remark that Biden made in a Democratic Debate where he literally calls for a "SURGE TO THE BORDER" if he becomes President...

"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediately surge to the border, all those people seeking asylum, they deserve to be heard, that's who we are, we are a nation that says if you want to flee and you are fleeing from oppression you should come."

Biden's Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Director, Alejandro Mayorkas, recently told the"New York Post" that the current situation was the worst wave of humanity he'd seen at the US - Mexico border in 20 years, and that it was "on pace" to become even worse. He refused , however, to refer to the border situation as a "crisis." Evidently, the Biden administration has banned any of its representatives from calling the giant clusterfuck at the southern border, "a crisis." On a lighter note, Jenn Psaki (Raggedy Anne) was being baited severely by journalists at a White House Press Briefly recently, into admitting that the flood of illegal immigrants crossing the southern border was not just a "challenge", but a "crisis." No matter how many times "Raggedy Anne" was implored by the journalists present to "keep it real" or "come clean" and admit that this giant mess at the border was indeed a crisis (which of course it f**king was !) Wacky Psaki, "ummed" and "arred" and talked trash (meaningless bureaucratese, but in the end she managed to hold out, and REFUSED to ever once say that it was a "crisis." On a personal note, I found watching the exchanges really funny; it was like seeing two well-educated adults arguing in a ridiculous debate, i.e. one holds up a a real apple right in the other's face and says "This is an apple." But the other one, says, in all seriousness, " No, it's fucking not !" And this goes on and on - with each side using every different rhetorical tactic you could imagine - in serious place like the White House.

Finally, Biden seems unwilling or unable to sort out the FUBAR situation he is responsible for creating at the border. And that's what happens, folks, when you vote Democrat, and not just "Democrat", but "Demented - And- Can't-Wipe- Its - Own- Ass - DEMOCRAT". Unfortunately, the border crisis is just the "starter", the main course of radical, Woke, Social Biden/Harris cock-ups is yet to be served. (And) All I have to say is that if you are a Conservative/Republican American, my heart truly goes out to you. You are sharing a nation with countless millions of Democrat-voting dick-heads, and I honestly don't know how you can sort this predicament out (legally, that is).

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I think Biden’s immigration rhetoric is an impeachable offense.

He was literally asking [begging?] foreigners to break our laws—during a pandemic.

This is worse than the Perfect Call.

I think Biden’s immigration rhetoric is an impeachable offense.

He was literally asking [begging?] foreigners to break our laws—during a pandemic.

This is worse than the Perfect Call.

Nonsense, no one is being invited here and nothing has changed when it comes to adults crossing the border they are caught and deported just as they were under trump, the Only difference is how we deal with the children. Good Grief don't be so Dramatic. :rolleyes:
I think Biden’s immigration rhetoric is an impeachable offense.

He was literally asking [begging?] foreigners to break our laws—during a pandemic.

This is worse than the Perfect Call.

why pretend you need an offense at all.......the only thing you need now is a majority of the House......
I think Biden’s immigration rhetoric is an impeachable offense.

He was literally asking [begging?] foreigners to break our laws—during a pandemic.

This is worse than the Perfect Call.


I agree. I'm really worried about what could happen in America under this Biden-Harris administration. Because, let's face it, Biden has "lost his marbles" and simply cannot fulfill any of the responsibilities and obligations of a POTUS; he clearly doesn't have the capacity to LEADthe nation (and the FREE WORLD) either.

So, I ask myself, WHO, exactly, is running the show ? Who EXACTLY is "calling the shots" in the US right now ? Who ,exactly, is dealing, for example, with China and Russia...Iran ?? It sure as hell ain't Biden (can you imagine Biden managing to competently hold up his end of a 45 -minute telephone conversation/s with Vladimir Putin or Xi Jingpin or the Ayatollah ? I don't think so !

We're told by the media that Kamala Harris has been handling this stuff for Biden. Has she ? How do we know ? If she has been, who has been briefing her on what America's current foreign policy is ? AOC? Pocahontas? Ilhan Omar ? Nancy Pelosi ? Mayor Pete ? "Crazy Bernie" ? Hillary Clinton ? Susan "Benghazi" Rice ?

All we know is that judging from the content of the 50+ Executive Orders Biden has signed to date, it looks very much likethe "progressive" (socialist) factions of the Congressional Democratic Party are in control of the "Biden" administration. They, plus members of the DNC's senior leadership - which is also positioned on the hard socialist left - Oh yeah, and let's not forget Obama are the mob who are currently steering the American ship of state. That's my take on things, anyway.

If it's true that the "progressive" (socialist) Democrats are in charge, ANY policies they make in ANY of the major policy sectors: Education, Energy, Housing, Welfare, Healthcare, Infrstructure, NGOs, Defense, Trade, Foreign affairs etc, etc will fail disaterously. And that is guaranteed because SOCIALISM DOESN'T WORK. It never ONCE has, and it never, ever will, because it completely misunderstands the fundaments of humam nature.

You guys need to get rid of your Democrat Party FAST using any method (legal) that works; otherwise they could totally wreck the US, and they could wreck it faster than you might ever have thought possible. Because building up the institutions of a great (greatest) Western nation like America was hard work - it took a lot of time and effort and thought. But destroying things of true value - like these institutions- smashing them to pieces is easy, and it can be done very quickly if the wreckers are given an open opportunity. It's like my English, Victorian-era fob -watches. I collect these things and some I have date back to the early 19th century (1830s). When you open the back of one of these Fob- watches you see a very intricate, precision- engineered, "clockwork" mechanism of tiny wheels and cogs and springs, levers and small jewels and so on. It would have taken the watch-makers of the 1830s a lot of time and effort to put a high-quality gentleman's fob-watch together from scratch back then. Old English Fobs that have been well - preserved are valuable and quite beautiful things. Lots of Americans collect them, BTW. But I could completely destroy any one of my fob-watches in a split-second with a hammer, or a pair of pliers, etc.

It's the same with America (I mean the Constitutional, liberal-democratic, republic of America that was built on the founding principles and ideals of 1776/ 1783), modern socialists (Democrats) in the US want to destroy it COMPLETELY. And if they are given the chance they will.

I'm not clear on what you think the crisis is here?

Is the crisis simply that there are lots of children coming to our border? Why is that a bad thing?


Trump didn't lose the election, it was stolen from him by corrupt Democrats and their operatives.

Anone who voted to have a POTUS, who was clearly afflicted with Dementia - i.e. Democrats like you - MUST have shit for brains themselves! Right, Frankie ?

Why...WHY (!)..would anyone do something so fucking stupid. I still can't fathom it.

Look at the screw-ups the "Biden" administration has managed to accomplish already, just a few months into his first term. It's unbelievable !

So, I ask myself, WHO, exactly, is running the show ? Who EXACTLY is "calling the shots" in the US right now ? Who ,exactly, is dealing, for example, with China and Russia...Iran ?? It sure as hell ain't Biden (can you imagine Biden managing to competently hold up his end of a 45 -minute telephone conversation/s with Vladimir Putin or Xi Jingpin or the Ayatollah ? I don't think so !


That paragraph would have made a lot more sense, Dach, if you had put the final exclamation point after the word "think"...and just eliminated the word "so."

If you had done so, many of us here would have agreed with you on that point!
Any American who voted for the Democrat Biden-Harris ticket, must be just about as cognitively impaired as "Blow Hole Joe" himself. I mean, - as I'll document below -, Biden made it perfecly clear during his 2020 campaign that if he were elected President, he would allow illegal aliens to "SURGE" across America's souther border with Mexico, with NO QUESTIONS ASKED. Actually, the word "allow" is not quite right, "ENCOURAGE" is a better descriptor. Biden is such as f**king clown, he repeatedly ENCOURAGED illegal aliens to flood across the border into the US, should he be elected POTUS46.

President Biden got want he wanted - 100s of thousands of Hispanics and Latin Americans of all ages- are currently pouring across the southern border into America and for multiple reasons the situation has become a crisis. For example, many illegals migrants infected with COVID-19 are not being identified through any screening procedure and are entering American communities where they are likely to spread their infection; there are many young children arriving unaccompanied by parents or other adults, some as young as 6 years old, who are traumatised, in some cases through sexual abuse by human traffickers; Mexican Drug Cartels are forcing illegal aliens to smuggle sizable quantities of hard drugs like heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine across the border into America for them, and the list goes on.

But eveything's cool, according to "Blow Hole Joe" - "There's no CRISIS, folks, relax. That's a all a load of Malarky"! says Dementia Joe. (I guess that must be why he's placed a "gag order" on any Border Patrol officials discussing the topic with the media ?)

Right now, Border Patrol officials are still gagged by the Biden administration. They are not authorised to speak to the media about the ongoing border crisis. They have been ordered to deny all media requests for "ride - alongs" with agents along the southern border. Press officers have been directed to send all information queries, even from local media, to the press office in Washington for approval and those responsible for cultivating data about the number of migrants in custody have been reminded not to share the information with anyone to prevent leaks.

"Blow Hole Joe's" leadership style here "rings a bell" - it reminds me of someone ?? Now who was it...umm.... Oh, yes, now I know; it was little Erich Honecker, the last President of communist East Germany. Erich used to dish out a shit-load of gag orders like this, because the DDR was like one giant "Cancel Culture" - on steroids. Which is how America will end up if it keeps voting Democrat (seriously)

Biden CAUSED this mess. He is wholly RESPONSIBLE for the current crisis on the southern border. Throughout his Presidential campaign he repeatedly promised illegal aliens: generous government benefits; amnesty and lax enforcement of immigration law. Here are some examples of his stupidity...

* Twice, in December 2019, Biden promised free healthcare for illegal aliens.

* Two times in January ,2020, Biden promised to to end illegal alien detention across the board.

* In February, 2020, "Blow Hole Joe" said: "Nobody - NOBODY - is going to be deported in my first 100 days."

* In March of 2020, Biden was asked if illegal aliens arrested by local police would be turned over to immigration officials and he said, "No."

* In April, 2020, he called for a suspension of deportations, then, in August, he said illegal aliens should have access to the same benefits, "everybody else has access to"
(i.e. legitimate US citizens), in September, he promised amnesty.

Is it any wonder then, that there has been a huge surge of illegal immigration into the US over the past few months. There have already been well over 100,000 illegal aliens arrested and encountered by US Border authorities to date. All of this is because the illegal migrants knew perfectly well that Biden had no intention to enforce the law.

Here is an astonishing remark that Biden made in a Democratic Debate where he literally calls for a "SURGE TO THE BORDER" if he becomes President...

"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediately surge to the border, all those people seeking asylum, they deserve to be heard, that's who we are, we are a nation that says if you want to flee and you are fleeing from oppression you should come."

Biden's Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Director, Alejandro Mayorkas, recently told the"New York Post" that the current situation was the worst wave of humanity he'd seen at the US - Mexico border in 20 years, and that it was "on pace" to become even worse. He refused , however, to refer to the border situation as a "crisis." Evidently, the Biden administration has banned any of its representatives from calling the giant clusterfuck at the southern border, "a crisis." On a lighter note, Jenn Psaki (Raggedy Anne) was being baited severely by journalists at a White House Press Briefly recently, into admitting that the flood of illegal immigrants crossing the southern border was not just a "challenge", but a "crisis." No matter how many times "Raggedy Anne" was implored by the journalists present to "keep it real" or "come clean" and admit that this giant mess at the border was indeed a crisis (which of course it f**king was !) Wacky Psaki, "ummed" and "arred" and talked trash (meaningless bureaucratese, but in the end she managed to hold out, and REFUSED to ever once say that it was a "crisis." On a personal note, I found watching the exchanges really funny; it was like seeing two well-educated adults arguing in a ridiculous debate, i.e. one holds up a a real apple right in the other's face and says "This is an apple." But the other one, says, in all seriousness, " No, it's fucking not !" And this goes on and on - with each side using every different rhetorical tactic you could imagine - in serious place like the White House.

Finally, Biden seems unwilling or unable to sort out the FUBAR situation he is responsible for creating at the border. And that's what happens, folks, when you vote Democrat, and not just "Democrat", but "Demented - And- Can't-Wipe- Its - Own- Ass - DEMOCRAT". Unfortunately, the border crisis is just the "starter", the main course of radical, Woke, Social Biden/Harris cock-ups is yet to be served. (And) All I have to say is that if you are a Conservative/Republican American, my heart truly goes out to you. You are sharing a nation with countless millions of Democrat-voting dick-heads, and I honestly don't know how you can sort this predicament out (legally, that is).


Don't worry, there really weren't that many. A large percentage of the votes for Biden/Harris were simply fabricated. ;)
Trump didn't lose the election, it was stolen from him by corrupt Democrats and their operatives.

No, Dach...that is just you parroting the former moron-in-chief's bullshit. It is to your credit, though, that you think the Democrats are capable enough to be able to steal an election here in America. I personally think they are not...just as think the Republicans are not...unless, of course, they get help from the Russians.

Anone who voted to have a POTUS, who was clearly afflicted with Dementia - i.e. Democrats like you - MUST have shit for brains themselves! Right, Frankie ?

I am NOT a Democrat, Dach.


Why...WHY (!)..would anyone do something so fucking stupid. I still can't fathom it.

Look at the screw-ups the "Biden" administration has managed to accomplish already, just a few months into his first term. It's unbelievable !


Trump is an asshole...and his supporters are also assholes.

Stay safe, Dach.


Mail-in ballots don't have heads.
That paragraph would have made a lot more sense, Dach, if you had put the final exclamation point after the word "think"...and just eliminated the word "so."

If you had done so, many of us here would have agreed with you on that point!

Australia and the US have been firm allies for many years. But now that you have voted in a lunatic, socialist administration, that alliance is shot. We don't like socialism in my country Frankie - not one little bit ! And If my peaceful, civilized, beautiful, RIOT-FREE nation suffers any kind of harmful fall-out from the fact that nut - job Democrats in America have put "Pol Pot -type" crazies in charge of their nation, I'm going to take out my frustrations by getting on a 747 to the States, and after I touch down, I'm gonna come a-gunnin' for you Frankie, and tear you a new ass-hole.

