Dam along the Gunnison River opens all of its spillways for the first time since 2017


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But Gorebal Warming!

Will your state be willing to pay the majority of the needed federal aid after this year's projected RECORD hurricane season that will bring suffering to Florida?

(I doubt your state could...you probably live in one of the MANY red "taker" states.)
Will your state be willing to pay the majority of the needed federal aid after this year's projected RECORD hurricane season that will bring suffering to Florida?

(I doubt your state could...you probably live in one of the MANY red "taker" states.)
we had hurricanes long before humans even knew how to effect the environment......by the way, the biggest "taker" state is California and the biggest taker of all is Washington, DC.......
LOL. You're a moron if you think that's a rational response. You don't even understand the basics of the concept.

Honestly your post is the most stupid response to this topic. Seriously.
/shrugs.......and you understand but lie about it anyway........lib'ruls suck, seriously......
/shrugs.......and you understand but lie about it anyway........lib'ruls suck, seriously......

LOL. Everything you disagree with is a lie. Actually everything you don't understand is a lie. Which means you think introductory chemistry is a "lie", physics is a "lie", etc.

Maybe you'd find fewer lies if you were more educated. But there are obvious limits for you and "learning" appears to be one.
LOL. Everything you disagree with is a lie. Actually everything you don't understand is a lie. Which means you think introductory chemistry is a "lie", physics is a "lie", etc.

Maybe you'd find fewer lies if you were more educated. But there are obvious limits for you and "learning" appears to be one.
no....but everything stupid that you post I disagree with..........it sort of goes along with your fucked up, distorted lib'rul lies.......
no....but everything stupid that you post I disagree with..........it sort of goes along with your fucked up, distorted lib'rul lies.......

LOL. Be honest (for once)...you've never had even one chemistry class, maybe, MAYBE, a high school physics class.

What in god's name do you possibly know about ANY of this topic that is of a technical nature???

The answer is: NONE. But I'm sure you'll dance around and avoid the question. Bearing false witness seems to be your jam.
Will your state be willing to pay the majority of the needed federal aid after this year's projected RECORD hurricane season that will bring suffering to Florida?

(I doubt your state could...you probably live in one of the MANY red "taker" states.)
Arizona doesn't get hurricanes. Why should the feds be paying for damage suffered from a hurricane in any place? It should be individual's responsibility to prepare for and be covered for the damage that results from a hurricane.
Arizona doesn't get hurricanes. Why should the feds be paying for damage suffered from a hurricane in any place?

Ummm, are you really that stupid?

It should be individual's responsibility to prepare for and be covered for the damage that results from a hurricane.

Ummm, you don't watch the news, read newspapers or read books, do you? Picking your nose for a living won't be much use for you in the information age.
Ummm, are you really that stupid?
I'm not, but you obviously are. Why should the federal government be paying for someone's failure to prepare for an event like a hurricane? Hurricanes occur every year, and they hit the same region of the US. If you know you live where hurricanes happen shouldn't it be incumbent on you to prepare for that and the possible consequences?

Or, are you claiming nobody has any personal responsibility and should be treated as children?

Ummm, you don't watch the news, read newspapers or read books, do you? Picking your nose for a living won't be much use for you in the information age.

How does your ad hominem change anything?

Hurricanes occur every year, and they hit the same region of the US. If you know you live where hurricanes happen shouldn't it be incumbent on you to prepare for that and the possible consequences?

Or, are you claiming nobody has any personal responsibility and should be treated as children?

How does your ad hominem change anything?

It's not an ad hominem (that's a specific fallacy in rhetoric and logic...not just an "insult"). What I did to you was INSULT you. Get is straight.

Then maybe someone will teach you about what it means to live in a COUNTRY. Maybe they'll teach you about FEMA and emergency response.
It's not an ad hominem (that's a specific fallacy in rhetoric and logic...not just an "insult"). What I did to you was INSULT you. Get is straight.
Yes, and what you did was ad hominem. You directed insults at my post and comments. That's the very definition of ad hominem, you fucking retard. (that isn't ad hominem, that's an insult)

Then maybe someone will teach you about what it means to live in a COUNTRY. Maybe they'll teach you about FEMA and emergency response.
How does anything you just said change my question? Why should the federal government be responsible for you not preparing for recurring weather events where you live? If you live in a flood plain and your home gets flooded every few years, how is that the responsibility of the federal government to mitigate or cover you for the resulting damages?