DC mayor knows who the obstructionists are

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“Sir, we are not a department of the government,” Mayor Gray told Reid moments after the mayor concluded his own press event about 50 yards from where Reid held one. “We’re simply trying to be able to spend our own money.”

“I’m on your side, don’t screw it up, okay? Don’t screw it up,” Reid (Nev.) told his fellow Democrat.

Democrats, including Reid and Obama, have held fast in opposition to piecemeal funding bills, saying Republicans must come to a deal to fund the entire government.

At their own news conference on the Capitol grounds Wednesday, Gray and Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D) highlighted the partisan contradictions while detailing the drastic effect of the cash crunch on the District government — including schools, health care, services for the disabled and senior programs.

“Democrats, at this critical moment, have abandoned their long-held principles,” Norton said, calling it “shameful to hold the city’s local funds hostage."
