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cancel2 2022

Well it has certainly been active here overnight. What you have witnessed is the unaldulterated Darla of old. I hope she is banned for a very long time as thirty days is nowhere near enough for the disgusting crap that she posted. At least you all know what she is really like, an arrogant hubristic turbo loony. ILA is the sort of person who thrives on controversy so the sensible thing to do is to ignore him if you find it offensive but then you couldn't show the world your crusading activist credentials by doing that, could you? I will give her some credit for pointing out that Desh is just as bad although she conspicuously missed out Bijou with her pencil dick comments. I would have reported he myself but somebody else got there before me whilst sleeping.

On a much more serious note, which overshadows all of this crap, a dear friend has just been diagnosed with skin cancer at the age of 53. We worked for the same company in the 1980s and were both sent to Thailand to work on a telecomms project. He got married to my wife's best friend then and now, he is in hospital at the moment and it is not looking good. He is one of the fittest and cleverst guys I have known but he loved the sun maybe too much.
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Fuck off, Tom. There is zero comparison to be made between Darla and the likes of IHA/USF/Legion/etc. It's really intellectually dishonest of you to make this thread. If this was a dispute between Darla and reasonable company, then I would have no problem piling on, but since it's not, I find your commentary quite unnecessary.
Fuck off, Tom. There is zero comparison to be made between Darla and the likes of IHA/USF/Legion/etc. It's really intellectually dishonest of you to make this thread. If this was a dispute between Darla and reasonable company, then I would have no problem piling on, but since it's not, I find your commentary quite unnecessary.

You are entitled to your opinion but she never called you a rapist and a sex tourist. Do you think I should just shrug that off as if it means nothing? ILA and Legion are pricks who are here primarily to goad and piss people off, everybody knows that, the mods say that they break no rules so if you don't like their shit then ignore them is the best policy. I detested Darla long before she was on here and she was like that most of the time on the Netscape boards. Those that live by the sword die by the sword.

If you think I am going to shed any crocodile tears then you are very much mistaken. Seeing as you've made your low opinion of her pretty clear to me in the past, I find this defence of her now to be a more than a tad hypocritical. Anyway, thinking about Darla is the last thing I want to do right now when there is real tragedy in the world.
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You're right, I was just reading your post in the other thread now, and was returning here to appologize to you. Since Darla did spend one of her protest posts taking a cheap shot at you, I suppose there's no reason why you should act with any sort of restraint in the matter.

I had hoped she'd just keep her posts directed at the real culprits...

You're right, I was just reading your post in the other thread now, and was returning here to appologize to you. Since Darla did spend one of her protest posts taking a cheap shot at you, I suppose there's no reason why you should act with any sort of restraint in the matter.

I had hoped she'd just keep her posts directed at the real culprits...


Thanks for that, I really cannot see how anybody would react differently to the disgusting crap she came out with. By the way, I didn't report her somebody else did, but that's only because of the flimsy excuse that I was sleeping. Oh and it wasn't one post either.
Fuck off, Tom. There is zero comparison to be made between Darla and the likes of IHA/USF/Legion/etc. It's really intellectually dishonest of you to make this thread. If this was a dispute between Darla and reasonable company, then I would have no problem piling on, but since it's not, I find your commentary quite unnecessary.

Oh you are just siding with your little debate buddy. You don't know what you are talking about. Darla went over the line and blatantly broke board rules. Maybe she thought she was entitled? Many feminazis do. But, she got hammered. And justly so.
Yeah, let's all just pretend that IHA cares about such things as rules and/or decency. It's about as laughable as claiming you love America while behaving like a neo-confederate.

Carry on, douchewad...
Oh you are just siding with your little debate buddy. You don't know what you are talking about. Darla went over the line and blatantly broke board rules. Maybe she thought she was entitled? Many feminazis do. But, she got hammered. And justly so.

I wasn't going to comment further but I couldn't let this go. I have asked you many times to rein back your potty mouth but you just can't help it I guess.
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Oh you are just siding with your little debate buddy. You don't know what you are talking about. Darla went over the line and blatantly broke board rules. Maybe she thought she was entitled? Many feminazis do. But, she got hammered. And justly so.
Fuck you.
You broke the rules and you broke the law.
Dont think you got away with it either.
Just because no one else will admit to finding your disgusting post,
foresic investigators will find it easily

Fuck all of you.
Fuck you.
You broke the rules and you broke the law.
Dont think you got away with it either.
Just because no one else will admit to finding your disgusting post,
foresic investigators will find it easily

Fuck all of you.

Forensic investigators?

That sounds serious
Damo should be proud of just plain trolls

Damo should be in hancuffs.

Darla quoted the illegal post that no one can find (even though they can see when something has been edited)

Here is the copy for all you blind assholes;

Humping my leg is no substitute for a real man Bijou. Look inside yourself find your inner happiness. Let go of your daddy issues. Was it that he didn't pay enough attention to you? Did he pay "too" much attention to you? Did he leave your mommy? What has spawned your hatred toward men Bijou?

ILA posted this.

I reported it.

Why isn't he banned?

I am quite sure someone else is going to wonder the same thing.
Damo should be in hancuffs.

Darla quoted the illegal post that no one can find (even though they can see when something has been edited)

Here is the copy for all you blind assholes;

Humping my leg is no substitute for a real man Bijou. Look inside yourself find your inner happiness. Let go of your daddy issues. Was it that he didn't pay enough attention to you? Did he pay "too" much attention to you? Did he leave your mommy? What has spawned your hatred toward men Bijou?

ILA posted this.

I reported it.

Why isn't he banned?

I am quite sure someone else is going to wonder the same thing.

Because I broke no rules?

What rule did I break with this post?
I wasn't going to comment further but I couldn't let this go. I have asked you many times to rein back your potty mouth but you just can't help it I guess.

Just like I have asked you many times to refrain from the c-word. It may be passable where you live but the majority of readers of this forum reside in the US, where such language is beneath the use of a gentleman.
I wasn't on the forum yesterday. I can't believe Darla of all people got banned. She is a good poster; if she said something she shouldn't have, she must have been way pushed over the edge by the a*holes on this forum.
I wasn't on the forum yesterday. I can't believe Darla of all people got banned. She is a good poster; if she said something she shouldn't have, she must have been way pushed over the edge by the a*holes on this forum.

Cognitive dissonance in display folks.

Poor Darla couldn't control her emotions. Maybe it is a female failing?

So should she be stripped of her title?
I wasn't on the forum yesterday. I can't believe Darla of all people got banned. She is a good poster; if she said something she shouldn't have, she must have been way pushed over the edge by the a*holes on this forum.

She got herself banned on purpose, by simply pointing out the truth about Tom.

Just the fact that the "who are the three biggest bitches" thread never got moved to the war zone tells the entire story of this insipid dump.

This site supports racism, violence against women, and child pornography.

For those too stupid to understand, support is implicit when said actions are purposely allowed.
Cognitive dissonance in display folks.

Poor Darla couldn't control her emotions. Maybe it is a female failing?

So should she be stripped of her title?

Maybe you should be a test case for euthanasia.

Have your fun while it lasts, it likely will not be long.
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