Crowd defies Obama shutdown theater

Big Money

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A crowd converged on the World War II Memorial on the National Mall, pushing through barriers Sunday morning to protest the memorial's closing.

Republican Sen. Mike Lee of Utah and Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas were among those who gathered Sunday morning, along with former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. Cruz said President Barack Obama is using veterans as pawns in the shutdown.

A crowd converged on the World War II Memorial on the National Mall, pushing through barriers Sunday morning to protest the memorial's closing.

Republican Sen. Mike Lee of Utah and Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas were among those who gathered Sunday morning, along with former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. Cruz said President Barack Obama is using veterans as pawns in the shutdown.

Who chose to shut the government down because our President would not cancel the ACA?
Who was told that shutting down the government would prevent U.S. troops killed overseas would not receive the usual death gratuity due their families?
So who's using our veterans as pawns? That's right, the disgusting GOP.
Who said "I will NOT negociate".....
Who used petty, cherry picked, shut downs to annoy the pubic for political advantage....
who choose to interrprate an ambiguous legislation in such a way as to would deny death beneifits to military familys....
Who refused to allow the Senate to even consider a House bill to correct the spiteful interpration of the benefits.....
who was shamed by a public outcry to not only allow consideration of the bill but to pass it immediately...
who is still refusing to negociate with the House....
who has refused to vote on the several bills already passed by the House to end the partial shutdown
who is scaring seniors about SS payments and default with phoney bullshit threats....
who joins illegals demostrating at the Wash. DC Mall but threatens to arrest vets going there

That's right, the disgusting Democrats.

Who just keeps reporting the same tired crap day after fucking day. That's right the ignorant and disgusting half-wit Teaparty Republicans.
I just love how if you say something often enough on Fox News...morons believe it. Republicans in the house shut down our government and they're trying to blame the President for their actions. Wow, you must really have to be stupid to be a teabagger.
Who just keeps reporting the same tired crap day after fucking day. That's right the ignorant and disgusting half-wit Teaparty Republicans.

Truth is a bitch.....if its true on Monday you can be sure its gonna be true every day thereafter.....
Who said "I will NOT negociate".....
Who used petty, cherry picked, shut downs to annoy the pubic for political advantage....
who choose to interrprate an ambiguous legislation in such a way as to would deny death beneifits to military familys....
Who refused to allow the Senate to even consider a House bill to correct the spiteful interpration of the benefits.....
who was shamed by a public outcry to not only allow consideration of the bill but to pass it immediately...
who is still refusing to negociate with the House....
who has refused to vote on the several bills already passed by the House to end the partial shutdown
who is scaring seniors about SS payments and default with phoney bullshit threats....
who joins illegals demostrating at the Wash. DC Mall but threatens to arrest vets going there

That's right, the disgusting Democrats.
He's right and you're a moron. Any President who compromises under the threat of extortion does not belong in the White House. You morons aught to give that long hard thought cause if you can idiots can do it, so can the other idiots. In no way would this be good for our nation.
I just love how if you say something often enough on Fox News...morons believe it. Republicans in the house shut down our government and they're trying to blame the President for their actions. Wow, you must really have to be stupid to be a teabagger.

Its wasn't the House Republicans that said, "I will not negotiate".... and I can't believe it wasn't reported on other news networks...but you never know....

If you refuse to negotiate, you are the problem.
He's right and you're a moron. Any President who compromises under the threat of extortion does not belong in the White House. You morons aught to give that long hard thought cause if you can idiots can do it, so can the other idiots. In no way would this be good for our nation.

It was true then, and its true today.

What you call 'extortion' is normally known as 'negotiation'.....'give and take' discussion, bargaining....etc....

When you say, "I will not negotiate", that means you will not bargain, you will not discuss, you will not give.....and it certainly means you're the pinhead....
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So Obama could find a way to pay guards to keep veterans out of the WWII memorial, but couldn't find a way to pay the families of soldiers killed in the line of duty....awesome.