Creepy "friend" a kidnapper?

Big Money

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Police found letters from Hannah to the alleged kidnapper, along with used condoms and a handcuff box. They spoke 13 times by phone the day she was allegedly abducted.

On August 4, firefighters and police responded to a fire at a log cabin near San Diego belonging to 40-year-old James Lee DiMaggio.

They soon found a green tarp in the garage. When officers lifted it, they "saw a human body was face down and noticed the tarp was partially melted to the head, and what appeared to be human hair." Next to the woman's body was the body of a burned child, along with a bloody crowbar and a dead dog.

They eventually identified the woman as 44-year-old Christina Anderson and put out an Amber Alert for her two children: 16-year-old Hannah and her 8-year-old brother Ethan, who was later identified as the second body found at the fire.

Five days later, authorities spotted DiMaggio's Nissan truck parked near a trailhead in Cascade, Idaho. After getting a tip from some horseback riders about a suspicious-looking man and a teen girl, local, state, and federal officials began combing the wilderness nearby.

The search ended the next day with a shootout at a campground where DiMaggio was shot at least five times by police before dying. Anderson, unharmed, was returned to her father.

Now that the search is over, police are releasing details about this tragic kidnapping and murder case.

Hannah's father reportedly viewed DiMaggio as his best friend, and his children thought of him as an uncle.

In fact, the reason Christina, Hannah, and Ethan reportedly went to DiMaggio's cabin in the first place was to give him moral support

"He told us he was losing his house because of money issues so we went up there one last time to support him, and to have fun riding go karts up there but he tricked us," Hannah wrote on social media site

Hannah exchanged about 13 phone calls with DiMaggio before she was picked up from cheerleading practice on Aug. 4, according to a search warrant that doesn't indicate the time, duration or content of the conversations.

Investigators found letters from Hannah at DiMaggio's home in the rural town of Boulevard; authorities declined to discuss the contents.

Anderson said she was too frightened to ask for help when four horseback riders encountered the pair in the Idaho wilderness. "I had to act calm I didn't want them to get hurt. I was scared that he would kill them," she wrote.


Hannah exchanged about 13 phone calls with DiMaggio before she was picked up from cheerleading practice on Aug. 4, according to a search warrant that doesn't indicate the time, duration or content of the conversations.

Investigators found letters from Hannah at DiMaggio's home in the rural town of Boulevard; authorities declined to discuss the contents.

Anderson said she was too frightened to ask for help when four horseback riders encountered the pair in the Idaho wilderness. "I had to act calm I didn't want them to get hurt. I was scared that he would kill them," she wrote.


I'm getting a feeling that there may just be more to this, then has been released. :dunno:
Hmmm...deleting posts all over but still doesn't have the guts to say what he's implying?

Would you like me to make it easier for you, USF?
I'm getting a feeling that there may just be more to this, then has been released. :dunno:

A couple on horseback believe they saw DiMaggio and 16-year-old Hannah Anderson camping in the remote wilderness of the Idaho mountains. The riders said Hannah appeared safe and unharmed. The shocking part? San Diego Sheriff Bill Gore said: "As far as we know, it didn't appear she was being held against her will."

A couple on horseback believe they saw DiMaggio and 16-year-old Hannah Anderson camping in the remote wilderness of the Idaho mountains. The riders said Hannah appeared safe and unharmed. The shocking part? San Diego Sheriff Bill Gore said: "As far as we know, it didn't appear she was being held against her will."


But did she leave with him knowing that her mom and brother were murdered?
Why are Patrician and USF refusing to say what they're implying in the above posts?

Are they saying the child went willingly with DiMaggio? (Yes she did).

Are they saying the child was "involved" with DiMaggio?

Are they saying the child was sexually involved with DiMaggio?

Are they tacitly giving approval to what they think was a sexual relationship between the child and DiMaggio?
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The girl is beautiful, and I can see where an unbalanced man could really take advantage of her is she is a typical 16 year old. Even if she went willingly with that man, I would not case much blame her way, unless she assisted in or knew about the killing.

ITs very possible she went willingly with the guy, but did not know he killed her fam.
The "letters" between the two of them, raises some questions.

Even if she was "willingly" sleeping with the guy, and went "willingly" she is a victim. A 50 year old man and a 16 year old girl are not close enough in age for that to be okay, and she is a child. She may have the body of a very hot woman, she still had the mind of a child.
Even if she was "willingly" sleeping with the guy, and went "willingly" she is a victim. A 50 year old man and a 16 year old girl are not close enough in age for that to be okay, and she is a child. She may have the body of a very hot woman, she still had the mind of a child.

The guy was a pedophile. I don't know what concerns me more, that USF thinks the girl asked to be kidnapped, or that it's all her fault it happened because she's a jezebel who duped him into killing her family, or that USF is making excuses for the guy.

The guy was a pedophile. I don't know what concerns me more, that USF thinks the girl asked to be kidnapped, or that it's all her fault it happened because she's a jezebel who duped him into killing her family, or that USF is making excuses for the guy.


I don't think its pedophilia to be attracted to a fully developed women.

Its clearly "rape" for a 50 year old man to have sex with her, but if being physically attracted to a girl that looks like her... Im a criminal.
I don't think its pedophilia to be attracted to a fully developed women.

Its clearly "rape" for a 50 year old man to have sex with her, but if being physically attracted to a girl that looks like her... Im a criminal.

I see Howard is on another one of his lying rants.
At no point did I say what he's suggesting; but I can understand.
it's because of his concern over JB's test, last July, and since the result wasn't that good; Howard now has to schedule his VA check ups every 3 months, instead of 6.
There are some strange things on this story, however at this point seems commonsense to wait and see.

Friend: Hannah Anderson discusses kidnapping on social media
By Casey Wian, CNN
updated 4:18 AM EDT, Thu August 15, 2013

(CNN) -- Hannah Anderson did what any teenage girl would do after a life-changing ordeal: she discussed it with peers online.

The 16-year-old fielded anonymous questions on the website, where she shared details about her abduction by the man she knew as Uncle Jim, James DiMaggio.

She did not want to go with him, and did not escape after she was abducted out of fear he would kill her, she said in the postings. And, she added, she's "absolutely" glad he is dead.

Alan MacNabb, whose son is one of Hannah's closest friends, confirmed to CNN Wednesday that the postings on were by Hannah.

A check of the site on Wednesday night indicated Hannah had disabled her account.

I don't think its pedophilia to be attracted to a fully developed women.

Its clearly "rape" for a 50 year old man to have sex with her, but if being physically attracted to a girl that looks like her... Im a criminal.

She's not a "fully developed woman". She's a "fully developed girl".

Within hours of returning with her father to California from Idaho, Hannah was posting messages and answering questions on a social networking site, including her favorite color (pink) and interest in pop star Justin Beiber.

This has raised suspicions – at least among many following the story and weighing in on social media.

She says she did not learn of her family members’ deaths until she was rescued six days later.

"I wish I could go back in time and risk my life to try and save theirs,” she wrote. “I will never forgive myself for not trying harder to save them.”

This might suggest that she knew about what happened at DiMaggio’s house before the two left.

How, then, to explain the communication between them – the letters and phone calls revealed in the search warrants, but whose contents has not been detailed? Or the information, also in the search warrants, that Hannah in the past had gone on “multiple day trips” with DiMaggio, most recently visiting Malibu and Hollywood. (Some news sources report those as “overnight trips.”)

For now, law enforcement authorities are saying no more about the evidence they found in search warrants, and Hannah Anderson is remaining silent.