Creationist child abusers close doors


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Remember the infamous fourth grade “science” quiz that was circulating online? It was later discovered to be a real quiz given at Blue Ridge Christian Academy.

The media attention resulting from that “outing” seemed to do wonders for them. Answers in Genesis’ Ken Ham encouraged his followers to donate money to the school, and they received donations “ranging in amounts from $1 – $1000.”

Administrator Diana Baker later said:
“It is unmistakable that our culture greatly needs well-equipped warriors for Christ. Even though the attack on the school was meant to be harmful, God has used it to provide affirmation regarding the importance of our work. We are hopeful that the recent unexpected interest in our school and in Christian Education will provide support for a future for BRCA.“
Turns out God isn’t a big fan of their school. While they ended up raising about $15,000, it was a long way from the $200,000 or so that they needed to keep the place open.

This month, Blue Ridge Christian Academy announced that they would be closed for the school year.
This is not just teaching them lies it is brainwashing. The "were you there" answer to the last question seals it that they are indoctrinating them and programming them to use propaganda.
This is not just teaching them lies it is brainwashing. The "were you there" answer to the last question seals it that they are indoctrinating them and programming them to use propaganda.

Actually that sounds like the democratic play book with public schools, and colleges, being the indoctrination centers, and racism is there propaganda
Actually that sounds like the democratic play book with public schools, and colleges, being the indoctrination centers, and racism is there propaganda

Whatever, conspiratard. That's probably how immoral scum like you justify and rationalize the indoctrination of children. But, this is real, not some vague fear coming from the right wing fever swamps.
How do you know when a liberal has no answers, the name calling starts, no answers just names.
Wher how2 and when did life begin I expect an answer

Thread: Black On White Crime Is Enormous, Happens Every Day, But It'sTaboo to Discuss.
by patriot66 Replies

you are pathetic Professor dipshit

You must be a liberal, by your own definition, lol
Thread: Black On White Crime Is Enormous, Happens Every Day, But It'sTaboo to Discuss.
by patriot66 Replies

you are pathetic Professor dipshit

You must be a liberal, by your own definition, lol

So you are ignoring the names he called me before I responded, how very liberal of you. do you have anything to add to this thread which is right on the money or are you riding coat tails agian.